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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. It's what happens whenever you mix science with politics. Just look at the science of nutrition from the 1950s - 2010s. When there is a political addenda and government funding on the line, nothing that comes from the "science" can be trusted. The world needs a separation of science and state. It is even more important than separating religion and state.
  2. Strange lights off the Outer Banks spark UFO debate https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article235790617.html
  3. Looks beautiful. I really need to get out to that part of the country more. Too trapped in my bay area bubble! Thanks. And I know what you mean. I'm in my own little bubble. I tend to stick around the northeast.
  4. It has been two months to the day that our first guest checked in on Aug 8th (We purchased the property on Aug 5th) and we just made "super host" status. We had a really good August and September. As of today we've hosted 17 guests for 44 nights and we've got a lot of bookings already for next summer. Hopefully super host status will give us more visibility on airbnb. https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/36937304
  5. "A Cryptocurrency Millionaire Wants to Build a Utopia in Nevada A man spent millions on an enormous plot of land near Reno. Now he wants to build a community based on the blockchain technology" https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/01/technology/nevada-bitcoin-blockchain-society.html
  6. This would be believable if it was a ridiculous movie plot and not real life :-\ That's right up there in believability with "We killed Bin Laden, but there's no body because we buried him at sea."
  7. How to use "and" 5 times in a row grammatically: A man owned a store called "This And That" and he hired another man to make a sign for it. When it was finished the owner inspected the work only to discover that the spaces were wrong so he called the sign maker and said: "The spaces between This and And and And and That are different. Please fix it."
  8. Maybe. The joke is just as funny (as in, not really funny at all), albeit to the other large segment of the population, when the words "liberals" and "conservatives" are switched and Mr. Trudeau is replaced by Mr. Trump. There has to be a joke here somewhere about the liberal kittens having only their left eye open and the conservatives only their right, but I can't seem to make it work. It does seem to be one of those jokes that you can just plug in your own people or ideologies and it would be found to be funny by people who agree with you. I could see communists plugging in capitalists for liberal and communist for conservative and sharing it with their comrades. I could plug in "statist" for liberal and "anarchist" for conservative, share it on facebook and I'd get ton of likes from my anarchist friends. Reminds of of Michael Malice (author of "Dear Reader") who says that one thing he learned visiting North Korea is that you can take any ethnic joke and plug in "Japanese" as the target ethnicity and you will be the funniest guy in the room anywhere in the country. They all hate the Japanese and they have never been exposed to ethnic jokes. "How do you sink the Japanese navy? Put it in the water."
  9. Jerky chicken is great. I had some persistent coldcaller a while ago who wanted to drum up some funding for animal rights. Nothing really wrong with this, but I hate persistent cold calls. She asked me if I liked animals or not. I told her, it depend on how they taste like. That was the last cold call I got from her. I love animals. Just about anything taste good on the grill. I always wanted to tell a Jehovah Witness when they come to my door that I worship the Dark Lord Satan, but they are always so friendly I can never bring myself to do it. I tell them I'm Catholic, which is the same thing I tell evangelicals. I get evangelicals in my neighborhood A LOT & the look of pity on their faces when I say this is priceless. They may have my house targeted because of this. ^^^ Yeah, that's the opposite of what I'm going for. That's why I never mention that I'm an atheist.
  10. Jerky chicken is great. I had some persistent coldcaller a while ago who wanted to drum up some funding for animal rights. Nothing really wrong with this, but I hate persistent cold calls. She asked me if I liked animals or not. I told her, it depend on how they taste like. That was the last cold call I got from her. I love animals. Just about anything taste good on the grill. I always wanted to tell a Jehovah Witness when they come to my door that I worship the Dark Lord Satan, but they are always so friendly I can never bring myself to do it.
  11. Crap :-\ Goats, cows & pigs are friggin' delicious but I couldn't eat a friend. Might have to go to chicken only. Please don't post a lovable chicken link. Chickens are great! Our chickens used to jump on our laps and follow us around. One of them was so lovable my kids used to call her lovebird. If you raise them as chicks and hold them a lot they grow up liking to be held. When you get them a little older they just run away from people. All animals have "personalities". If it makes you feel better there was one chicken we had that was such a jerk we hated her and all the other chickens did too. She was a bully and would boss all the others around. The other chickens eventually rebelled. One morning we found Ofelia (that was her name) with no feathers, because all of the other chickens had plucked her nude overnight. Then they started not letting her in the chicken house, there was always at least 2 chickens guarding the entrance 24/7 so that she couldn't get in. She would go into the woods to sleep outside and we'd try to find her before dark and put her in the chicken house. One day we couldn't find her and we never saw her again. Jeez, a guy could starve to death. http://www.eatplantsdrinkbeer.com/readup/2017/9/7/plants-have-feelings-too Does anyone have an opinion on whether dirt is cute? To live is to kill. IKEA conducts bullying experiment on plants — the results are shocking https://globalnews.ca/news/4217594/bully-a-plant-ikea/ Screw it, I'm making bacon cheeseburgers tonight. Me too! Only I'm going to throw a fried egg on mine in memory of Ofelia .
