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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. I just had a limit order fill at $199.98. Crazy.
  2. Added to BRK.B at $211.xx Sold some GOOG yesterday and just used about half of it to buy BRK.B today.
  3. A custom design is faster and more power efficient than an FPGA. As far as changing FPGA designs on the fly goes, FPGA designs need to be synthesized then, simulated in software, then tested in the lab before they can be trusted to work. You can't just reprogram the chip automatically on the fly and expect it to meet timing and work without bugs. At least with current technology. Maybe AI will be able to design reliable FPGA circuits on the fly in real time in app, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
  4. I never even thought of getting an e-ink device for web content. I love my Kindle Oasis for Amazon ebooks and I also have an old Kobo Aura e-reader which I use for none-Amazon ebooks and documents. But neither are good for web browsing. How responsive is the web-browser? Also what about battery life when using it for web browsing. I'd think you'd click around and scroll a lot more than you would turn pages when reading a book. And finally how is it for text entry? Could you say, post to this message board as easy as you could on your phone? All of these are major issues when using the web-browser on the Kobo. It is basically unusable.
  5. I can see my personal Fidelity accounts now, but I can't see my 401K. It looks like Fidelity's Netbenefits site is still down. Same here. This happens quite frequently lately. This is the first time I've noticed it. That's a little disturbing that this happens often.
  6. I can see my personal Fidelity accounts now, but I can't see my 401K. It looks like Fidelity's Netbenefits site is still down.
  7. It's a sign from above. The universe is trying to stop you.
  8. Yea! At least that means the it isn't just me. I thought maybe the government was freezing my assets because of my political views.
  9. Anyone else having problems with Fidelity this morning? I can log in, but I can't see any of my accounts.
  10. And then Spekulatius becoming a best selling author after writing a book about his adventures. Oh well.
  11. I did this with my kids when they were young. I opened UTMA accounts for each of them to invest birthday/christmas money, a portion of their allowance every week, etc... How I handled it is that I had the same stocks in each of their accounts. They still ended up unequal due to the fact that they had differing amounts of the stocks because they didn't always have money at the same times to invest and one of my kids invested more than the other (we let them decide to spend some of their money if they wanted). But the inequality was less than 10% total account value by the time they were adults. I'd recommend not having different stocks in each account, that would almost guarantee that the performance will not be close to each other. For stocks, I'd recommend nothing too risky, maybe BAM (or partners as you already have), AMZN (even at today's prices this will over perform in 15 year timeframe), S&P500 index, BRKB.
  12. Added a little more UI. Market overreacting today to revenue miss. Numbers are still very good and they are continuing to buy back a lot of stock.
  13. Just finished it. I watched it because of your post and I totally agree with you! Great recommendation. There is now a season 2 of Unauthorized Living on Netflix. I just finished it, both seasons are excellent.
  14. I find it highly unlikely that real news has ever existed nor will it exist in abroad sense. Each MSM outlet certainly contributes to spreading factual information. But the other 23 hours are simply spent on rhetoric and "noise." See the top notch reporting below: https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/30/politics/donald-trump-coronavirus-diversity-obama/index.html As I said.....noise and narrative. I generally only care about news that is directly related to policy and how said policy stacks up against the Constitution which in turn affects individual liberties. Foreign news is often even worse....(Assad Syria Chemical attacks come to mind) Every single MSM news outlet loses all credibility when they go beyond regurgitation. Donald Trump signed the blah blah blah bill today (good so far). The Bill was about this (still ok). Let take this over to Tucker Carlson for analysis or Lets head on over to Brian "endorsed Michael Avenatti" Stelter from "Reliable Sources" to give you the run down (Ding ding ding ding). THIS is where I stop watching.....I'll go read the bill myself....There is so much shit hidden in every bill anyways that no mainstream media outlet would be able to cover it all even if they were truthful. That is for the most part true, but I do think that there used to be such a thing as an "investigative reporter". That was someone who investigated things that the ruling class may not have liked investigated. Today most "news" is simply sourced from news conferences and press releases issued by the ruling class, taken as gospel without question and regurgitated to the public pretty much word for word.
  15. No the right wingers are just as bad with Fox News. I wouldn't trust ZH any more than CNN, but no less either. CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS all have biases that are in the opposite direction of mine, ZH has its biases in a direction closer to mine. That doesn't make them trustworthy, but I know why I like reading it. You however think that the mainstream news sources are somehow more legitimate, without realizing that the only reason you think this is because their biases line up better with your own. Newsflash, not everyone you disagree with is a Russian Asset.
  16. I don't think you understand. The people attacking ZH as biased agree with CNN, so that makes CNN legitimate and not biased. As far as repeating things others report. Have you ever seen the videos on youtube consisting of clips from multiple news outlets reporting on the same story using _EXACTLY_ the same words? It's almost as someone scripted a narrative and told them all exactly what to say and how to say it. It is chilling how scripted the so-called "legitimate" news sources are. When I have time I'll try to find some of these videos and I'll post them here.
  17. Also, to bring this back on topic, the advice to look closely at what a person does versus what they say is generally good advice, even when Putin says it.
  18. Yup. Look at Tulsi. Even the Democratic Party's own candidates are Russian plants working for Putin the moment Hillary doesn't like them.
  19. May all be true, still name 1 better source for news (not state propaganda) this day and age? I read it, yet I don't leave my brain at home while doing so. It is state propaganda, is the point. You just seem to personally prefer Russian state propaganda designed to make westerners hate and mistrust their own governments for the benefit of Putin and his mafia-state cronies. Everyone the liberal elites don't like are obviously puppets of Putin. Everything is propaganda of one sort or another. Don't get all of your propaganda from the same source. 99.9% of everything published in the United States is (willingly or unwillingly) doing the deep-state's bidding, so it is sometimes refreshing to get another side... any other side. BTW, Make sure you check under your bed at night for Russians. They are everywhere. Hillary said so.
  20. So many people are searching for Corona Virus beer memes and jokes that journalists without senses of humor think that people don't know that beer has nothing to do with the virus. These must be the same journalists who think people are sharing The Babylon Bee stories because they believe them to be true. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2020/01/29/coronavirus-corona-beer-surges-on-google-trends-as-virus-spreads/4606997002/ https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-corona-beer-not-related-google-trends-2020-1 https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/qjdvvd/a-disturbing-number-of-people-think-coronavirus-is-related-to-corona-beer
  21. It's great served with a slice of lyme disease.
  22. Agreed. Cubicles are bad enough, hearing everyone talking all the time. Actually seeing everyone else around you while you are sitting at your desk would be way too distracting. I'd look for another job. If companies really wanted to increase productivity they'd invest in hard-wall offices for everyone. I read somewhere that cubicles are used instead of walls for tax reasons, as they are considered furnishings not rooms. I'm not sure if this is true, but it conforms to my already held belief that government ruins everything.
  23. Also, maybe a good idea to run a humidifier. https://www.livescience.com/27533-flu-transmission-humidity.html
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