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Everything posted by whatstheofficerproblem

  1. You mean the India H-1B team.
  2. I think they can technically keep issuing and raise cash, close all stores, layoff all employees and rename themselves to GME from Gamestop. Then poach some talent from KKR, Apollo, PJT Partners etc etc and use the raised capital for private equity endeavors essentially transition into a PE company, because raising money seems easy for them. Instead of saying they are issuing shares, they can just say [GME Partners I] fund has successfully finished fundraising.
  3. So what's the end game? What will they do with all the money they raised from diluting the shit out of shareholders? I can't see any scenario other than this being a dud.
  4. You ever exchange lunchboxes at school? You and your friend both brought Gumbo but you find your friend's 10x more tasty than what you brought? And your friend finds your Gumbo 10x more tasty than what he eats and you're both arguing that the other's Gumbo is better. This is what happens, you get accustomed to something for most of your life, and in case of US citizens most have them have never been outside the country. They haven't seen the outside world, way too coddled which is why you see this phenomenon. It's the same with the generational gap, the boomers for example have seen so much in their lives that they are desensitized to a lot of stuff, the newer coddled generation on the other hand, everything is gonna end the world for them.
  5. Blasphemous, they should ban foreign investors who don't know Toby from investing in the domestic US markets. On another note, glad you posted Bruce, reminded me of this banger: What I'd give to go back into that BMW, windows down on the I-75 blasting this full volume.
  6. Screaming red flag. The CFA today is extremely useless, and anyone who explicitly mentions it outside of LinkedIn is not worth trusting. I think he did want to cash out and at the top when the portfolio hit ~$1B, but was probably told by lawyers not to do so, because then he would likely be investigated by the SEC.
  7. I am surprised.. so his play on GME is that he is counting on a Ryan Cohen turnaround? And he is playing this with options that expire in 2 weeks? I am now sure this is just blatant manipulation.
  8. $61 aftermarket. If it opens and stays at the same price tomorrow, he will be a billionaire, the options will be worth $900M while the stock a little over $300M.
  9. He still hasn't sold his $20 June 21st calls. They are now worth $301M vs. $68M when he first bought it. He also has $200M in stock, so his networth is $500M now, and now that he has a livestream scheduled, I'm willing to say he will inch billionaire status by the end of the month.
  10. +1, I thought Parsad brought back the political forum all of a sudden . As someone who has spent way too much unhealthy time on the terminal, it is not worth the money unless you own/manage a fund with substantial AUM. The terminal is only of use when you want to use it monitor portfolio, for fixed income stuff & micro analyses (shipment volume etc) the rest is available for free or much cheaper on the internet. Also, The Beau guy seems to be not past his 30, there is now way a grown man is typing that. Using McD shifts as degradatory while boasting about how he retired, probably a troll from r/WSB. There is no way he compared the forum to substacks lmao, they only tend to be opinion pieces or echochambers.
  11. It will all be back to normal in a few months, I doubt there will be any significant impact. Coalition governments have always been the ones to bring the biggest changes in India (Nuclear Test), the people who have formed an alliance with BJP to form the govt, regional parties (TDP etc) have vested interest in India moving forward as it would trickle down to their states. FWIW, we will now see an even more aggressive version of Modi.
  12. They got complacent, but it precisely the places that lost BJP that are going to miss it the most. They will be back in power in 2029 again. Nothing changes from here on out, as a matter of fact, Modi getting aggressive majority only means more protests because apparently he is a dictator lmao.
  13. Please do read the manifestos.
  14. Well, more often than not, the funds you mention have equity stake that they plan to use to for activist measure to further shareholder interests. You can argue that DFV is doing the same, but only $115M is in shares, the rest of the ~$100M is in call options with a big deal of them having a date of June 19th/21st. I wonder what meaningful activism one can do in that span of time.
  15. This is illegal imo. He knew that the market would react, so he deliberately bought options and then posted the 'Uno Reverse' meme, and later showcased his $200M position in GME which caused another rally that more than doubled the money to $500M. E* Trade is looking into blocking him from trading.
  16. I had a dream that I was big ranch owner, maybe it was all the Yellowstone I watched, but I subconsciously recalled this. You will be missed, Toby.
