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Everything posted by Dalal.Holdings

  1. Being totally intellectually honest it's not at all clear that the virus is less deadly. The death rates have certainly been lower but there are a lot of factors that play into this: 1. There's a lot more experience in dealing with the virus/disease by things that were learned in dealing with it. These advances certainly decrease the lethality. 2. The distribution of infection over the population has changed. More younger people infected with better outcomes. This changes the statistics in crude terms but doesn't really speak to the lethality of the virus. 3. Geographic distribution of the virus. Case loads may be higher now but they're more spread out geographically whereas in March/April they have been concentrated in the North East. This goes to the stress on the medical systems. You go past the capacity of the medical systems and the mortality rate shoots up. This was the main thing in Italy, France, UK vs Germany, Austria. In Germany and Austria the health systems held up. For now because the outbreak is more spread out the health systems held up. But in TX/FL/AZ they're at or close to the limit. Infections keep pushing higher and you can reasonably expect mortality to increase. That's basically the good news. The bad news is that the we've learned that the virus doesn't kill, it also maimes. While it's a respiratory virus it aslo goes after the nervous system, renal system, cardio vascular system. Polio is mainly a gut virus that also goes after the brain. But when you hear about polio it's not people complaining about farts. So the problem is a lot bigger than how many people make it into the death statistic in a certain week as there will be a heavy toll to be paid even by the survivors. Incidentally there's lots of people that are noticing these things and while you have a lot of people that are behaving irresponsibly you also have lots of people that do because they don't want to die or be maimed. It really doesn't matter to them that the mortality rate is a bit lower right now. They just don't want to be a statistic. So those people take a big chunk of the economy. To have an economy you really need to have an economy. You're not gonna be able to get around that icky fact with "Muh.. the Fed". 1-2% of cases dead so far in FL, in AZ more like 2%...so deadlier than the Flu by at least an order of magnitude if not more. Hospitalizations near all time records and set to surpass peak set months ago. No sports. RNC cancelled. Air travel/tourism devastated. But let’s just “isolate seniors” and all will be well... Devastating to the U.S. economy which has required gov’t intervention on the order of 15-20% of GDP (larger than ‘08-09) and more to come...huge number of bankruptcy filings, massive unemployment, but a few “investors” on CoBF have been telling me it’s all over hyped. S&P near record (don’t look at the banks or non-tech stocks tho) so all must be well...
  2. As I said, looking forward to the next round of $Trillions and more Chapter 11 filings for the “no big deal” virus where even R governors had to shut large sections of their economies. Death rate “much lower” at 1-2% of cases (with more to come and now avg 1000/day) yet for some reason these R politicians can’t cover it up despite their best efforts...RNC cancelled...so sad... Of course, deaths are all that matter too. Ignore the “V shape” in hospitalizations exclusive to the United States. Being hospitalized with respiratory distress is no big deal after all... Will be the same story for climate change...deny, deny, deny the disaster... I don’t respond to the perpetually ignorant, I let them continue to suffer from their affliction. The only goal is to protect everyone else from the consequences of their ignorance.
  3. There were very large outdoor protests...in NY, MN, DC, Germany, UK...but FL/AZ/TX? Not really...But much easier to blame this all on BLM/Antifa the convenient bogeyman Let them pound it in. Btw protests in late May/early June don’t explain why cases keep going up in late July either...
  4. Who's pretending? A broader picture (for those who are behind, the order goes: cases -> hospitalizations -> deaths) But anyway, having the same # hospitalized as back in early April and having even Republican states shut down large swaths of their economies and travel/leisure/entertainment/restaurants continue to be hit this far in late July is clearly #winning! That'll be another multi-$Trillion, please from Congress + Fed. Thank guys! Remember, just a hoax, but we really need the money plz. For the record--the number of Republican National Conventions cancelled due to influenza outbreaks in the past: zero. Can you get us a chart of daily death/daily new cases? ;) Why? So you can argue what’s happening in the U.S. is no big deal? Is it wise to divide a lagging indicator by a leading indicator? Is that ratio going to give you an important insight? If you want to play that game, maybe look more at total deaths/total cases by state...Arizona is currently about 2% deaths out of total cases (and where do you expect deaths to go as a lagging indicator?) But again, the U.S. economy is not exactly thriving and even R politicians are buckling and RNC cancelled...tells you all you need to know about the “covid is no big deal” and “just like the Flu” crowd...even those who want to pretend it’s not a big deal are unable to do so... You can only try to hide from reality for so long...
