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Everything posted by eclecticvalue

  1. By your comments premfan it seems Detroit would be a great buy and you could re-purpose the land.
  2. Unfortunately I don't see finance community accommodating of dropouts or unconventional people. Even though, there are successful ones but the finance community continues to turn away from them. I wish there was more embracing of them but the more crafty firms will get them.
  3. You can actually use microsoft word to do the same thing. here is a tutorial http://www.oldschoolvalue.com/blog/investment-tools/tutorial-to-quickly-detect-changes-in-the-footnotes/
  4. Allan does not have AIG, where are you seeing that.
  5. Happy Anniversary!!! Would you like give updates about the board now and the future of it?
  6. But it seems like Dalio, Tepper, and Buffett are doing opposite what everyone on this board is doing. Just to rehash the fed wants investors to move cash in risky assets. In this case the investors I mentioned above are dipping in first and I wouldn't be surprised to see others follow.
  7. What was ridiculous is how he was awarded reddit gold for every post. One thing that stood out to me is that Microsoft is innovative but they don't do a good job with marketing. For instance the WINFS was a very interesting idea and they also did a touchscreen awhile ago but were never confident with selling it.
  8. Very interesting book, I usually do not read fiction nowadays. I can make an exception.
  9. It's going to get worse. The rate of data generation keeps increasing and increasing at a massive rate. Terabytes of data, big data. Here's a fun stat: 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute So it's basically impossible to watch all the video on youtube :-) Same thing is happening with the blogs and news. There's too much of it. Its crazy how the posts accumulate if you don't look at your rss feeds. When I think about it if you ignore the rss feeds you can be highly productive. I know people will be saying "duh" but there is so much to consume that it is highly addicting.
  10. I thought this was announced a few weeks ago. I guess now it is official. Anyway I got out of this stock since I think they need to raise equity in order to continue operations. Another problem is the debt load is still large and this sale just puts a dent into the debt. It seems the re-org didn't help them that much.
  11. Thank you berkshiremystery, I was able to find one recent letter they haven't taken down as of yet. Pretty much you can get the earlier letters in a compilation on the internet easily. Again the newer ones are harder to find because they are always on the lookout.
  12. or watching the majority of the shows on the web like the 20 somethings do.
  13. You definitely won't find the letter anywhere. Because Baupost is on the lookout if a letter appears on the web and when they find it they will request a takedown. Same thing happened to valuewalk when they posted a letter.
  14. When I think about it the lady didn't allow him to go more into detail about the downside risk. We shall see his 13-f soon.
  15. It's great that he is bullish. Although I see many value guys holding cash since the market has been moving upwards. From Teppers comments it seems it won't take much money to move the markets going upward.
  16. Is that young man goes by the name of matjone??? Jk I would recommend Goodhaven and one of Joel Greenblatts value index fund.
  17. That sounds like the rival daycare from the movie "Daddy Daycare" starring Eddie Murphy
  18. Well I used /justkidding as insurance. If all of a sudden Parsad gets irked because I know he doesn't like SAC/ Steve at all. It goes to show doing unethical actions may pay in the short term but in the long term you will be eventually caught.
  19. Getting a little bit of schadenfreude, I see. /justkidding
  20. He did work very hard to get to where he is today. I think he has a cynical/ not caring attitude towards the stock market because he is a billionaire and doesn't need to invest in the stock market.
  21. Or you can become an RIA and manage seperate managed accounts. Check this site out it gives you a good overview http://www.fwallstreet.com/article/170-how-to-start-your-own-hedge-fund/ . Your letter was written so well that I thought you were running a fund. Thanks for sharing.
  22. I have been following this company since its inception. I wish I could invest in those notes but it is not allowed in my state. Although I can buy in the secondary market (distress investing for consumer notes) but caveat emptor!!! I am hearing people can make high single digit to low teen results every year. So I can't wait and see what the future holds for this company.
  23. Brooklyninvestor is an amazing writer. Those article sum up why apple wont do well unless they can adapt to innovate again instead of resting on their laurels.
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