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13 hours ago, SafetyinNumbers said:

I’m sure you looked at a sample of press releases when they made changes to S&P/TSX 60 after a quarterly index review and noticed they announce the S&P/TSX Composite changes in the same press release.


Hell no, but I'll take your word for it.


Ok, I found their press releases, going back to Sept 2021. But what I get from the extra homework you assigned me is that they typically only make changes when they have to, usually because a big company has split (like Brookfield) or, more often, because a component has been bought out (Kirkland Lake, InterPipeline, Bausch, Shaw). I can only see one change that seems to be motivated by size (adding Intact, deleting Canopy), and the size difference was bigger than the Fairfax/Algonquin swap we fantasized about (Intact was bigger than Fairfax is, and Canopy had become much smaller than Algonquin.)


So maybe Fairfax's best chance is when some current component gets merged with another component or bought out by a non-Canadian company. Then Fairfax would probably be the most likely addition, as it is the biggest Canadian company (#27) not already in the TSX 60 which is supposed to be "designed to represent leading companies in leading industries". 

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, dartmonkey said:

So maybe Fairfax's best chance is when some current component gets merged with another component or bought out by a non-Canadian company.

The Sleep Country thing makes so much sense now!


Edited by MMM20

So maybe Fairfax's best chance is when some current component gets merged with another component or bought out by a non-Canadian company.

The Sleep Country thing makes so much sense now!


Yes, if only Sleep Country had been big enough to be in the TSX 60! But at $1.7b, it's only a third the size of Algonquin, the smallest component. We need to think bigger. I propose we buy out Canadian Tire Corp (market cap $9b), #57 in the TSX 60, and then, to be sure to get in, we become Canadian Tires Beds and Restaurants - got to get away from that 'Financials' image...

Posted (edited)

Fairfax Financial - 8 Lessons Learned Over the Past 4 Years


“There is nothing new in Wall Street. There can’t be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again.” Jesse Livermore Reminiscences of a Stock Operator


What it takes to be a successful investor has not changed very much over the years. That is because capitalism is a wonderful economic system - our standard of living continues to improve. And human nature has not changed - people will continue to act like they always have. Learning from the past is an important way for an investor to get an edge - it can give you a preview of what is likely to happen again in the future.


The Fairfax story


The last 4 years has been an amazing time to be invested in Fairfax. The company is executing one of the great comebacks in recent Canadian business history - both in terms of business and share price performance. It is both an interesting and instructive story.


As investors, what can we learn from Fairfax’s improbable transformation/performance over the past 4 years?


That is the question we will explore in this post.


But first let’s do a quick review of a very important performance measure.




How has Fairfax’s stock performed?


Fairfax’s stock is up 297% over the past 4 years. That is a CAGR of 41.1%. $1,000 invested in Fairfax 4 years ago would be worth $3,968 today, an increase of $2,968. That is a crazy good.


How does Fairfax’s performance compare to the market averages?

  • The S&P500 is up a total of 61% over the past 4 years.
  • The S&P/TSX is up a total of 42% over the past 4 years.

Fairfax’s outperformance of the market averages in the US and Canada has been breathtaking.




How does Fairfax’s performance compare to P/C insurance peers?


P/C insurance companies, as a group, have significantly outperformed the broad market averages  over the past 4 years.


The big winner of the 6 companies compared below has been Fairfax - their performance has trounced P/C insurance peers over the past 4 years. Fairfax’s CAGR is about 2x that of peers. The big laggard (of the 6 companies compared below) has been Markel.


Fairfax’s performance over the past 4 years - in absolute and relative terms - has been epic.






"What we learn from history is that people don't learn from history." Warren Buffett


With that warning from Buffett, let’s get back to our original question. Let’s try and be inquisitive and open minded…


As investors, what can we learn from Fairfax’s improbable transformation/performance over the past 4 years?


Below are 10 lessons that come to mind for me.


What do other posters think? Am I way off base? I do like to stir the pot. Do you see anything missing? Please chime in.




Lesson 1: Investors need to be rational at all times with their investments


Investing (buying stocks) is not like getting married. Or like joining a club/clique (sorry Tom Gaynor).


Ideally, we are able to buy stocks and hold them forever. But that is just not realistic for most stocks. And that is because shit happens. Facts change. Fundamentals / earnings change. Sometimes management teams lose their way. A great investment can become a terrible investment. But unlike marriage, exiting a broken stock is an easy thing for an investor to do.


When should an investor sell an investment?


According to Peter Lynch, a pretty smart guy, an investor should sell an investment when the story / fundamentals take a turn for the worse. Pretty simple.


The Fairfax ‘story’


Over its long history, a person usually invested in Fairfax because of their investing skills - not because of the quality of their P/C insurance business. (Yes, that has changed today.)


But something important happened at Fairfax from 2010 to 2020. Fairfax lost its way with its investing framework:

  • The ‘equity hedge/short’ strategy was a disaster, costing the company an average of $494 million/year from 2010 to 2020. The issue with this ‘position’ was its size (massive) and duration (largely in place for 11 years).
  • The equity purchases made from 2014 to 2017 were also largely a disaster.

This caused earnings at the company to stagnate. And the stock went sideways from 2010 to 2020. During this time, the S&P500 went up 200%. Measured in terms of opportunity cost, Fairfax investors ‘lost’ a significant amount of money from 2010 to 2020.