  5. Who's pretending? A broader picture (for those who are behind, the order goes: cases -> hospitalizations -> deaths) .. ---The positives -A significant component of the rise in cases is related to higher testing -The positive tests now reveal a younger population reflecting community spread but resulting in relatively lower hospitalization and mortality (not in absolute numbers though) -The death rates and projections (see Clutch's post above) involve especially older and less productive cohorts (the "economic" argument) ---The negatives -The death rate, as standardly reported per population, in the US, are x6 for the last 28 days and x11 for the last 7 days when compared to G7 countries ex-US (that includes UK for the anti-globalist crowd) -The expected death rate going into September reveals a yearly "run rate" of a multiple of yearly flu deaths -Lately, testing rate has been going up in states that report low positivity rates but has gone down in states (eg AZ, FL, CA) that report high positivity rates which is a bizarre combination given the evolution over time and the federal nature of the organization -There will be a short term price to pay to maintain a semblance of demand and this will be funded by debt China announced that there will be a vaccine by year-end and "Mr. Liu, the Sinopharm chairman and an engineer by training, told CCTV that he had tested CNBG’s vaccine on himself in late March, before clinical trials even kicked off in China. He said that the first two phases of testing in China showed the company’s vaccines to be 100% effective and with no cases of serious side effects. “In the next step, everyone should be able to use it with peace of mind,” he said." Somehow peace is not what comes to mind when reading this. The question that concerns me at this point is related to when schools reopen (soon) in order to reap the potential benefits related to that. By definition, there will be a price to pay (morbidity and mortality) but the cost will vary and will be unevenly distributed. i think the US will come around when there will be a real crisis but it's painful to watch nonetheless. The “positives”: - We have a perfect “V shaped recovery” like no other country....in Covid hospitalizations. Mr. Market is not worried, so why should we? Just ignore all the Chapter 11 filings and pile into tech...
  6. Who's pretending? A broader picture (for those who are behind, the order goes: cases -> hospitalizations -> deaths) But anyway, having the same # hospitalized as back in early April and having even Republican states shut down large swaths of their economies and travel/leisure/entertainment/restaurants continue to be hit this far in late July is clearly #winning! That'll be another multi-$Trillion, please from Congress + Fed. Thank guys! Remember, just a hoax, but we really need the money plz. For the record--the number of Republican National Conventions cancelled due to influenza outbreaks in the past: zero.
  7. 2016: 'We're going to win so much, you're going to be so sick and tired of winning'.
  8. Yes. You succinctly captured the American spirit of individuality. As an outsider I had never realized it quite as starkly before this virus revealed it. Not all Americans are assholes. Although CoBF has a share of them. ;D We also have a tendency to put our assholes in power because the assholes want a leader who is "just like them". It will be the same issue for global warming, coal emissions, EPA, etc. All about me, me, me with some folk. Screw the greater good and obligation to society. BTW, anyone else remember that chapter in Graham where he said to always trust the feelings of Mr. Market? Mr. Market seems to be saying the virus is no big deal, so I guess we should believe it too is what I am hearing. After all, we should project 22% corporate tax rates, massive deficits, and booming Fed balance sheet in perpetuity. Surely there will be no real costs borne by shareholders for this crisis! And that old nut Buffett spent the annual meeting covering the Depression and other crises! Banks are near lows, but techies are ways up! All is well per the averages! The next 10 years should provide ample returns for all! ;D After all, whoever said this was clueless: The party is on until more responsible leaders come into power and throw cold water on the celebration...when everyone realizes that someone has to pay for all this mess. Then it will be all about blaming those responsible leaders involved in cleanup than the truly irresponsible leader who got us into this mess...looking forward to it!
