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  1. https://asia.nikkei.com/static/vdata/infographics/taiwan-economy/?utm_campaign=IC_asia_daily_free&utm_medium=email&utm_source=NA_newsletter&utm_content=article_link&del_type=1&pub_date=20230531190000&seq_num=__SEQ__&si=6dfb7e99-152f-4dde-88a8-d168e413458c Really nice Article: How Taiwan became the indispensable economy!
  2. Sold my Tencent position and added proceeds to Prosus+extra Prosus
  3. Saying McCoy talks 50% non sense and produces garbage results is a bit of a stretch dont you think
  4. Okay, perhaps he should have defined the word ,,superpower,, more. If we look at history, trying to gain advantages around the gigantic connected continents of EU, Africa and Asia was a pretty basic goal. Could you elaborate? Also, there are talks with afghanistan, pakistan and china. I have to look deeper in what strategic investments are planned but there is something to it. China’s renewed interest in Afghanistan came after the fall of the United States-backed Afghan government. Independent Chinese investors were making inroads, albeit weak and flailing attempts, into Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. This latest deal cements China’s presence in the war-ravaged country. But the true test of the deal will remain to be seen in its implementations, experts say. “The real win is not in getting the contract or getting the Chinese back on the ground but in how [the Taliban] regulate and implement [contracts and projects], considering the current capacity within the Ministry,” Jumrainy, the industry expert, said, adding that not many details of the deal were made public. https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2023/2/27/will-chinas-latest-investment-in-afghanistan-actually-work
  5. @Spekulatius https://www.brown.edu/news/2021-09-01/costsofwar Nearly 20 years after the United States’ invasion of Afghanistan, the cost of its global war on terror stands at $8 trillion and 900,000 deaths, according to a new report from the Costs of War project at Brown University. The Costs of War project, founded more than a decade ago at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs and co-directed by two Brown scholars, released its influential annual report ahead of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania, the impetus for an ongoing American effort to root out terrorism in the Middle East and beyond. https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/figures/2021/BudgetaryCosts
  6. The US definitely has propaganda in media that supports specific political targets but not propaganda like in China where we have a clapping App from Tencent to applaud Xi Speeches:
  7. Luke


  8. Luke


    Whats super interesting is that according to Alfred McCoy, China circled afghanistan with lines of steel waiting for afghanistan falling into its hands. The one connection that was missing was a pipeline through afghanistan, down to energy deficit areas of pakistan/india. In july, a month before the taliban took power, the taliban send a delegation to china and met with chinas foreign minister, to make sure that the taliban would promote chinese investment. Another great price of aghanistan: about a billion dollars of rare earth minerals, critical for lithium battery construction. Very valuable to china and the whole international community, China sat back, surrounded afghanistan with its geopolitical network and waited for afghanistan to fall into its hands, didnt pay anything for it, Nato/US spend 8 T USD.
  9. Historian Alfred McCoy Predicts the U.S. Empire is Collapsing as China’s Power Grows He earned a Bachelor of Arts in European History from Columbia University in 1968, a Master of Arts in Asian Studies from the University of California, Berkeley in 1969, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Southeast Asian History from Yale University in 1977. His dissertation, advised by Harold C. Conklin was entitled Yloilo: Factional Conflict in a Colonial Economy, Iloilo Province, Philippines, 1937-1955, he returned to the United States in 1989 as a full professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he has since spent his career.
  10. Just doing what @nwoodman did, going up to 6000m is already super hard. Any 8000er is expert full time mountaineer level (most 7000er as well). I dislike that they make it too easy for average people to go up on 8000 meters.
  11. Luke


    Living Standards in Taipeh or Shenzen are comparably the same. What does stand out is the freedom and i agree that the CCP worries about it. On the other hand i have met chinese who just dont bother, its not like their freedom is massively restricted either (with the except of political opinion). Some are rather a political (system doesnt stimulate political thought much) Both China and Taiwan are capitalist, with different state power. Taiwan really was a major success story due to the semiconductor specialization. But that was partly the state too that organized and funded these industries in its early beginnings. Taiwan also benefitted from the growing wealth in China, 26% of exports go there. I do think changing the strategy of the party helped them to grow so immensely, of course its not only them alone but lots of it is on their shoulders.
  12. Luke


    But it represents pretty well how the fronts think of each other. Anything that China says or does is propaganda.
  13. Luke


    Well, if that is your conclusion after everything i shared we can really disagree about our assessments of the situation! Cheers!
  14. Luke


    https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3221093/china-can-help-central-asian-brethren-unite-xi-jinping-tells-xian-summit?module=inline&pgtype=article Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday called for the “brethren in Central Asia” to unite against attempts to divide them in the face of unprecedented turmoil and build themselves as the bridge connecting Asia and Europe. “The world needs a harmonious Central Asia. Brotherhood is better than all wealth,” Xi said in a keynote speech delivered on the second day of the inaugural China-Central Asia Summit in Xian, attended by the leaders of five countries in the region. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan also expressed support for Chinese engagement, including belt and road plan
  15. Luke


    https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3221769/xi-jinping-calls-eurasian-nations-boost-ties-chinas-belt-and-road-beijing-aims-expand-influence Speaking as an invited guest at the opening ceremony of the second Eurasian Economic Forum in Moscow via video link on Wednesday, Xi also reiterated that the path towards a multipolar world was “irresistible”, Xinhua reported. “The ultimate goal of [the belt and road programme] is to explore new ways for countries from near and far to achieve common development and to open up a path of happiness that benefits the whole world,” Xi was quoted as saying.
  16. Luke


    Ultimately, President Xi Jinping is likely to find that BRI gains still far outweigh the financial costs incurred by loan write-offs that recipient nations or companies cannot repay. https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/belt-road-initiative/
  17. Luke


    What the US and Europe realize is that the other side of the globe is now much more potent than 30 years ago. Over are the times of G7 planning their factories in Third World countries and living off of rich monopolies. Times are changing, new world organization is coming, who says what depends on how many people in respective countries live and how big respective economies are. The Chinese, Indians, South africans etc are having more and more Say in how the world runs.
  18. Luke


    The only war that is here is called economic competition. China is not a country that just invades other countries (contrary to the US), all they do is build out their country, other countries and grow the respective economies. All this ,,China is at war with us,, tries to raise acceptance for further military investment and if this agressive attitude from the US continues, possible real military war. There have to be diplomatic conversations and regulations for the patent stealing allegations. But if i look at the politicians in the US, they are already hot to fire rockets. Politically its a really really bad move.
  19. Luke


    Guy Spier talking about China in March 2023: 1.Goal of the CCP is to stay in power, in order to stay in power they have to bring prosperity to the people of china. Never have been people been lifted out of poverty in the history and its due to the credit of the CCP. 2. We see millions of people traveling out of china and coming back to china, its not as unfree as some might think. Delivered on prosperity to a middle class. 3. They have shown an ability to self correct which has happened before He owns Prosus, Alibaba and BYD. @Dinar might be interesting to you too
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