This, of course, violated Warren Buffett’s rule #1 (when investing) which is ‘don’t lose money.’


What was the learning - looking back, what should a rational investor have done?


By about 2012/2013 it was clear that  Fairfax had lost its way on the investing side of the business. As a result, the Fairfax ‘story’ had changed significantly - and for the worse.


The correct course of action for an investor back in 2012/2013 was to sell their Fairfax stock - and move on.


This course of action would have saved many investors years of anguish and massive underperformance.


This does not mean that an investor could never again invest in Fairfax. Like any other opportunity, what an investor did in the future would depend on their assessment of the opportunity (fundamentals, management, prospects, valuation etc). Again, an investor needs to be as rational as possible at all times.


Now i am looking at things from the perspective of a small investor. If i do a good job with my investments my family eats. If i do a shitty job my family doesn’t eat. As a result, i need to be very rational at all times with my investment decisions.


The silver lining


"The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging." Warren Buffett


Fairfax’s problems were self inflicted. Therefore, the ‘fix’ was also in their control. So the situation was not hopeless. It deserved to be monitored. If Fairfax was able to fix its investing framework then it might make sense for an investor to buy shares. Logic, not hope, should drive the investment decision.


But given the stocks exceptional run the past 4 years, doesn’t this mean buy and hold was - with hindsight - the correct course of action to have taken with Fairfax?


No. Selling back in 2012/2013 was still the correct course of action. And that is because back then Fairfax had lost its way with its investing framework.


And back in 2012/2013 (and over the next couple of years that followed) it was clear that Fairfax did not yet recognize that they even had a problem.


Fairfax did not start righting their investing framework until late 2016 when they finally exited the equity hedges. By 2018 they were making much better decisions with new equity purchases. The final ‘fix’ was made at the end of 2020, when they exited the last of their short positions. It still took another couple of years for Fairfax to clean up the many problem children that were still residing in their equity portfolio. As a result, it was only around 2021 that investors started to trust that Fairfax had indeed righted the ship and fixed their investing framework. That was a full 7 years after it was pretty clear that Fairfax had a problem.


And back in 2012/2013 it was not a given that Fairfax would actually fix anything. This could have easily gone the other way - with their investments, Fairfax could have continued to go down their old disastrous path.


Long term shareholders have been very lucky with how their investment in Fairfax has played out over the past 4 years - not smart. Yes, Fairfax was able to execute a successful turnaround. But that is not what usually happens.


There is also an important lesson here for Fairfax


Fairfax wants to attract long term shareholders - that was pretty apparent during the Q&A sessions at the AGM this year. If this is the case, then Fairfax needs to hold up its end of the bargain - they need to run the business in a way that attracts/aligns with long term shareholders. When it comes to the type of shareholder base they have, companies generally get what they deserve.




Lesson 2: Financial markets sometimes get it completely wrong - for years


"The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect. You need a temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd or against the crowd." Warren Buffett


Pretty much everyone got Fairfax wrong 4 years ago.


Who got Fairfax the most wrong? The haters. Their hate stopped them from being rational. It stopped them from looking at the company objectively. As a result, they likely did not invest in Fairfax at all. So they missed out on one of the great investments of the past 4 years.


The haters are a pretty quiet bunch these days. But they were out in full force in 2020.


But even many of those who were positive on Fairfax 4 years ago were also very wrong. They grossly underestimated the opportunity. As a result they likely did not size their position properly. And many likely sold their position much too soon.


Who got Fairfax the most right 4 years ago? Some lucky guy named Prem Watsa who invested $150 million in Fairfax at US$308/share in June of 2020 at pretty much the bottom. If only he had not kept his investment (and his rationale) secret… we all could have learned and benefitted from what he knew!


Of course, Prem did tell investors what he was doing and why. Prem nailed it. And we all completely ignored him. (I guess this also explains why he is a billionaire and we are not!)


From Fairfax’s press release on June 15, 2020:


Mr. Watsa commented as follows in connection with this purchase: “At our AGM and on our first quarter earnings release call, I said that our shares are ‘ridiculously cheap’. That statement reflected my recognition that in the 35 years since Fairfax began, I have never seen Fairfax shares sell at a bigger discount to their intrinsic value than they have recently. I have now backed up my strong words by purchasing close to US$150 million of Fairfax shares in the market over the last few days, as I believe that this will be an excellent long term investment.”




Be careful who you listen to


Who and what you let into your brain is super important. It is crazy how easily an investor can get messed up by their ‘information’ sources. Bad analysis and faulty logic can pollute rational thought / actions - once it gets into your head/thought process it can be very difficult to remove.


Ignore the haters


As we learned in lesson #1, successful investing is centred on being rational. Haters don’t care about fundamentals/earnings, management, prospects or valuation. Haters are blinded by the facts, especially at inflection points. The problem is the haters usually say things with a lot of conviction - and the old (wrong) narrative makes so much sense. This makes their views sound very persuasive at the time.


Back in 2020, the haters were out in full force. What were they saying? ‘Prem is an idiot.’ Or something similar. Their ‘analysis’ was exclusively rear-view mirror in nature. The positive changes happening at the company didn’t matter. The improving fundamentals / earnings didn’t matter.


This leads into our next lesson.




3.) The Corner of Berkshire & Fairfax is an amazing resource for investors.