  9. Let them continue to pound it in.
  10. The major takeaway from recent events: Our world (including this forum) provides many opportunities to learn from the staggering mistakes of others in their ways of thinking and acting. Seize the opportunities. And let them continue to pound it in.
  11. This is a guy you can trust and qualified in serious matters like this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Caputo Approaching Banana Republic status. Are we Great Again yet?
  12. Looking forward to the next $Trillions coordinated by Congress and the Fed to patch up Presidential incompetence while most of the developed world moves on. He needs all the help he can get in an election year... We’ll put the cost of all this on future generations. An ounce of prevention was worth pounds and pounds of cure, but who cares if we are making future generations pay for the cure? “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” Turns out you can. Tired of all this #Winning.
  13. Fauci’s name dragging through the mud will continue. Like Mattis, Sessions, Bolton, Tillerson, and too many others to name. What do you expect with an administration run with mob mentality? A physician who has been a public servant for almost 40 years, but who cares about any of that if you dare not sing the song of senor bone spurs (who declared the pandemic nearly over one week ago)? The viewers of the Laura Ingraham show must be critical thinking savants. Yeah, you want us to leave politics out of this, but how is that possible when this administration and its supporters politicize Fauci and his updates on the pandemic which are scientific/objective?
  14. Another useless graph (not included--the southern states of FL & AL which do not disclose covid hospitalizations): And here's AZ, one of the earliest movers of this wave (and where our President held an indoor rally one week ago and declared that the U.S. was at "the end of the pandemic."): Disclaimer: not proprietary, but publicly available at:
  15. I think when investing, one needs to remove emotion as much as possible. You have to think/be a socio-path. Its not "feel good" or anything to boast about, but its how things work. People essentially are cogs or data points. There is a great line from Big Short where Ben Rickard says, "you know what I hate about banking, it reduces people to numbers"....Part of the reason I moved out of the financial world as much as possible after getting setup, and have the goal to be removed from it completely within the next few years. Its not for everybody, but its how the game is played. Ask any PM honestly if they'd trade 1M senior citizens for an S&P rebound in 2021 and they all likely vote yes. I think if you are in the markets you have to be aware of these things and anticipate those directions. Its the stance that much of the US is taking through policy action. The problem with that is that people can collectively panic and react in unpredictable ways. This epidemic has the potential to kill perhaps 0.5% of the population or ~1.7M people based on current data If you just remove 1.7M people from the economy with a large skew toward older people, then you could conclude it’s not a big deal. However if you think it through and consider that those 1.7M people collectively have a lot of money and perhaps don’t want to die and there are ~30M people with a lot of money in the same risk group, Who will behave very differently then it starts to matter. Florida and Arizona might be good examples of this. Are older people still going to move there (these states are big destinations for retirees) while they let the Virus circulate freely? If they are already there, will those people spent money in restaurants etc? Unlike the millennials, those folks tend to have a lot of money, so it does matter what they think and how they feel. Florida has a big tourism industry on top of the retirees l so how this will be going? Even if you aren’t scared for your life, it’s not a great prospect to contract a disease that is far worse than having a flu for 2-3 weeks? Worth going to Disneyland for? Then there are European and Asian travelers which at this point are going to be a zero, as they will require quarantine upon coming back most likely. Most folks from these countries won’t bother visiting the US anyways for a while. So, I think the economic impact of this delayed wave in these states will be significant. The good news and the reason why Mr. Market hasn’t panicked yet, is they death rates are still low. I think they will go up somewhat but hopefully we will never seen the levels seen in the NE from March/April again anywhere. Exactly—you can’t just look at deaths and ignore the second/third order effects. Certainly not in a consumption oriented economy like the U.S....airlines, restaurants, retail, hotels—many of these are low margin businesses and even a 10-15% revenue hit can be devastating. To think that “isolating seniors” will somehow spare the economy pain is nuts. The best thing that could have been done for the economy was to act early—January/February—we did not. Then the next thing was to ensure it did not rise again in the U.S. once you stop the initial surge...as you are seeing we also did not achieve this. So now we have EU countries mostly moving past this because they did what was needed and U.S. stuck in viral quagmire with even R governors scaling back reopening now and closing bars... As was said way back—an ounce of prevention would have been worth pounds and pounds of cure, but our federal leadership is at best uninterested in being proactive and and worst exacerbating things by denying and holding indoor rallies in AZ, TX, OK...if you think it’s political, then oh well
