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John Hjorth

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Everything posted by John Hjorth

  1. FOMC Press Conference January 30th 2019 at 2:30 PM.
  2. Thank you, shalab, Your last post puts more shades on your line of thinking. [still : To me, nothing material changed here, so far.] Wikipedia : Flexibility (personality).
  3. I have always loved your - at times - harsh & dry humor - scattered all over the board, SharperDingaan, -Please don't concentrate it here going forward! [ : - ) ]
  4. Since shalab posted, I have had exactly the same line of thinking as Spekulatius. Maybe I'm more or less blind, but - for sure - I can't see it. I may be in need of a cane of the blind, though. The number of yellow rings here locally goes from one to three, as I understand things. I think two rings is for the user where the spouse/partner is still beautiful, despite it was so ages ago, while three rings is when you're blind. Right now, I'm spending time to counter my blindness by thinking about position sizing for the Big Four US banks.
  5. Thanks for the elaboration here, valueinvestor, -To me, especially the Canadian investors here on CoBF throw around themselves with abbreviations, short of explanations [,please let it go here]. Please keep us updated in this topic about your fare - it's actually very interesting [ : - ) ].
  6. KCLarkin, No, it's not. It's analyzing an investment decision based on the sight in the clear rear mirror, but from different angles, in retrospect. -If we can't do that, what does that tell us about ourselves?
  7. It's hilarious to read your posts about goats here, rkbabang! [ : - D] -As good as reading any good joke! - Personally, I have one IRL, too, about a goat, from when I was a kid. Are we [that means you, not me!] up for more?
  8. Thank you for posting it, Libs, I saw that comment too on the blog, but wouldn't post it here on CoBF, untill I've fact-checked it myself [which is doable, because BNSF files with SEC because of its debt issuances]. If what Tim Eriksen commented on the blog is correct [ right now, I do not know with certainty - please take no offense, Tim, if you read this], BNSF looks more like some kind of "PE-like" investment, without the "flipping" at the end [, which we know will not happen in this case].
  9. Norway : Brief financial statements : proff.no [free], & Full financial statements : The Brønnøysund Register Centre [free] [Press "English" top right][e-mail service for free - subject to creating a free account on the site]. Sweden : Brief financial statements : proff.se [free], & Full financial statements : Bolagsverket [nominal fee - about SEK 25 per piece, IIRC]. Denmark : Brief financial statements : proff.dk [free], & Full financial statements : Please just post your request in this topic, and I'll get it to you for free [request & delivery in this topic, not by PM or e-mail, please].
  10. Apparently it has not seeped into Ms. Yellen's head yet that she's retired, so she is still yelling.
  11. XKCD on the basics of technical analysis [Please don't take it seriously or personally, ref. some ongoing discussion here on CoBF these days]:
  12. Dear fellow CoBF member, Please take the poll. And please feel free to comment the way you like. Gross position defined as if you use leverage. - - - o 0 o - - - Maximum votes per user: 1, Run the poll for : 90 days, Allow users to change vote : Yes, & Result visibility : Show poll's result to anyone.
  13. Today is actually the first day this year, that I visited Semper Augustus Investments Group LLC, to see if there were new Berkshire related client letters available since last years release. [Answer : No.] Earlier years, Mr. Bloomstran released the client letters in the first half of February - at least before the 13-F/HR 20XXQ4 was released from Berkshire. Personally, I speculate it won't be so this year, because of the changes - partly actual and partly expected - in the 2018H2 Berkshire portfolio, because just about everybody expects Berkshire has been on a shopping spree in 2018Q4. [ : - ) ]
  14. Honestly, right now I've given up speculating about it for now. Right now, I feel that I'm - as an investor - like Moses the Red Sea. I.e.,I have absolutely no clue of the Berkshire AAPL position YE2018, as of now. I've just started to study all the FAANGs, beside AAPL. [Long time ago I started looking at AAPL.] [i may loose some time on that, sure, but the entertainment & educational value is already not for my despise - absolutely fantastic stories.] All fantastic companies, with a fantastic [short?] story. None of that may make them fantastic investments, though.
  15. Thanks for elaborating here, Greg, Your last post here puts more perspective on your line of thinking, at least to me. Thank you. The point here historically also being that what Cardboard has posted earlier many times is, that no FED boss has got a situation, similar to what we're in right now, right - based on visible judgements & decisions executed. [<- You may disagree with me on that assessment, though.] - - - o 0 o - - - Easy to say, that the sentiment has changed at the voting machine [for now].
  16. Yes Greg, - Easy to say, hard to do [<- back then, about three weeks ago] ... Till "next time" .. - where Cardboard may end up being right - ... "Next time" may start tomorrow next week, perhaps not.
  17. Jeff, I saw your grades on Twitter for second half 2018! - Congrats! -Please tell us some more about why the guitar [which I perceive as your primary] is some kind of a challenge for you, while at the same time, the piano is just some kind of breeze for you! Personally as a non-musician, I can't comprehend why it is so! [To me, it seems like both instruments are about touching something, to get a tone.] - - - o 0 o - - - Attached is the 2017 annual report of a very a successful Danish company living by providing joy to customers. Please don't take it too seriously - I'm confident you'll do well! Please think of it more like Mr. Buffett's promise to himself never to change the name of what he has called his biggest mistake - to never forget! - Just in case you later choose to incorporate! offentliggorelse_Down_the_Drain_Holding_ApS_2017.pdf
  18. Wikipedia : City Slicker. Do I understand your phrasing right now after reading that, Dazel? [lol -you never learn if you don't ask, right?]
  19. Spekulatius, Please also see my post #8 in this topic which sheds some light on muscleman's new investment approach.
  20. gfp, yes, it's hilarious. Paul, please start tweeting [and so] !
  21. Post by muscleman of January 5th 2019 in the CoBF members 2018 returns topic:
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