"You only have to be able to evaluate companies within your circle of competence. The size of that circle is not very important; knowing its boundaries, however, is vital." Warren Buffett


Having the opportunity to hang out with, learn from and debate with many other successful investors from all walks of life and all over the world is amazing. Being able to do so for 20 years is priceless.


The Corner of Berkshire and Fairfax (CofBF) has been sprinkling pixie dust on its members for more than 20 years. Thank you Sanjeev for running this wonderful investment forum.


And when it comes to Fairfax, there is no better resource for investors out there. The analysis provided by board members over the years (20 and counting) has been simply outstanding. And for the past 4 years, members of CofBF have had a front row seat to Fairfax’s amazing turnaround.


Out of favour = under-followed


The fact that sentiment in Fairfax got so bad back in 2020 was actually a big help in this regard.


Pretty much no one was following the company back then. At the same time, the old narrative surrounding the company was completely wrong. That is a wonderful set up for an independently thinking, open-minded investor.


When it came to Fairfax as investment, this gave CofBF board members a massive information advantage over the entire investment community. This advantage has persisted for years.


But seeing an opportunity is not enough.




4.) Knowledge without action often results in the biggest mistakes for investors.


“The most extreme mistakes in Berkshire's history have been mistakes of omission. We saw it, but didn't act on it. They're huge mistakes — we've lost billions. And we keep doing it. We're getting better at it. We never get over it.” There are two types of mistakes: 1) doing nothing; what Warren calls “sucking my thumb” and 2) buying with an eyedropper things we should be buying a lot of.” Charlie Munger


To make money an investor can’t just read/study and sit in cash. At some point in time they have to act on what they have learned and buy something. And they need to size their position properly (more on this later in the post).


Sanjeev (and others) were pounding the table very loudly on Fairfax during the entire summer of 2020. At the time, they provided lots of great analysis in support of their views. The opportunity in Fairfax was gift wrapped for the members of the Corner of Berkshire and Fairfax.


For a trip down memory lane, below are links to a couple of threads from 2020 with Sanjeev (and a few others) pointing out how cheap Fairfax had gotten - with pushback from lots of others. In the second link, Sanjeev suggests Fairfax could return 300% over a 5-7 year time frame. It got there in 4 years.

What is interesting is how fast the general stock market bounced back in 2020 - by August the S&P500 took out its pre-Covid high (reached in February) and was back at all-time highs.


In February of 2020, Fairfax was trading at $475/share. From March 17 to November 13, 2020, Fairfax traded below $320/share. Investors had about 8 months to do their research, get comfortable with the story and still buy Fairfax at a historically cheap valuation.


Fairfax did not take out its pre-Covid (February) high until December of 2021. It stayed cheap for years.


But how many board members actually invested in Fairfax in 2020? Or 2021? Or 2022? Or 2023?


Not acting on what you know - Buffett calls that ‘thumb sucking.’ My guess is when it comes to Fairfax, there has been a lot of thumb sucking going on the past 4 years.


What about me? What was I doing?


All through the summer I was listening to Sanjeev and others on the board - I just wasn’t doing anything about it (that ‘thumb sucking’ thing). That changed in late October 2020, when I re-established a position in the stock.  I got very lucky with my timing. Not surprisingly, that is also when my posting on Fairfax started to increase.



To be continued: The final 4 lessons will come in my next long-form post which should be completed in the next week. 

Edited by Viking
16 minutes ago, Viking said:

Fairfax Financial - 10 Lessons Learned Over the Past 4 Years


“There is nothing new in Wall Street. There can’t be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again.” Jesse Livermore Reminiscences of a Stock Operator


What it takes to be a successful investor has not changed very much over the years. That is because capitalism is a wonderful economic system - our standard of living continues to improve. And human nature has not changed - people will continue to act like they always have. Learning from the past is an important way for an investor to get an edge - it can give you a preview of what is likely to happen in the future.


The Fairfax story


The last 4 years has been an amazing time to be invested in Fairfax. The company is executing one of the great comebacks in recent Canadian business history - both in terms of business and share price performance. It is both an interesting and instructive story.


As investors, what can we learn from Fairfax’s improbable transformation/performance over the past 4 years?


That is the question we will explore in this post.


But first let’s do a quick review of a very important performance measure.




How has Fairfax’s stock performed?


Fairfax’s stock is up 297% over the past 4 years. That is a CAGR of 41.1%. $1,000 invested in Fairfax 4 years ago would be worth $3,968 today, an increase of $2,968. That is a crazy good.


How does Fairfax’s performance compare to the market averages?

  • The S&P500 is up a total of 61% over the past 4 years.
  • The S&P/TSX is up a total of 42% over the past 4 years.

Fairfax’s outperformance of the market averages in the US and Canada has been breathtaking.




How does Fairfax’s performance compare to P/C insurance peers?


P/C insurance companies, as a group, have significantly outperformed the broad market averages  over the past 4 years.


The big winner of the 6 companies compared below has been Fairfax - their performance has trounced P/C insurance peers over the past 4 years. Fairfax’s CAGR is about 2x that of peers. The big laggard (of the 6 companies compared below) has been Markel.


Fairfax’s performance over the past 4 years - in absolute and relative terms - has been epic.






"What we learn from history is that people don't learn from history." Warren Buffett


With that warning from Buffett, let’s get back to our original question. Let’s try and be inquisitive and open minded…


As investors, what can we learn from Fairfax’s improbable transformation/performance over the past 4 years?