  16. Well, to be fair, it's because certain people on the thread literally never blame Trump. They literally don't acknowledge it when he's the person most responsible for America's mess. Like, he's the dude where the buck is supposed to stop. If you're looking for politicians who have the most leverage to fight the disease, this is the guy who has it, by far. But some people seem to be trying to desperately deflect responsibility from him for some bizarre reason, pretending that he and the outbreak are in two completely different universes, never actually interacting with each other at all. And they also seem to believe that the Governor of the 20th smallest state is actually the most important leader in the entire country. I guess maybe people skipped their civics class to go smoke outside? I dunno. I find it quite peculiar. But to get back on topic, while we wait on the deaths arising from the current surge of infections, it's worth noting that we ought to get fewer deaths per capita infected not simply because of the age of infected people, but because treatment has improved in a very real, significant way. This was one of the key goals of flattening the curve and doing the lockdowns, and it's starting to be achieved. We've delayed infections long enough that some people who would have died if they had been infected three months ago will now live if they get infected today. I speculate that the number of saved lives in the USA alone will be in the tens of thousands. I think that's a marvellous thing. It's ok--his enablers think it's worth it to protect/enable him despite the lasting damage which is being done to the United States. Like I said, more triggered by an NFL player kneeling or CHAZ but when 120k are dead it's, "well you have to think about the economic trade offs" or "it's only the elderly anyway". It would be one thing if Trump started taking this pandemic seriously in March (which would have been late as it was). Instead, he held two indoor rallies in places with surging cases last week and said "the pandemic is ending". It is no longer negligence/incompetence that you can merely accuse him of, but instead of actively seeding the virus. And yeah--big question mark as to why those individuals who claim not to be biased yet hark on about people protesting/Cuomo can't even muster some critique of the administration. Anyway, this is the coronavirus thread--and DJT will certainly not get a free pass here. Greggie said Cuomo deserves blame because 25% of American deaths have happened in NY State. Well wanna hear another statistic? 25% of global deaths are in one country: the United States--who you gonna hold accountable for that? I know to some people the answer will never be Trump. Well for one, if US is 1/4th then Cuomo still has some pretty big market share on the global scale as well. But regardless, its pointless. Try to have a non politically charged coronavirus conversation, Dalal is AWOL. Heck we can even talk repeatedly about how many different parties, including the Trump administration, have dropped the ball. Then give it a few minutes and Dalal will be back pushing his narrative and claiming no one ever blames Trump.... Sorry, Greggie you continue to mislead about me, please get your memory checked. I've been posting here in covid thread since late Feb warning (when your boy called it "a hoax") and you've been dismissing the threat consistently (often wrong, never in doubt). Mocking graphs you do not understand (even basic exponential trends) and you think I'm AWOL without politics. And yet you also follow me closely on PTON and TSLA threads (lol, sup pup). Maybe you think my posts are political because you lack the ability to interpret quantitative data and so you mock the graphs I post as well as Taleb's insights and think all I do is talk politics. A shame you can't understand any of the other stuff. Stick to REITs--real estate is much easier to understand. I bounced from this thread for a while once U.S. numbers started heading down around late April-May, but I came back as of few weeks ago because the threat is back (I was back before the headlines on FL, TX, AZ). I'm the kind of guy who focuses on details when they are relevant and I move on when they are not. Nothing to do with politics--if you can't get that thru your head, I ain't here to help you out. And LOL, you want to know my positions on TSLA and PTON? They should be obvious. If you can't figure them out from my posts, I question your ability to interpret things. I'm not here to help you out by laying out my exact positions