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Everything posted by Gamecock-YT

  1. talk about bizarro world...doesn't do much for FIGJAM's squeaky clean image.
  2. It's really all about the new TV deal, the current one expires in 2016. Clippers currently get $25 mm a season, in comparison the Lakers have a deal of $3 billion over 20 years (or $150 mm a season). The Dodgers earlier this year got $8.35 billion over 25 years (also the team sold for a cool $2.1 billion) Sure he probably overpaid, but probably not by too much.
  3. orange is an ugly color.
  4. Probably spent it all on his almond farms.
  5. Yeah kind of a passive-aggressive way of dealing with it. I wonder how it was decided he was going to be on TV then, just coincidence?
  6. fantastic book. glad you picked it up.
  7. he taught me how to love a woman - and how to scold a child
  8. ditto, I thought it was a flash crash when I saw it drop 5%.
  9. Also amazing that none of the flights were sold out either.
  10. But to be fair, Coach O is a cartoon character.
  11. Yeah that's my strategy. Good if you are looking to retire early.
  12. Air traffic controller also can do this, my Dad retired at 50. Mandatory retirement for these guys is in their mid 50s. You want them hanging around longer? My guess is that locality pay plays a factor in Mr. retired cop getting 97k.
  13. Thanks. What brokerage is ELFCU's HSA using? And you can buy individual stocks? TDAmeritrade, yes.
  14. So far so good with ELFCU.
  15. Foundation of Dave Ramsey with a shot of early retirement extreme. Don't eat out, live close to work, etc. Current problem is trying to figure of if it's time to replace my 175k mile 16 year old SUV that needs some TLC with a Scion/Honda Fit or keep driving it into the ground and hope to get another 25k out of her. Pay for experiences, not things.
  16. The big thing is all safety measure improvements in aviation are only enacted once blood is spilled. Don't know if there is enough cost incentive to do this from just the Malaysia disappearance. The best thing that could happen is that it turns out that's the case, so the FAA/DOT/NTSB would be forced to act.
  17. it's possible to shut off the CVR (not sure about FDR), but the circuit breaker is in a different bay than where the ACARS is at.
  18. He just missed the Dayton/Syracuse game.
  19. Pretty sure it's down to zero now.
  20. Perhaps I'm just naive, but who cares.
  21. These days most airline pilots aren't allowed to 'hand fly' their aircraft since the auto-pilot does such a more efficient job flying complicated departures/arrivals (not to mention insurance issues), some do it just to keep their skills sharp.
  22. I want to say 15 minutes of cabin oxygen. Maybe 30 for the cockpit, but that could be totally off base. So it'd have to be instantaneous getting your mask on, or you're done.
  23. "This is your captain speaking. Please remain calm. We are being diverted due to severe weather. We expect to resume our original course once we have been given proper clearance". Or whatever bullshit story. Why would anyone panic? Or turn off the cabin pressurization. You'd have tops 30 seconds before going to sleep.
  24. We are a nation of debt slaves.
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