Below are 10 lessons that come to mind for me.


What do other posters think? Am I way off base? I do like to stir the pot. Do you see anything missing? Please chime in.




Lesson 1: Investors need to be rational at all times with their investments


Investing (buying stocks) is not like getting married. Or like joining a club/clique (sorry Tom Gaynor).


Ideally, we are able to buy stocks and hold them forever. But that is just not realistic for most stocks. And that is because shit happens. Facts change. Fundamentals / earnings change. Sometimes management teams lose their way. A great investment can become a terrible investment. But unlike marriage, exiting a broken stock is an easy thing for an investor to do.


When should an investor sell an investment?


According to Peter Lynch, a pretty smart guy, an investor should sell an investment when the story / fundamentals take a turn for the worse. Pretty simple.


The Fairfax ‘story’


Over its long history, a person usually invested in Fairfax because of their investing skills - not because of the quality of their P/C insurance business. (Yes, that has changed today.)


But something important happened at Fairfax from 2010 to 2020. Fairfax lost its way with its investing framework:

  • The ‘equity hedge/short’ strategy was a disaster, costing the company an average of $494 million/year from 2010 to 2020. The issue with this ‘position’ was its size (massive) and duration (largely in place for 11 years).
  • The equity purchases made from 2014 to 2017 were also largely a disaster.

This caused earnings at the company to stagnate. And the stock went sideways from 2010 to 2020. During this time, the S&P500 went up 200%. Measured in terms of opportunity cost, Fairfax investors ‘lost’ a significant amount of money from 2010 to 2020.


This, of course, violated Warren Buffett’s rule #1 (when investing) which is ‘don’t lose money.’


What was the learning - looking back, what should a rational investor have done?


By about 2012/2013 it was clear that  Fairfax had lost its way on the investing side of the business. As a result, the Fairfax ‘story’ had changed significantly - and for the worse.


The correct course of action for an investor back in 2012/2013 was to sell their Fairfax stock - and move on.


This course of action would have saved many investors years of anguish and massive underperformance.


This does not mean that an investor could never again invest in Fairfax. Like any other opportunity, what an investor did in the future would depend on their assessment of the opportunity (fundamentals, management, prospects, valuation etc). Again, an investor needs to be as rational as possible at all times.


Now i am looking at things from the perspective of a small investor. If i do a good job with my investments my family eats. If i do a shitty job my family doesn’t eat. As a result, i need to be very rational at all times with my investment decisions.


The silver lining


"The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging." Warren Buffett


Fairfax’s problems were self inflicted. Therefore, the ‘fix’ was also in their control. So the situation was not hopeless. It deserved to be monitored. If Fairfax was able to fix its investing framework then it might make sense for an investor to buy shares. Logic, not hope, should drive the investment decision.


But given the stocks exceptional run the past 4 years, doesn’t this mean buy and hold was - with hindsight - the correct course of action to have taken with Fairfax?


No. Selling back in 2012/2013 was still the correct course of action. And that is because back then Fairfax had lost its way with its investing framework.


And back in 2012/2013 (and over the next couple of years that followed) it was clear that Fairfax did not yet recognize that they even had a problem.


Fairfax did not start righting their investing framework until late 2016 when they finally exited the equity hedges. By 2018 they were making much better decisions with new equity purchases. The final ‘fix’ was made at the end of 2020, when they exited the last of their short positions. It still took another couple of years for Fairfax to clean up the many problem children that were still residing in their equity portfolio. As a result, it was only around 2021 that investors started to trust that Fairfax had indeed righted the ship and fixed their investing framework. That was a full 7 years after it was pretty clear that Fairfax had a problem.


And back in 2012/2013 it was not a given that Fairfax would actually fix anything. This could have easily gone the other way - with their investments, Fairfax could have continued to go down their old disastrous path.


Long term shareholders have been very lucky with how their investment in Fairfax has played out over the past 4 years - not smart. Yes, Fairfax was able to execute a successful turnaround. But that is not what usually happens.


There is also an important lesson here for Fairfax


Fairfax wants to attract long term shareholders - that was pretty apparent during the Q&A sessions at the AGM this year. If this is the case, then Fairfax needs to hold up its end of the bargain - they need to run the business in a way that attracts/aligns with long term shareholders. When it comes to the type of shareholder base they have, companies generally get what they deserve.




Lesson 2: Financial markets sometimes get it completely wrong - for years


"The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect. You need a temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd or against the crowd." Warren Buffett


Pretty much everyone got Fairfax wrong 4 years ago.


Who got Fairfax the most wrong? The haters. Their hate stopped them from being rational. It stopped them from looking at the company objectively. As a result, they likely did not invest in Fairfax at all. So they missed out on one of the great investments of the past 4 years.


The haters are a pretty quiet bunch these days. But they were out in full force in 2020.


But even many of those who were positive on Fairfax 4 years ago were also very wrong. They grossly underestimated the opportunity. As a result they likely did not size their position properly. And many likely sold their position much too soon.


Who got Fairfax the most right 4 years ago? Some lucky guy named Prem Watsa who invested $150 million in Fairfax at US$308/share in June of 2020 at pretty much the bottom. If only he had not kept his investment (and his rationale) secret… we all could have learned and benefitted from what he knew!