anyway. In fact, I don't give a damn what you think. If anything, you are an example for me on how not to think. I enjoy learning from the mistakes of others and you are a great teacher in that regard. Amusing that you seem to paint me as overly political, but have nothing to say about the like of cubsfan whose every post is political, not that you're too far off from that. After all, you spend quite a bit of time in the politics section. Projection is a common phenomenon. Yup, more of the same. When you dont commit to anything, its all upside, no downside. Never wrong, always right. When you peddle flavor of the month Robinhood stocks but refuse to even answer a simple "do you own it" question, its by design. if it goes down; I dont own it, I sold it....if it goes up, you keep posturing. Highly predictable. Same with the virus stuff. Your graphs are not proprietary...sorry to break it to you. If you panicked in February/March you made a massive mistake(but again never having committed to an investment stance allows one wiggle room). And even for those things that have been impacted, assuming the balance sheet isn't upside down, you've got a hell of an opportunity in certain places, IE NYC-centric businesses. Art of the Deal level stuff right here, courtesy of Dalal. Well considering PTON and TSLA are near all time highs and I've clearly said I'm out of one of those, your thesis is broken (i.e. neither has really "gone down" for significant time period since I've owned them). It's not that hard to figure out. And I've willfully admitted to prior mistakes (owning GM for example). Again, you mislead about me. But not surprising considering someone with this many memory lapses... Lol, "proprietary charts"--did I even claim to own those Johns Hopkins graphs? Do you understand how interpretation of publicly available data works? It's kind of a core tenet of investing. I've also never claimed to own the data on the SEC's website...You still don't get it. Good luck pal. Again, making things up about me. But yeah, I bet you think WEB "panicked" too. Clearly anyone who took covid seriously back then was looney (that's why DJT is a genius derp because he knew it was a "hoax") and covid has not and will not have real, long term effects on the economy or equities for the medium term. Clearly covid's impact on the market is settled now with the latest rally per Gregmal and anyone who sold made a mistake. Apparently we now believe in efficient markets...Mr. Market is omniscient after all...
  17. Well, to be fair, it's because certain people on the thread literally never blame Trump. They literally don't acknowledge it when he's the person most responsible for America's mess. Like, he's the dude where the buck is supposed to stop. If you're looking for politicians who have the most leverage to fight the disease, this is the guy who has it, by far. But some people seem to be trying to desperately deflect responsibility from him for some bizarre reason, pretending that he and the outbreak are in two completely different universes, never actually interacting with each other at all. And they also seem to believe that the Governor of the 20th smallest state is actually the most important leader in the entire country. I guess maybe people skipped their civics class to go smoke outside? I dunno. I find it quite peculiar. But to get back on topic, while we wait on the deaths arising from the current surge of infections, it's worth noting that we ought to get fewer deaths per capita infected not simply because of the age of infected people, but because treatment has improved in a very real, significant way. This was one of the key goals of flattening the curve and doing the lockdowns, and it's starting to be achieved. We've delayed infections long enough that some people who would have died if they had been infected three months ago will now live if they get infected today. I speculate that the number of saved lives in the USA alone will be in the tens of thousands. I think that's a marvellous thing. It's ok--his enablers think it's worth it to protect/enable him despite the lasting damage which is being done to the United States. Like I said, more triggered by an NFL player kneeling or CHAZ but when 120k are dead it's, "well you have to think about the economic trade offs" or "it's only the elderly anyway". It would be one thing if Trump started taking this pandemic seriously in March (which would have been late as it was). Instead, he held two indoor rallies in places with surging cases last week and said "the pandemic is ending". It is no longer negligence/incompetence that you can merely accuse him of, but instead of actively seeding the virus. And yeah--big question mark as to why those individuals who claim not to be biased yet hark on about people protesting/Cuomo can't even muster some critique of the administration. Anyway, this is the coronavirus thread--and DJT will certainly not get a free pass here. Greggie said Cuomo deserves blame because 25% of American deaths have happened in NY State. Well wanna hear another statistic? 