  12. Crap :-\ Goats, cows & pigs are friggin' delicious but I couldn't eat a friend. Might have to go to chicken only. Please don't post a lovable chicken link. Chickens are great! Our chickens used to jump on our laps and follow us around. One of them was so lovable my kids used to call her lovebird. If you raise them as chicks and hold them a lot they grow up liking to be held. When you get them a little older they just run away from people. All animals have "personalities". If it makes you feel better there was one chicken we had that was such a jerk we hated her and all the other chickens did too. She was a bully and would boss all the others around. The other chickens eventually rebelled. One morning we found Ofelia (that was her name) with no feathers, because all of the other chickens had plucked her nude overnight. Then they started not letting her in the chicken house, there was always at least 2 chickens guarding the entrance 24/7 so that she couldn't get in. She would go into the woods to sleep outside and we'd try to find her before dark and put her in the chicken house. One day we couldn't find her and we never saw her again. Jeez, a guy could starve to death. http://www.eatplantsdrinkbeer.com/readup/2017/9/7/plants-have-feelings-too Does anyone have an opinion on whether dirt is cute? To live is to kill. IKEA conducts bullying experiment on plants — the results are shocking https://globalnews.ca/news/4217594/bully-a-plant-ikea/
  13. Crap :-\ Goats, cows & pigs are friggin' delicious but I couldn't eat a friend. Might have to go to chicken only. Please don't post a lovable chicken link. Chickens are great! Our chickens used to jump on our laps and follow us around. One of them was so lovable my kids used to call her lovebird. If you raise them as chicks and hold them a lot they grow up liking to be held. When you get them a little older they just run away from people. All animals have "personalities". If it makes you feel better there was one chicken we had that was such a jerk we hated her and all the other chickens did too. She was a bully and would boss all the others around. The other chickens eventually rebelled. One morning we found Ofelia (that was her name) with no feathers, because all of the other chickens had plucked her nude overnight. Then they started not letting her in the chicken house, there was always at least 2 chickens guarding the entrance 24/7 so that she couldn't get in. She would go into the woods to sleep outside and we'd try to find her before dark and put her in the chicken house. One day we couldn't find her and we never saw her again.
  14. I'll just leave this here. I disagree that they are "as clever" as dogs, they are far more clever. Goats are as loving and clever as dogs https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/07/06/goats-are-as-loving-and-clever-as-dogs-say-smitten-scientists/
  15. 100% I'm concerned with it, but at the same time both Europe and Japan are worse than the U.S. in that regard and nothing bad has happened yet which emboldens policy makers to continue making unsustainable decisions. When will it stop? When it can't continue. "But everyone else is doing it!"
  16. I picked "Other". Democrats never care about the budget deficit and Republicans only pretend to care about it when there is a Democrat in the Whitehouse. So the answer to "When will someone care?" is: As soon as there is a Democrat elected President.
  17. I don't trust the US legal system in general. It works sometimes especially when you are middle class and can afford a decent lawyer. Where the legal system breaks down completely is when the defendant is either a police officer, politically connected, very rich, or very poor. The poor get screwed over. If you are poor and the legal system gets you in its sights you are going to jail whether or not you actually did anything. The other 3 groups can do whatever they want and rarely suffer consequences for their actions. And the politically connected are at the top of the food chain. Even if you are very rich, if you are in a position to do real harm to the politically connected your life expectancy is very short indeed.
  18. Yes, that is why we decided to do this now. My wife has been a stay at home mom for the past 19 years, and now that both of our kids are adults she was looking at either going back to work or doing something else. Managing this is now her project. So, admittedly not everyone is in that situation.
  19. Thanks, SD for taking the time to provide your input based on experience.
  20. That is something to look out for. I don't know if Alton would kill the goose that lays the golden eggs like that, but you never know. Tourism is how the town survives. Half of the houses in town are not lived in by full time residents. Alton is half rental cabins/houses, vacation homes, and seasonal people. According to wikipedia: "As of the census of 2010, there were 5,250 people, 2,145 households, and 1,511 families residing in the town. There were 4,281 housing units, of which 2,136, or 49.9%, were vacant. "
  21. We just got our first review. 5 - stars in every category. And she wrote publicly: "Cutely decorated, comfy, clean, with fully stocked kitchen, bathroom and laundry. Perfect for our family of five to enjoy. The lake is just steps away and house is close to most everything. Great visit! We will be back!" And then wrote to us privately: "Private feedback This is just for you. It won’t appear on your listing or profile. Thanks so much for a fabulous stay! We enjoyed our time at the house very much. Every need was thought of. It was clean, stylish, comfy and just perfect for our family. The set up in the entire place was super accommodating. Probably the best Airbnb we’ve ever stayed in. Thanks again! We will be back!" Good reviews and repeat customers can't hurt.
  22. Just take a look at hotel numbers during a downturn and you'll be cured very quickly. I'd rather own stocks that might go down than have to work an entire year to make no money. Then again, in a down year you might have more time to enjoy your property yourself. You can't really enjoy your plummeting stocks. BTW, I'm not planning to get out of stocks and completely into rental properties, but I think there is a place for this in a portfolio.
  23. LOL! - But I agree with meiroy, rkbabang, It really looks fantastic. What a wonderful spot... - I suppose it would be impossible to maintain usual stress levels while taking a break from the hamster wheel at such a place. I especially try to visualize how the place would look in the autumn [the colours of the leaves on the trees in NH in the autumn]... Do you plan to use it yourselves if it's not occupied by tenants? - Good luck with it to your wife and you. Thanks. Yes, that area is beautiful in the fall and draws in lots of tourists. We already have a few people booked the end of September. We will go up there whenever we get a chance both to do work/maintenance and to enjoy it. Having the renters pay it off so that we eventually don't need to rent it as often is part of the attraction. About 4 weeks of rentals will pay the taxes and insurance for the year.
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