Of course, Prem did tell investors what he was doing and why. Prem nailed it. And we all completely ignored him. (I guess this also explains why he is a billionaire and we are not!)


From Fairfax’s press release on June 15, 2020:


Mr. Watsa commented as follows in connection with this purchase: “At our AGM and on our first quarter earnings release call, I said that our shares are ‘ridiculously cheap’. That statement reflected my recognition that in the 35 years since Fairfax began, I have never seen Fairfax shares sell at a bigger discount to their intrinsic value than they have recently. I have now backed up my strong words by purchasing close to US$150 million of Fairfax shares in the market over the last few days, as I believe that this will be an excellent long term investment.”




Be careful who you listen to


Who and what you let into your brain is super important. It is crazy how easily an investor can get messed up by their ‘information’ sources. Bad analysis and faulty logic can pollute rational thought / actions - once it gets into your head/thought process it can be very difficult to remove.


Ignore the haters


As we learned in lesson #1, successful investing is centred on being rational. Haters don’t care about fundamentals/earnings, management, prospects or valuation. Haters are blinded by the facts, especially at inflection points. The problem is the haters usually say things with a lot of conviction - and the old (wrong) narrative makes so much sense. This makes their views sound very persuasive at the time.


Back in 2020, the haters were out in full force. What were they saying? ‘Prem is an idiot.’ Or something similar. Their ‘analysis’ was exclusively rear-view mirror in nature. The positive changes happening at the company didn’t matter. The improving fundamentals / earnings didn’t matter.


This leads into our next lesson.




3.) The Corner of Berkshire & Fairfax is an amazing resource for investors.


"You only have to be able to evaluate companies within your circle of competence. The size of that circle is not very important; knowing its boundaries, however, is vital." Warren Buffett


Having the opportunity to hang out with, learn from and debate with many other successful investors from all walks of life and all over the world is amazing. Being able to do so for 20 years is priceless.


The Corner of Berkshire and Fairfax (CofBF) has been sprinkling pixie dust on its members for more than 20 years. Thank you Sanjeev for running this wonderful investment forum.


And when it comes to Fairfax, there is no better resource for investors out there. The analysis provided by board members over the years (20 and counting) has been simply outstanding. And for the past 4 years, members of CofBF have had a front row seat to Fairfax’s amazing turnaround.


Out of favour = under-followed


The fact that sentiment in Fairfax got so bad back in 2020 was actually a big help in this regard.


Pretty much no one was following the company back then. At the same time, the old narrative surrounding the company was completely wrong. That is a wonderful set up for an independently thinking, open-minded investor.


When it came to Fairfax as investment, this gave CofBF board members a massive information advantage over the entire investment community. This advantage has persisted for years.


But seeing an opportunity is not enough.




4.) Knowledge without action often results in the biggest mistakes for investors.


“The most extreme mistakes in Berkshire's history have been mistakes of omission. We saw it, but didn't act on it. They're huge mistakes — we've lost billions. And we keep doing it. We're getting better at it. We never get over it.” There are two types of mistakes: 1) doing nothing; what Warren calls “sucking my thumb” and 2) buying with an eyedropper things we should be buying a lot of.” Charlie Munger


To make money an investor can’t just read/study and sit in cash. At some point in time they have to act on what they have learned and buy something. And they need to size their position properly (more on this later in the post).


Sanjeev (and others) were pounding the table very loudly on Fairfax during the entire summer of 2020. At the time, they provided lots of great analysis in support of their views. The opportunity in Fairfax was gift wrapped for the members of the Corner of Berkshire and Fairfax.


For a trip down memory lane, below are links to a couple of threads from 2020 with Sanjeev (and a few others) pointing out how cheap Fairfax had gotten - with pushback from lots of others. In the second link, Sanjeev suggests Fairfax could return 300% over a 5-7 year time frame. It got there in 4 years.

What is interesting is how fast the general stock market bounced back in 2020 - by August the S&P500 took out its pre-Covid high (reached in February) and was back at all-time highs.


In February of 2020, Fairfax was trading at $475/share. From March 17 to November 13, 2020, Fairfax traded below $320/share. Investors had about 8 months to do their research, get comfortable with the story and still buy Fairfax at a historically cheap valuation.


Fairfax did not take out its pre-Covid (February) high until December of 2021. It stayed cheap for years.


But how many board members actually invested in Fairfax in 2020? Or 2021? Or 2022? Or 2023?


Not acting on what you know - Buffett calls that ‘thumb sucking.’ My guess is when it comes to Fairfax, there has been a lot of thumb sucking going on the past 4 years.


What about me? What was I doing?


All through the summer I was listening to Sanjeev and others on the board - I just wasn’t doing anything about it (that ‘thumb sucking’ thing). That changed in late October 2020, when I re-established a position in the stock.  I got very lucky with my timing. Not surprisingly, that is also when my posting on Fairfax started to increase.



Ton be continued: The final 6 lessons will come in my next long-form post which should be completed in the next week. 

@Viking, while I largely agree with you, it is a stretch to suggest that those who did not invest in Fairfax got it wrong.   It was, and frankly still is completely rational to look at management responsible for the company's stagnation in the 2010s and compare them to present management.  Looks like mostly the same folks.  Personally, management is the number one factor in any investment I make.  Without management, i.e., decision-making, companies don't generate anything.  My choice to invest in Fairfax was due solely to how cheap the price had become; I initially invested IN SPITE OF (not because of) management.  Has management done better in the 2020s?  Well yes, for many of the reasons of which you so eloquently write.  But even so, I'd hardly be willing to give the same management a pass for 10 years of poor decision-making and don't blame prior shareholders at all for taking a pass on this stock.  Unlike Berkshire, where for 40+ years I've never questioned management (even while admittedly not understanding many decisions, past and present) Fairfax is, and always will be on a relatively short leash.      

