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Everything posted by whatstheofficerproblem

  1. That is what I'm thinking about. A hedge sure helps, so I plan to short the common. If for some reason I believe that shorting isn't for me, I'd rather just buy rights instead of the warrants, because to lose money on those the common must fall significantly.
  2. Yes, the warrants can 10x, also if the writeup on VIC about LIBY is true, it can even yield much more than that. All the SPACs listed above either have their own specific write-up, or a mentioned in VIC. https://valueinvestorsclub.com/idea/SILVER_CREST_ACQU_CORP_-REDH/0667062517 The above write-up had a list of many SPACs
  3. I am starting a thread to capitalize on potential SPAC Merger opportunities that provide skewed risk/reward ratio in terms of Warrants or Rights or the Stock itself. Here are a few. LIBY - Write-up on VIC, SPAC with an Energy company that has potential, Warrants @ $0.11 ERES - Combining with a Abacus Life, Life insurance company, Warrants @ $0.20 ACAX - Merging with HWH International, Warrants @ $0.040 FEXD - Merger with Rana Financial & Mobitech, Warrants @ $0.055 JWAC - Combining with Chijet Motor Company, Rights @ $0.0899 , 8 to 1. This merger has high probability of going through, Chijet was in a merger agreement with another SPAC that fell through, since it fell through, this is a new merger with decreased valuation. PAFO - Merging with Caravelle Group Co., Ltd, which is an Ocean Technology and Shipping Company, Rights @ $0.4100
  4. I find this Thesis a lot more compelling, and ONEW is trading below the write-up.
  5. Morgan Wallen's 'Dangerous: The Double Album'. English is not my first language, all I ask from music is nice songwriting. And in an age where most songs are just curse words with autotune where the singer sounds dead, most of the album is a breath of fresh air. 865, Somebody's Problem, More Than My Hometown, Outlaw, Bandaid On A Bullet Hole, Sand In My Boots, More Surprised Than Me, Warning, Neon Eyes, Wonderin' Bout The Wind, Cover Me Up, 7 Summers, Still Going Down, Me On Whiskey. Heartless, Livin' The Dream, Quittin' Time. The first four are just..
  6. Interesting, would you mind sharing your thesis on the topic? The VIC writeups have corrupted me, I want to know what makes it a long for you.
  7. Yep that's about it, it's a cyclical business that rode the covid wave for profit, and earnings must return to normal.
  8. Long or Short? There is a recent short thesis writeup on VIC. Oddly enough, HZO has been written five times and all five times it was a short!
  9. The following SPACs: LIBY, ERES, ACAX, FEXD, HHGC, JWAC & PAFO have entered agreements for de-SPACs. These were on my tracking list from a VIC write up, assuming they will be successful at the merger, what do you guys suggest, the 'Rights' or the 'Warrants'? The rights are literally trading for 1-2 cents except for PAFO. While the warrants are trading at 0.0x, 10th of a cent. What would maximize returns? The companies they are merging with are decent even if they are not excellent, in my opinion. Will they hold $10 or above, never know, SPACs in general are sold into oblivion once the de-SPAC is complete, so, this has been on my mind.
  10. Noticed something really interesting, Lee Ainslie's Maverick Capital and a lot of other Hedge Funds own a ton of SPACs. Here's where things get interesting, More than half of their holdings are not SPAC common stock, but SPAC.U - The Units. What is even more interesting is that, most of the SPACs of which this fund in particular owns Units of, are liquidating early with shareholder approval or are close to it. What do you think they are doing?
  11. Looks like you're not in the loop, there will be two congressional ETFs, NANC and CRUZ. Really excited, I have unlocked the secret to 'Alpha' with this, Inverse Cramer and these two ETFs are enough. Soon, I'll beat Michael Platt in returns. https://www.cnbc.com/select/congressional-stock-trading-could-soon-be-tracked/
  12. Inverse Cramer is a sure fire way to beat the market. Buying puts on Meta.
  13. That's the thing, CFA is sought after, although I am preparing to write CFA level I, I am a junior year so I can't take the test till next year. I am looking for internships this summer. I heard getting in is the hardest part, once you're in, you can easily jump ships.
  14. I'm an undergrad student at a 'non-target' school and I'd like the opportunity to intern come summer at a hedge fund. The problem is, most funds don't advertise, and the ones that do are big ones that hire mostly from Ivy League. When I saw memes about how a person is a legend if they make it to Wall St without rich parents or Ivy league I didn't think much of it. Now I know! So question to you guys here, I need some advice, how do I go about entering these funds as an intern, or do you guys recommend starting elsewhere?
  15. Thank you guys!, that explains why they are so cheap relative to the $90 strike. But then if I buy $90 strike for 3.35 per option expiring in Jan 2024, and the deal closes 2023 July for $95, wouldn't I make like 140%, I'm trying to make an arb play with max profits as opposed to the standard 25% I'll get for just owning the stock outright. Will this work?
  16. Ok, I am new to options, but looking at ATVI's option chain, I find it confusing. MSFT wants to buy ATVI at $95, The OTM call option for Jan 2024 at strike price $95 is currently trading for 0.74, assuming that the deal goes through and finalizes in July 2023, the stock goes to $95, according to Option Profit Calculator, the return is 400+%, seems too good to be true. What exactly am I missing here, please help.
  17. Was going through Bill Gates holdings and looks like he bought WIW & WIA in March this year. What do you guys think? Is that a sound investment? Is he on to something or is it a normal hedge? What might his reasons be? Do any of you own these? Is it worth buying now?
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