25% of global deaths are in one country: the United States--who you gonna hold accountable for that? I know to some people the answer will never be Trump. Well for one, if US is 1/4th then Cuomo still has some pretty big market share on the global scale as well. But regardless, its pointless. Try to have a non politically charged coronavirus conversation, Dalal is AWOL. Heck we can even talk repeatedly about how many different parties, including the Trump administration, have dropped the ball. Then give it a few minutes and Dalal will be back pushing his narrative and claiming no one ever blames Trump.... Sorry, Greggie you continue to mislead about me, please get your memory checked. I've been posting here in covid thread since late Feb warning (when your boy called it "a hoax") and you've been dismissing the threat consistently (often wrong, never in doubt). Mocking graphs you do not understand (even basic exponential trends) and you think I'm AWOL without politics. And yet you also follow me closely on PTON and TSLA threads (lol, sup pup). Maybe you think my posts are political because you lack the ability to interpret quantitative data and so you mock the graphs I post as well as Taleb's insights and think all I do is talk politics. A shame you can't understand any of the other stuff. Stick to your REITs--real estate is much easier to understand. I bounced from this thread for a while once U.S. numbers started heading down around late April-May, but I came back as of few weeks ago because the threat is back (I was back before the headlines on FL, TX, AZ). I'm the kind of guy who focuses on details when they are relevant and I move on when they are not. Nothing to do with politics--if you can't get that thru your head, I ain't here to help you out. And LOL, you want to know my positions on TSLA and PTON? They should be obvious. If you can't figure them out from my posts, I question your ability to interpret things. I'm not here to help you out by laying out my exact positions anyway. In fact, I don't give a damn what you think. If anything, you are an example for me on how not to think. I enjoy learning from the mistakes of others and you are a great teacher in that regard. Amusing that you seem to paint me as overly political, but have nothing to say about the like of cubsfan whose every post is political, not that you're too far off from that. After all, you spend quite a bit of time in the politics section. Projection is a common phenomenon.
  18. Well, to be fair, it's because certain people on the thread literally never blame Trump. They literally don't acknowledge it when he's the person most responsible for America's mess. Like, he's the dude where the buck is supposed to stop. If you're looking for politicians who have the most leverage to fight the disease, this is the guy who has it, by far. But some people seem to be trying to desperately deflect responsibility from him for some bizarre reason, pretending that he and the outbreak are in two completely different universes, never actually interacting with each other at all. And they also seem to believe that the Governor of the 20th smallest state is actually the most important leader in the entire country. I guess maybe people skipped their civics class to go smoke outside? I dunno. I find it quite peculiar. But to get back on topic, while we wait on the deaths arising from the current surge of infections, it's worth noting that we ought to get fewer deaths per capita infected not simply because of the age of infected people, but because treatment has improved in a very real, significant way. This was one of the key goals of flattening the curve and doing the lockdowns, and it's starting to be achieved. We've delayed infections long enough that some people who would have died if they had been infected three months ago will now live if they get infected today. I speculate that the number of saved lives in the USA alone will be in the tens of thousands. I think that's a marvellous thing. It's ok--his enablers think it's worth it to protect/enable him despite the lasting damage which is being done to the United States. Like I said, more triggered by an NFL player kneeling or CHAZ but when 120k are dead it's, "well you have to think about the economic trade offs" or "it's only the elderly anyway". It would be one thing if Trump started taking this pandemic seriously in March (which would have been late as it was). Instead, he held two indoor rallies in places with surging cases last week and said "the pandemic is ending". It is no longer negligence/incompetence that you can merely accuse him of, but instead of actively seeding the virus. And yeah--big question mark as to why those individuals who claim not to be biased yet hark on about people protesting/Cuomo can't even muster some critique of the administration. Anyway, this is the coronavirus thread--and DJT will certainly not get a free pass here. Greggie said Cuomo deserves blame because 25% of American deaths have happened in NY State. Well wanna hear another statistic? 25% of global deaths are in one country: the United States--who you gonna hold accountable for that? I know to some people the answer will never be Trump.