46 minutes ago, 73 Reds said:

@Viking, while I largely agree with you, it is a stretch to suggest that those who did not invest in Fairfax got it wrong.   It was, and frankly still is completely rational to look at management responsible for the company's stagnation in the 2010s and compare them to present management.  Looks like mostly the same folks.  Personally, management is the number one factor in any investment I make.  Without management, i.e., decision-making, companies don't generate anything.  My choice to invest in Fairfax was due solely to how cheap the price had become; I initially invested IN SPITE OF (not because of) management.  Has management done better in the 2020s?  Well yes, for many of the reasons of which you so eloquently write.  But even so, I'd hardly be willing to give the same management a pass for 10 years of poor decision-making and don't blame prior shareholders at all for taking a pass on this stock.  Unlike Berkshire, where for 40+ years I've never questioned management (even while admittedly not understanding many decisions, past and present) Fairfax is, and always will be on a relatively short leash.      

I think this perspective ignores context and the balance sheet but that’s what makes a market. 

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, 73 Reds said:

@Viking, while I largely agree with you, it is a stretch to suggest that those who did not invest in Fairfax got it wrong.   It was, and frankly still is completely rational to look at management responsible for the company's stagnation in the 2010s and compare them to present management.  Looks like mostly the same folks.  Personally, management is the number one factor in any investment I make.  Without management, i.e., decision-making, companies don't generate anything.  My choice to invest in Fairfax was due solely to how cheap the price had become; I initially invested IN SPITE OF (not because of) management.  Has management done better in the 2020s?  Well yes, for many of the reasons of which you so eloquently write.  But even so, I'd hardly be willing to give the same management a pass for 10 years of poor decision-making and don't blame prior shareholders at all for taking a pass on this stock.  Unlike Berkshire, where for 40+ years I've never questioned management (even while admittedly not understanding many decisions, past and present) Fairfax is, and always will be on a relatively short leash.      

@73 Reds  Thanks for the comment - it is great to get the opportunity to discuss/debate.

My point was more about the importance of trying to be as rational as possible as an investor at all times - especially during times of great stress. As opposed to letting emotion be the primary driver the investment decision. 


As we all know, in practice, that is an exceptionally difficult thing to do. Lots of investors fail. 


In 2020 when Fairfax was trading for most of the year at a P/BV of 0.7 (and as low as 0.6x) even after financial markets had rebounded - that had nothing to do with rational, fact based analysis. 

Concerns about management? 


Truth be told, Fairfax fixed their biggest issue (dragging down their long term performance) back at the end of 2016 when they removed the equity hedge. That was public knowledge.

And it was possible to see the improvements they were making in their investing framework by late 2019. I did a ‘Top 10’ on Fairfax at the end of 2019 and at the time i titled it ‘the supertanker is turning’. 

So why did Fairfax get so cheap and stay so cheap for most of 2020? I don’t think there is a reason based in rational analysis. Fear (not greed) was driving most investors investment decisions back then (when it came to Fairfax). This bias against the company persisted into 2023.


The time to sell Fairfax was back in 2012/2013. Not 2020 after it had fallen to 0.7x P/BV. That was the time to buy - and hand over fist.

Edited by Viking
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, 73 Reds said:

@Viking, while I largely agree with you, it is a stretch to suggest that those who did not invest in Fairfax got it wrong.   It was, and frankly still is completely rational to look at management responsible for the company's stagnation in the 2010s and compare them to present management.  Looks like mostly the same folks.  Personally, management is the number one factor in any investment I make.  Without management, i.e., decision-making, companies don't generate anything.  My choice to invest in Fairfax was due solely to how cheap the price had become; I initially invested IN SPITE OF (not because of) management.  Has management done better in the 2020s?  Well yes, for many of the reasons of which you so eloquently write.  But even so, I'd hardly be willing to give the same management a pass for 10 years of poor decision-making and don't blame prior shareholders at all for taking a pass on this stock.  Unlike Berkshire, where for 40+ years I've never questioned management (even while admittedly not understanding many decisions, past and present) Fairfax is, and always will be on a relatively short leash.      

@73 Reds Here is perhaps another way to look at it. If an investor buys a stock and then the ‘story’ changes for the worse (for whatever reason) and they choose not to sell that investment. And then it drops precipitously in value 5 or 10 years later.

Who is primarily to blame? Is it:

1.) management of the company?

2.) or the investor - for not selling as soon as they knew the story had changed?


My view is the blame primarily rests with the investor. 

Edited by Viking
12 hours ago, Viking said:

@73 Reds Here is perhaps another way to look at it. If an investor buys a stock and then the ‘story’ changes for the worse (for whatever reason) and they choose not to sell that investment. And then it drops precipitously in value 5 or 10 years later.

Who is primarily to blame? Is it:

1.) management of the company?

2.) or the investor - for not selling as soon as they knew the story had changed?


My view is the blame primarily rests with the investor. 

