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Everything posted by brobro777

  1. Prices of eggs and used Toyotas in southern California are not falling anymore Uh oh
  2. 12 years to build a Target in LA - https://lamag.com/featured/hollywood-target-opens Haha
  3. Holy moly look at the juice running in BTC
  4. I agree that's a good point about familiarity Yet another thing about doing the work in micro caps or anything really is that some people are better at research and analysis. Like that guy at https://www.scuttleblurb.com/ is way better at research than I will ever be (helped me make good returns off TTD years ago). So guys, keep posting your research and ideas on this forum - I wanna continue the free ride!
  5. Yikes these micro caps sound like an absolute ton of work I'll just stick to free riding off other people's good ideas, thanks
  6. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/investors-lost-195-billion-shorting-012139363.html Ouch!
  7. ADSK! I read about the company from this scuttleblurb guy that I think does good research: https://scuttleblurb.substack.com/p/adsk-dassault-ptc-simulation-cad I think you're right, it seems like ADSK probably has the customers in that industry by the b...
  8. I don't like saying it but I think you may be right about Bitcoin
  9. I think it's understandable what the writers are doing. They have to try to sell books to dunskys like me, an average guy in LA working some job and they need something sensational to take my attention away from Beavis and Butthead. What better than huge sums of money and secretive conspiracy sounding stuff sprinkled with weirdo personalities? And if things get misrepresented here and there, well that's how the sausage gets made I'm not reading hundreds of pages though, no way bro, that's for nerds
  10. Yea out with specific names cuz I'm too lazy to do stuff like read 500 pages a day of boring industry reports I have a feeling though Sharper will give all kinds of names that remind me of Bre X Maybe I'll just XLE and call it a day
  11. QQQ back to all time high, time to buy some oil and gas? Worth a shot I guess, why not baby why not
  12. Emulex! Haha I remember watching that stock going crazy because of that hoax thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emulex_hoax Those were the days
  13. Damn not bad for Empty stands and 60 games below 500
  14. I get the trophy asset/Mona Lisa argument but cash flow's gotta be somewhat important, no? Oakland A's are losing money and they can't all issue bonds like Man U... I don't like Cuban much but I get the feeling he's got good sense for timing
  15. For as long as I remember, it has been a layup lock that sports team values increase over time Now Cuban is cashing out of Mavs - https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/39000963/adelson-family-advanced-talks-buy-significant-stake-dallas-mavericks - I'm wondering, are we near the top for sports team values? Maybe the increase in value declines a bit vs last 30 years? I get that there's massive TV and streaming rights and all but I never thought these teams made that much money What say you guys
  16. yea it wasn’t just checks but also a lot of people in places like Los Angeles not paying rent for 3 years, on top of no student loan payments. That’s a lotta tax free money baby, a lot
  17. I wish it was 2015 again with interest rates at 0.25% with 10 year below 2%. Life would be so much easier haha
  18. not only that but risk free rates (short term, long term) substantially higher than during the last 15 years, plus these techs already do big they’re $3tril? that’s too much baby, too much
  19. Egg prices are back up to $3.99 per dozen in Los Angeles, guys. That's not good baby, not good
  20. Well my thinking as I said before on this site is that we continue to move sideways for a while, 5-10 years. I dunno if a bottom has been reached - maybe there is another puke out like the 2009 bust at some point. The trigger? US debt and deficit getting a bit out of control? Maybe, who knows Haha
  21. I go back to Beavis and Butthead episodes from the 1990s from time to time. After all these years, it's still good baby, still good:
  22. I come back to this once in a while and it's always good
  23. Boy I do love me some Lay's BBQ chips. Is it time to buy up some PEP? Sure it could go down further from here, but over the long run I'll make out okay, no?
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