  19. Yes of course the responsibility all falls on the state leaders and none of it on Federal leadership...the Trump “I take no responsibility” playbook being played out by his minions. Let’s not mention NJ or CT or the new covid states kn the South...How’s the Kool Aid taste?
  20. Greggie I have never called anyone a piece of shit but you seem to enjoy doing it over and over. You are some class act. I do not thinking calling someone a cultist is on the same level. I only mock those who cannot even mention Daddy Trump’s responsibility while going on about “savages”, protestors, BLM, Cuomo, etc. I am happy to call De Blasio a clown and say Cuomo made mistakes, but Trumpers can’t do the same at all. Sounds cultish to me.
  21. Finally! Gregmal my biggest fan on here who follows me like a puppy everywhere using nice terms like calling others a “piece of shit” and then crying it’s “unfair” when he gets banned. He mocked dying new yorkers, called NYC “a cesspool” (yet invests in MSG and NYC REITs in classic bridge and tunnel fashion), has made derogatory comments on women and called protestors “savages” (but like his hero DJT he will claim that it had no racial connotations). This guy gets more triggered by an NFL player kneeling or a Target being looted than a mismanaged pandemic that kills hundreds of thousands! The moral bastion of the cult... Not only does he lack in class, but he is often wrong, never in doubt! A surefire recipe for success! You can find his great posts throughout the covid thread for endless amusement.
  22. Six days ago: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2020/06/23/phoenix-rally-president-donald-trump-barely-mentions-covid-19-crowd-mostly-unmasked-supporters/3239570001/ Look forward to hearing how our Dear Leader was merely being “sarcastic” yet again.
  23. If cases are surging, you can only isolate the elderly for so long... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-29/covid-19-surge-begins-reaching-older-more-vulnerable-floridians
  24. Do you have any graphs of daily deaths? Sorry, that doesn't fit their narrative. You know what they say, however, "wait two weeks" I wonder what happened in late May and early June that could have been a catalyst for the increase?? Of course, “this time is different”, we should not worry about mortality going up because covid is not a real threat, right? Yes please tell me what happened in late May/early June in AZ, FL, TX... Well, if you want to ignore the protests, then the answer is nothing. Nothing different happened. The increase in social interaction has been continuously increasing since the middle of April. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ebb02WuUEAIUcmb?format=png&name=medium Lol! The huge protests in AZ, TX, and FL? Why you leave out NYC, DC, MN, cities in the EU which had by far much larger protests tho? Contradicts the narrative? The cult is strong with this one. Note how cultists can’t even bring themselves to name their Daddy anymore...a sign of shame It's at this point, when someone starts using epithets and insults, that I stop engaging. My behavior is what passes for Presidential these days isn’t it? We now live in a Great, polite country thanks to the Daddy at the top the cultists worship. The stakes with covid are too high. This clown’s enablers do not get a pass on here. You want to criticize Cuomo, that’s cool, but your Daddy does not get a pass when it comes to pandemic management.
  25. Do you have any graphs of daily deaths? Sorry, that doesn't fit their narrative. You know what they say, however, "wait two weeks" I wonder what happened in late May and early June that could have been a catalyst for the increase?? Of course, “this time is different”, we should not worry about mortality going up because covid is not a real threat, right? Yes please tell me what happened in late May/early June in AZ, FL, TX... Well, if you want to ignore the protests, then the answer is nothing. Nothing different happened. The increase in social interaction has been continuously increasing since the middle of April. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ebb02WuUEAIUcmb?format=png&name=medium Lol! The huge protests in AZ, TX, and FL? Why you leave out NYC, DC, MN, cities in the EU which had by far much larger protests tho? Contradicts the narrative? The cult is strong with this one. Note how cultists can’t even bring themselves to name their Daddy anymore...a sign of shame
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