Absolutely, the investor is responsible for all his/her decisions.  But so is management.  My point is the same management responsible for the equity hedge/short position is still in charge.  Have they learned?  We hope so.  But that doesn't make folks wrong to ignore their history.  Besides, who knows what people who passed on Fairfax did with their investment dollars; there have been other great performers and everyone's criteria for evaluating potential investments is different.  You (and I) saw a stock that was too cheap to pass up.  But that doesn't make not buying it (i.e. acts of omission) wrong.   

On 9/4/2024 at 7:21 AM, dartmonkey said:

How does this work? I would not have expected that inflation would be necessarily bad for most insurance, since rates are readjusted every year, but maybe long-tailed insurance (asbestos for instance) might be hurt by unexpectedly high inflation. Did Jain explain his thinking?

Unexpected / accelerating inflation is a problem for insurance, especially longer tail, but stable or decelerating inflation should not be a problem..


Viking asked "But how many board members actually invested in Fairfax in 2020? Or 2021? Or 2022? Or 2023?" 


Perhaps there are a fair number of board members like myself who have passed on the opportunity to buy more Fairfax shares simply because we have watched our present shares grow in value to a point where Fairfax now form an increasingly larger and larger percentage of our stock portfolios. Personally I am slightly over 50%. 


However, as a small investor, I might be more tempted to add if shares would split to a more reasonable price per share. For instance a ten for one split would reduce share price to around the level of Canadian banks. JMHO

1 hour ago, Spekulatius said:

Unexpected / accelerating inflation is a problem for insurance, especially longer tail, but stable or decelerating inflation should not be a problem..


What really hurts the long tail / retroactive businesses is "social inflation" - which I take to mean the general increases in average jury awards.  This type of inflation has been substantial and certainly isn't 1:1 with official CPI or other traditional inflation measures.  Court system delays around the pandemic years pushed jury decisions and settlements out further as court systems slowed way down.  More time before resolution might have increased the duration of that "float" but I'm sure that positive was more than undone by the extra year or two of social inflation in the US.


It's already a big position for me, but i picked up a few shares in my retirement around US$1000 when it dipped briefly a few months ago and sold it for a quick hit.  I think we may get another opportunity here and there, particularly next quarter. 


OXY is FFH's biggest equity investment, and the new accounting rules which make you take mark-to-market losses and gains and treat them as earnings, not just adjustments to book value.  This will surely make FFH's GAAP earnings look terrible this quarter, no matter how good the other stuff is doing. If that happens, I wouldn't mind adding more again in my retirement account and selling when it bounces back, since those moves aren't taxable. 

14 minutes ago, Saluki said:

It's already a big position for me, but i picked up a few shares in my retirement around US$1000 when it dipped briefly a few months ago and sold it for a quick hit.  I think we may get another opportunity here and there, particularly next quarter. 


OXY is FFH's biggest equity investment, and the new accounting rules which make you take mark-to-market losses and gains and treat them as earnings, not just adjustments to book value.  This will surely make FFH's GAAP earnings look terrible this quarter, no matter how good the other stuff is doing. If that happens, I wouldn't mind adding more again in my retirement account and selling when it bounces back, since those moves aren't taxable. 


If OXY closed the quarter where it is now, it would be a $65m pretax hit.  Less after taxes.  That doesn't seem like a big factor

1 hour ago, gfp said:


If OXY closed the quarter where it is now, it would be a $65m pretax hit.  Less after taxes.  That doesn't seem like a big factor

Great point GFP. Also, there are lots of equity positions bigger than OXY. The three biggest are EUROB, Poseidon and the TRS. We already know EUROB and Poseidon will contribute more than they did last quarter. The TRS also has  gains more than the OXY loss if the quarter closed today. 


Here is a summary of Fairfax's largest equity holdings from June 30, 2024. Given its proposed sale, Stelco has jumped into the top 7 (and will be replaced by Sleep Country). Quess has been on fire QTD so it is now a larger position than OXY (CIB too?).  



27 minutes ago, Saluki said:

It's already a big position for me, but i picked up a few shares in my retirement around US$1000 when it dipped briefly a few months ago and sold it for a quick hit.  I think we may get another opportunity here and there, particularly next quarter. 


OXY is FFH's biggest equity investment, and the new accounting rules which make you take mark-to-market losses and gains and treat them as earnings, not just adjustments to book value.  This will surely make FFH's GAAP earnings look terrible this quarter, no matter how good the other stuff is doing. If that happens, I wouldn't mind adding more again in my retirement account and selling when it bounces back, since those moves aren't taxable. 


Actually, those mark to market changes have been in effect for more than 5 years now.


Q2 to Q3 OXY is indeed down a bit, from $63.03 June 28 to about $52 now. Since Fairfax owns 6 million shares, that represents a loss of about $66m pretax, as gfp mentions, and maybe $53m after tax, and that is in the context of total earnings of about $1b per quarter. In the same time period, GODIGIT is up from 338 to 387, a 49 rupee gain. Fairfax owns 49% of Go Digit shares, through Digit (which also owns other things besides Go Digit,) and 68%, if one includes the convertible preferred shares Fairfax owns, so this represents 68%*923.33m shares= 627.9m shares; 49 INR = 0.58 USD, so this represents a Q2-Q3 gain of $366m, 6 times the OXY loss. I expect that only the preferred shares are market to market (they are worth 19% of Digit), whereas the 49% of Digit's common shares are accounted for as an associate (20-50%) and share gains will not show up as earnings, but even the preferreds would represent a bigger mark to market gain than the OXY loss. And there are many other gains, such as Poseidon and Eurobank (also associates, so gains would be because of their earnings, which are substantial).


