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Everything posted by Luke

  1. Luke


    If i find more i will let you know. Chinas massive growth since 1980 is represented quite well in the graph, same is true for the dutch global trade dominance in 1600-1800. Id personally assume Chinas growth to decrease a bit but steadily increase still.
  2. All dead, what a shame. As @John Hjorth already said, the fault relies on OceanGate, the CEO and their pathetic design and testing.
  3. Luke


    Couldnt agree more.
  4. Luke


    Interesting Graph from Bridgewater associates.
  5. Very nice, some fresh wind.
  6. Luke


    https://www.ft.com/content/d0b94966-d6fa-4042-a918-37e71eb7282e Western manufacturers will be able to de-risk their operations in China but will find it impossible to cut ties completely with the country, according to the head of one of the US’s largest aerospace and defence companies. Greg Hayes, chief executive of Raytheon, said the company had “several thousand suppliers in China and decoupling . . . is impossible”. “We can de-risk but not decouple,” Hayes told the Financial Times in an interview, adding that he believed this to be the case “for everybody”. “Think about the $500bn of trade that goes from China to the US every year. More than 95 per cent of rare earth materials or metals come from, or are processed in, China. There is no alternative,” said Hayes.
  7. Watched a little bit about that, always enjoy Videos with him! Although i probably disagree with his diversification appraoch, we also saw what the Berkshire Duo had to say to that on the AGM :D!
  8. I watched multiple videos today, in one i think they said something like landing to close to the titanic is dangerous because of currents down there, at one mission they got stuck between the ship and luckily made it out. (different operator, was a science trip and not via OceanGate) I gotta agree with @Saluki, of course with skydiving the downside is way lower but with this here... They paid 250k to go down with a "daredevil innovator". https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/worlds-first-deep-diving-submarine-plans-tourists-see-titanic-180972179/ For a handsome price, a daredevil inventor will bring you aboard his groundbreaking submarine to put eyes on most famous shipwreck of all RIP to the guys on board.
  9. What a story, have been consuming quite some content about this the last hours. That lawsuit tells miles... We will know by tomorrow midday if they found them or not... Just a few weeks ago i have been reading about Titanic again and stumbled on their website, was pretty surprised one is able to go there but didnt think more of it. Then this today...!
  10. https://youtu.be/-rQBVbmwSbI Bought some of the gear from Camper World!
  11. Be careful what you spend your money on! What a horrible story... https://oceangate.com/expeditions/titanic-survey-expedition.html https://youtu.be/no0RVoIbvK4
  12. Thanks a lot for sharing @SafetyinNumbers
  13. I only see @Saluki and @Viking buying Fairfax India in the past years. What does the rest here not like about FIH? Is it the fees? To me their assets seem pretty solid, as @nwoodman pointed out, the airport will likely make a nice return, the stock exchange should be a homerun, rest of the assets should benefit of the india GDP tailwinds too. New restructuring should increase exposure to the other assets.
  14. https://www.woodlockhousefamilycapital.com/post/epictetus-india-and-patience Chris Mayer talking about his Investment in Fairfax India.
  15. He is invested in Teqnion which is a conglomerate, also mentioned in that blog post.
  16. Luke


    Baidu, JD, Baba, Tencent, all very cheap good growing companies. China has 3500 year of history, last century a century of humiliation which Xi Jinping does not want to repeat, its very likely he wont. Things will continue, markets will continue, returns will continue etc. At some point in the future, maybe a few years out sentinment will shift, maybe Xi Jinping dies and they reelect a new leader, i am a fundamental China bull.
  17. Luke


    GDP grew 7% after he took over and then Covid came, their actions did not end up working and they adapted, capable of change and opened up. Now China deals with the huge problems from its extreme lockdowns and of a rising rate environment. If we look back on China in a decade, this will look just like the US in 2008 and returns from then on will be just fine.
  18. Luke


    Meanwhile Europe and US promising no more ICE Cars and then want to get into trade wars with China when:
  19. Luke


    1. No centrally planned economy 2. Capable of change 3. Competitive advantages rising-->trade wars: https://www.politico.eu/article/french-urge-eu-declare-trade-war-against-china/ 4. Youth unemployement was at the same levels after 08 in the US, this too shall pass and long term investors can buy chinese companies at all time low valuations right now. 5. Birthrates shall recover at least a little bit with the right policies, i think china can do it. 6. Crime and underworld when there are 400000 cameras in Shenzhen observing everything. Their homicide rates are one of the lowest in the world.
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