@vinod1 I disagree.
Take Visa and Mastercard for example. Why do Visa and Mastercard exist and why are they US companies? The biggest reason is that the US has substantial control over the financial (by means of the US $ , but also the payment systems, interbank transfer etc). So while they may not benefit much from all that extra spending, they owe the very existence to the might of the US dollar and the control of the international financial system.
The US share of the total global GDP is ~26% but the US equity market cap is almost 60% if the global equity market cap. why do you think this is case? All due to better managements? I’t part of the equation but can’t explain all of it. anyways, the net result is that market valuations are much higher, which leads to lower cost of capital which allows to higher investments and faster growth. It’s a nice flywheel and we better hope it keeps spinning.
By the way, an Oligarchy is not good for economic growth long term. In a crisis, they often fall to pieces.