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Everything posted by eclecticvalue

  1. Today was definitely scary. I think the drop was due to short term traders who are panic induced. There are two items but not sure if it is related to the drop. 1. An insider sold shares- He is a BOD and has horrible timing. 2. SEC granted PRXI to not disclose a reserve amount on the titanic artifacts which is related to the Lincoln park capital agreement. It could be a possibility the drop was related to that. One thing to mention that no one has thought about here and the value blogs. There was a painting that sold for $230 million dollars and it was one painting. Look at the titanic auction, there are thousands of items that are being sold so I think the appraised value of $190 million is being conservative but who knows and we will find out on April 15th. Check this article I found http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/will-eilat-soon-be-the-mecca-of-titanic-tourists-1.420687 I hope this guy steps up. Onyx1- Where did you find out about the twenty bidders?
  2. Thanks Parsad, I can't believe it was implemented. I have one more suggestion. Is it possible to get rid of the google+ button that is at the beginning of the thread. I find it annoying. Does anyone else agree?
  3. I am on the east side of Pennsylvania. Parsad if your looking at this post. I think you should implement this idea. On a few message boards you can see the flag of the country where members are from. Users can choose whether or not a flag shows up under their username. What do people think of this idea?
  4. I have a theory that more reclusive the fund manager the returns are better. It seems once a fund manager starts appearing in the media, they tend to lose their luster. You start seeing the returns fall off.
  5. I wonder if he is looking at this post right now. ;D I would love to hear comments from him on this board of the catalysts that will drive berkshire's share price.
  6. Profit?!?!?! Obviously you're not talking about the blog writers.... If there's a profit in there somewhere I still haven't figured where it's hiding. If I wanted a profitable blog I'd probably be writing about celebrity sightings, new Mac products, or extreme couponing...... Racemize, thanks for the plug on my site, I appreciate it. Radio Free Cash Flow, fascinating site, I bookmarked it (I'm old school, no RSS for me) seems like we might cross paths on stocks some. I meant profit from the investment ideas that bloggers write up about. Also it is a reference to reddit (I understand many users don't use it). The reference stems from the users, who write steps on how do something and usually its joking around. The last two steps include "????" and "profit". I was being serious with the first two steps that is how I find most of the blogs to add in my rss reader.
  7. Haha!!! This already looks like a post on reddit. I will tell you a way on how to find many blogs. 1. Go to one of the blogs you posted and look on the sidebar for sections titled "blogroll", "affiliates", etc. 2. Go through ones you find interesting by exploring it and either you choose it or not. (Don't forget to add to rss reader) 3. ???? 4. profit
  8. There have been some new some developments now MMPI has changed to EVOQ properties. One thing that sticks out from the press releases I have read is Richard Meruelo still owns 45% of the company. I thought he lost most of the ownership and I read he still fighting it in court. Overall it seems renaming the company will most likely lead towards getting listed on the Nasdaq.
  9. Take a look at Sparton corp (SPA). They have ambitions of growth.
  10. Thank you for posting. This looks like another Klarman classic. It has chock full of insights.
  11. What state is she located in?
  12. Thanks Poor Charles and Liberty!!!
  13. Here is a link through rapidshare I hope it works for everyone this time. This is exclusive for you all. Hope you Enjoy!!! https://rapidshare.com/files/3559206207/Howard-Marks-Memos-1990-2010.pdf
  14. I have the file so if anyone can tell me where I can host it easily(except scribd). I'll post it since I was the one who made it.
  15. Instead of downloading them individually you can download the whole set here. http://www.docstoc.com/docs/75532225/Howard-Marks-Memos-1990-2010
  16. I bet palo alto is ;D. He definitely inspires me. Its crazy how he was being passed over by many teams and now is getting his due. He is a value play. Torontoraptorsfan- You are mad he was able to shoot a 3 pointer in a very cold manner and with .5 seconds left in the game. Lin could revert to the mean but when it will happen. We don't know. All I can say is enjoy the ride.
  17. Why is the company incorporated in the UK?
  18. Why did he create the company in the UK?
  19. While you may have said that in jest, it ain't a bad idea... I too signed up, and thank you and Miguel for the links. :) Actually I am serious.
  20. I signed up for it. Maybe we can use this thread as the official group discussion in order to prepare for quizzes and exams. :D
  21. Hey what about the members of this board? Technically, we shuffle paper around even though we say we invest in a business like manner. Don't get me wrong I enjoy investing in a business like manner.
  22. Too bad the Pacquiao vs Mayweather isn't happening. Boxing needs that fight.
  23. So far there are many positive reviews from the foodie crowd which is very good thing in NYC. http://www.yelp.com/biz/steak-n-shake-new-york
  24. Hey netnet, I attached the partnership letters. Enjoy!!! 33262707-Complete-Buffett-Partnership-Letters-1957-70.pdf
  25. Hey I have a pdf which has all the berkshire letters including 2010, but it includes the buffett partnership letters in the 60's if you are still interested. I can email it to you.
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