OXY only appears to be their biggest position because it is now the biggest position that is declared to the SEC in a 13-F, compiled on sites like Gurufocus and Dataroma. Those do not include holdings like Go Digit, Eurobank, Poseidon or of course their preferred shares or their big bond portfolio. So the OXY position, worth $379m at the end of Q2, was the biggest position in the $1.2b 13F portfolio, but total Fairfax common stocks were $7.3b, all stocks including preferred stocks were $9.9b, and all investment assets combined were $57.5b, so OXY is worth less than 1% of that. 

14 minutes ago, dartmonkey said:



OXY only appears to be their biggest position because it is now the biggest position that is declared to the SEC in a 13-F, compiled on sites like Gurufocus and Dataroma. 


Yes,  I forgot about that. Thanks.

2 hours ago, Viking said:

Stelco has jumped into the top 7 (and will be replaced by Sleep Country). Quess has been on fire QTD so it is now a larger position than OXY (CIB too?).  

 Sleep Country should be higher than #7, I would think: 33.9m shares times C$35, so C$1.2b = $875m US. I presume this will be carried at that acquisition value? 


Thomas Cook is down a bit, from $871m to something like $760m; Quess is up a lot, from $370 to $471. Fairfax India is heading for a quarter close about level, from $827m to $837m by my calculation. So if Sleep County is at $875m as I expect, it looks like it would be #4, or #3 if you don't include the Fairfax swaps.


9 minutes ago, dartmonkey said:

 Sleep Country should be higher than #7, I would think: 33.9m shares times C$35, so C$1.2b = $875m US. I presume this will be carried at that acquisition value? 


Thomas Cook is down a bit, from $871m to something like $760m; Quess is up a lot, from $370 to $471. Fairfax India is heading for a quarter close about level, from $827m to $837m by my calculation. So if Sleep County is at $875m as I expect, it looks like it would be #4, or #3 if you don't include the Fairfax swaps.


They could also lever ZZZ more when it’s private. If they take that out as a return of capital, it will reduce the equity position size.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, SafetyinNumbers said:

looks like bought back ~65k and cancelled ~61k so far. Great to see especially during hurricane season. It will be interesting how much it steps up in Q4, if the multiple is still down here.


So here is my question. Fairfax are value investors. They are able to value Fairfax better than anyone. Historically, they usually buy back shares when they are cheap. They have been buying hand over fist this year. They are on pace to reduce effective share outstanding by more than 1 million in 2024. Given the hard market in insurance is nearing its end - the insurance subs will likely be generating a significant amount of excess capital moving forward. It is likely that Fairfax will continue to prioritize stock buybacks over the near term. The stock is not very liquid. 


Knowing this, why would an investor sell their shares right now?

Edited by Viking

To play devil's advocate:


What if we see a soft market + lower rates + equity market drawdown? 


Pretty much the 3 things that Fairfax had as tailwinds the last few years?


I'd imagine that would put a damper on the share price. On the flipside I imagine it would provide Fairfax opportunity to go buying (re-coiling the spring so to speak)


All that said I haven't sold a share. In fact I picked up a few shares on Friday.

Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, LC said:

To play devil's advocate:


What if we see a soft market + lower rates + equity market drawdown? 


Pretty much the 3 things that Fairfax had as tailwinds the last few years?


I'd imagine that would put a damper on the share price. On the flipside I imagine it would provide Fairfax opportunity to go buying (re-coiling the spring so to speak)


All that said I haven't sold a share. In fact I picked up a few shares on Friday.


You pose good questions. The answer to each is 'it depends.' Each of those things could be both good or bad (or some combination) for Fairfax. Here are some thoughts:

1.) A soft market in insurance will give Fairfax the opportunity to re-deploy capital to better opportunities. Fairfax is not like other P/C insurers in this regard - they have more good options.

2.) Lower rates will likely extend the hard market in insurance. What will cause lower rates? A recession? This might give Fairfax the opportunity to shift to corporates. If lower rates cause volatility in financial markets Fairfax could be a big winner. As I have said before, they have made their best investments over the past 4 years when volatility was high.

3.) Equity market drawdown - Fairfax's mark to market exposure to a fall in equity markets is much less today than in past years - the majority of their equity holdings are now associate/consolidated. In the 2020 and 2022 they used the sell off in equity markets to buy lots of what they already owned on the cheap (Fairfax, Recipe take-out, small purchases of Fairfax India, investments in Thomas Cook India and John Keells etc).


The silver lining are stock buybacks. I think this might be the key to understanding Fairfax as an investment today. Fairfax wants to buy back a bunch of shares. They should have the cash for the next couple of years. A low stock price? That is called a big, big opportunity. And would be very beneficial for long term shareholders. 


I don't expect the Disney version of the Fairfax movie to keep playing out indefinitely... I don't think the last 4 years are the new normal (where everything goes close to perfect for the company). However, I am also not going to go to the other extreme and assume that management is suddenly going to start to mess up again (and deliver returns like the 2010 to 2020 period). My guess is we will likely get something in between moving forward - which should be very good for shareholders. 


 So we will see 🙂 

Edited by Viking

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