  17. I think they absolutely do have a right to it after what they've been put through. A total civilization wiped out. In fact, the colonizers actually expected that to happen, which is why they were almost wiped out. If the natives start having 6-8 kids each and also have the support of let's say more than 2 Billion people, they could slowly take institutional power and they technically can take back this land. But we can all sleep peacefully because we know that is never gonna happen, the most natives get in congress is Elizabeth Warren. I agree with this. But I also see no other way around it, if Hamas uses tunnels and civilian areas to fire and a military state then it is the civilians who are going to die, Israel can't just keep taking it because of humanitarian reasons, people have forgotten what wars are like. Again on social media as soon as we say war they say this isn't a war this is a genocide. Why is this a genocide? because Israel has bigger guns? Then that means America has committed genocide in Afghanistan, broader ME & Vietnam.. but wait, they weren't wiped out were they? If Israel really wanted to, they can totally just throw a barrage and call it day, but they aren't doing it. War in and of itself is a crime against humanity. The notion of 'War Crimes' is blatantly hypocritical and stupid. So you set rules on what are the ethical ways to kill each other? Is this is a joke? Who in their right mind would follow these? Every person in the west is a literal beneficiary of a million 'War Crimes' if you dig deep. I'll give you an example, Medieval Indian kings, who have never faced true barbarians aside from greeks (who are actually gentlemen compared to later invaders) used to have a similar 'war crime' rule book. Women and children were off limit, you could not hit an enemy from the back, you could not engage in battle after dawn, this was a stupid video game to then. Then came the timurids and the central asians, literal necrophiles who spared neither infants nor women, no young no old, they did not know how to fight with them and thought using their owns ways against them was beneath them, and at the end we see the islamization of northern India. In short, as the Chinese say, "Compassion to the enemy is cruelty to oneself". Israel, despite all it's flaws has been way more compassionate than any one else in this situation. If the US of A was attacked from civilian areas, we would without a doubt go ballistic on them, because America is so big it answers to no one, Russia, China, EU countries would have all done the same. The case study of Israel is that of bad PR and a shameless enemy, beware, every one must face it every once in a while.
  18. I have to give it to the guy, Putin must be the happiest person right now. Nobody cares about Ukraine anymore, while everyone watched Palestine, this guy appeases his allies in the Middle East while continuing what he is doing on the western front. Biggest winner here imo after weapon manufacturers.
  19. Wow, Israel really has dogshit PR. I mean tbh even if they did have good PR the western audience seems more likely to believe Hamas than Israeli govt. Isn't it against Geneva convention to fire from civilian places, who really is committing a war crime here? People tend to forget this is a literal war lmao, the new 'All Eyes on Rafah' trend is hilarious, it's almost like saying 'I saw the Dresden Bombings, I stand with the N*zis' or 'I saw Hiroshima, I stand with Imperial Army'. This is proof that people only validate one side bombing the other regardless of consequences if they are also at risk of being harmed by the other side. The avg western audience which doesn't have any consequences from whoever wins or loses this ordeal have no love lost for Israelis.
  20. Umm no they are not. If that was the case, muslims would not have become the second biggest majority in India, Muslims also have the privilege of their own personal law board shielding them from the IPC (Indian Penal Code) & guess what, the Waqf Board of India, which is a literal islamist organization is the second biggest land owner after the Indian govt. They literally own 70% of Delhi! The propaganda against India to make it seem like a fascist state is so laughable. @Hektor totally understand, just saying that the western media incredibly loathes India for not being an American puppet, most of what they post about the country is blatant misinformation. Please compare the birthrate/population growth of Muslims in India vs. the population of Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis, Jains, Buddhists & even Christians in the neighboring countries, they have a very insidious scheme. Being called strangers in their own land after owing land only less than the govt and having partial 'Sharia' which they dream about in EU is disingenuous.
  21. Speaking of movie soundtracks, something that seems to be well like the past week:
  22. I just hope the India-Iran Chabahar Port deal still stands, if agreements are to be honored, we are safe for another 10 years. Either way, Raisi wasn't worth the effort, Khamenei is the real ring leader and to see any sort of change in Iran, that guy must go.
  23. 39% annualized after fees.. Jim is the goat. He also has a lot of goodwill in the stem research space especially in the quant start up space, funded so many labs/companies that couldn't find funding elsewhere.
  24. I would suggest everyone read the INC's 2024 Election Manifesto: https://manifesto.inc.in/assets/Congress-Manifesto-English-2024-Dyoxp_4E.pdf People vote for BJP not because the BJP is good (which it somewhat is), but because Congress is so utterly bad. That manifesto looks like it's been made by a 5 year old who has no understanding of any financial concepts let alone geopolitics. Compare the above Manifesto to that of the BJPs and you will see why Indians seem to want this 'dictator'. On another note, Indian randomly vote for unsustainable subsidies, a population that has gotten used to freebies has no future. On one hand you want development, on another you want subsidies, on a third hand Indian Businessmen are somehow crony capitalists but foreign ones are Christ's second coming, on a fourth hand you don't want to mine minerals because you care too much about the environment but also want a mineral economy. - 'you' referring to urban upper class elitist 15-25 y/o who cry dictatorship all day. India seems to be the only 'dictatorship' where you can bad mouth the dictator every day and write a million articles on it all the while sipping wine in your apartment in South Delhi with no consequences at all. The only 'Hindu Nationalist' country where you can say please remove the police for 15 mins and see what we do to the majority & still roam free, and where the so called Hindu Nationalists fight for >100 years in court to get their own temple back. From the inside looking out, it seems western media hates anyone who refuses to play long with the west's ideas, don't even get me started on academia.
  25. Naive statement cubs. I think most people in the broader west have never seen or experienced j!h4d first hand and think of terrorist organizations as a 'building', which could be bought down and replaced. This is a huge misconception. There is a demon called Raktabīja in Indian folk lore, the specialty of these guys is that if you wound him, from every drop of his blood, a new Raktabīja will come out. Hamas, & most terrorist outfits as a matter of fact are much the same. You can never completely destroy them as much as that would be nice. Once the old leader is killed a new one will take the mantel, such is the unfortunate reality, the seed was long sowed, only takes a little rain.
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