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Everything posted by Gamecock-YT

  1. When you least expect it
  2. I use this usually during my lunch break. Usually clears my mind pretty well. https://www.headspace.com/
  3. ditto. I quit halfway through the 100 page article towards the end. The Edsel and Piggly Wiggly were pretty interesting but probably could've been edited down to something more tangible.
  4. Jams? No sugar? The southerner in me just died. Try some mustard bbq sauce or some white sauce to switch it up some eric, that is once your back on the sugar bandwagon. If I'm at the local bbq joint and not a fan of the sauce, I'll occasionally throw in some texas pete/tabasco/cholula
  5. The best 'smart' school gameday sign: http://coedbc.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/blockinglibrary1.jpg Auburn @ Vanderbilt
  6. If I saw that in an art museum, I wouldn't stop to look at it.
  7. I tend to agree, but at some point you have to be responsible for your own actions.
  8. http://www.wired.com/2014/10/minerva-project/ https://minerva.kgi.edu/ Sounds great in theory, not sure about the practicality. Also the article quotes $10k p/a, but total costs come to around $30k p/a.
  9. To an extent maybe. I agree with others that you have to have a knack for wanting to invest. There's a huge difference between sitting down and watching 8 hours of football on Sunday and sitting down and reading 8 hours of 10-K's and 10-Q's. I think the best overlap between my investing skills and fantasy football skills is drafting. My league does an auction for players, so it's fun to try and find mispriced players going for lower than comparable players. Granted my team is only 4-3 this year. :-[
  10. That's the only problem I see, lots of concentration in the Western Canada boom. Though I can't blame you, I'm in E.TO and have been looking at Macro.
  11. When did he say that? I tried to find it but couldn't. I'm interested in how he expands on it.
  12. I do a quick net work calculation ~1 time per year. Since a significant portion of our net worth is still investment real estate, there is real uncertainty to the values on the asset side. To those doing this more often: Are you changing actions you take in your life because you have this information? What insights have you gained from the process? Doing actual vs what I've budgeted for (a variance analysis, if you will) is the big thing. In the plastic society we live in, it's pretty easy for a few $10-15 lunches (or $20-30 dinners) to add up quickly. Net effect is I'm able to plow more of my income back into my investment funds.
  13. x2. The investment section can be a little weak, so I primarily track investments via Excel and leave everything else to Mint.
  14. I agree with you but getting to that point is something that will never happen in our lifetime, at least in the part of the country I live in...
  15. http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/southcentral/2014/07/31/336332.htm
  16. That's pretty much how I feel as well. It's always when you least expect it.
  17. There's a program out on the torrent sites that is very good. If anything I'm an excel wizard now because of it. You'l never click and drag again. Plus you'll learn to love the magic that is Alt + E, S, V.
  18. We didn't even have a Stanley Cup thread! That'd just be a bunch of Habs fans cheering and the other teams sad that they didn't make the playoffs.
  19. Gamecock-YT


    They are ALL projected to have $100k+ in student loan debt FOR UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES! One of these persons is going to University of Texas, and two others are going to lesser known skewls. So the person is paying 'in state' tuition to go to UT and is going to have 100k in debt? I find that hard to believe. My guess is the person paying out of state tuition, which is their decision. There aren't any good schools in their own state? Sounds like a poor decision on their part.
  20. Given the concentration of engineers, I'd be interested to see what everyone's Myers-Briggs results. I'm willing to bet we have a majority of introvert thinkers.
  21. The Richest Man in Babylon and Letters from a Self-made merchant to his Son
  22. Pretty good book, I'm just a few chapters in but I noticed the beginning echoes a lot of the key points in Fifer's Double Your Profits.
  23. I've seen it firsthand at my company. It's owned by private equity, so maybe they don't care as much (but they sure do put the screws to everything else). But we've paid out to the CEO the yearly dues for his centurion card, for his wife to decorate the office for holidays and go shopping to buy new office decor, and even pay for his dog sitter when he and his wife went on a trip to Asia, first class accommodations paid by the company of course.
  24. Gamecock-YT


    not too surprising to me. People always have to have the latest thing and accumulate so much stuff they can't park inside their garage.
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