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Everything posted by eclecticvalue

  1. I was reading the P/C part of the interview and they were explaining how insurers make money. One of the ways is "increase in flow" Can someone explain what does that mean?
  2. I don't Live Nation needs to be taken private. The management needs to replaced. Have you seen the proxy about the management? They shortchange the shareholders and lavish themselves and their family. It is unbelievable. Live Nation has a monopoly and they are screwing it up.
  3. I wouldn't mind. About Geoff, he is considered a 1st gen value blogger and was blogging very early before value blogging grew. It helps that he writes about insightful things about investing and he is willing to give nuggets of information.
  4. Thank you YP! Anyone have the oldschoolvalue magazine?
  5. Can anyone post this and OSV magazine on here as an attachment?
  6. I just saw the reviews ;D. Still it has potential.
  7. This is very interesting. http://adage.com/article/media/netflix-magazines-ipad/235930/ I could see this as becoming an important resource for investors who read many magazines. This beats subscribing to many magazines.
  8. As rranjan said, An RIA who manages individual accounts with a value style is what I would suggest. There are plenty out there, If you need suggestions of potential RIA's with a value bent. PM me with the state you live in and I hope to have suggestions for you. Also you can use a RIA from outside your state but you have to check with them if the RIA hasn't filled its out of state client base.
  9. Interesting links planmaestro, its tough to find objectivity with an issue such as the healthcare bill. If anyone is interested check this course that is being offered for free, taught by Penn professor. https://www.coursera.org/course/healthpolicy
  10. Has anyone checked this out http://american.com/archive/2012/june/the-healthcare-myths-we-must-confront
  11. You should reconsider. Have you read his story http://blogmaverick.com/2007/12/24/success-and-motivation/. Skip Bayless is usually annoying but I think he does it for the ratings and Mark Cuban put him in his place which was nice to watch. I was surprised ESPN uploaded the video though.
  12. Don't get to caught up with WSO. Those guys over there focus on trying to break into the sellside especially investment banking. It seems there are value investors over there in the HF forum but they seem to be beginners, this message board is the place to be. WSO can be full of trolls and there can be a lot of drivel. Once in a while there are gems such as that guys post but I think guy could be doing it for the silver bananas. (It is a point system on that website) Anyway, you're right about not needing minute information and it has been known that experts don't do well investing in their own fields especially doctors. James Montier has briefly written about this.
  13. I'm sure all of us would have an awesome newsletter with outstanding performance if we started January 2009. Haha, I see your taking jabs but he does write great off the path ideas. Also I do enjoy the NormR's website. Especially when he puts out the end of year stock picks. I should have invested in a few stocks he has mentioned on the list. I will wait patiently to find the right one.
  14. I would love to switch to a standing desk someday. There is a cool desk out there called the http://www.geekdesk.com
  15. There is the ultimate value finder. It is only filled with ideas and the opportunities seem intriguing. Also the series of newsletters by gurufocus authors that is released every month.
  16. Well you are in luck in 2013 they plan to do an IPO.
  17. The thing is both of the countries are autonomous users of their respective countries. Obviously U.S. and Japan can't print money forever since inflation will get out of hand but they can't go bankrupt unless the government decides.
  18. Hey Mephistopheles, I sent you a pm with list of events. Definitely make contacts but would not ask for an internship right away. Make sure you are trying to be friends with them and be genuine about it. I hope you have fun, I wish I could attend.
  19. If you look at the abstract in the second to last sentence. "While value investing looks impressive on paper, the performance of value investors, as a whole, is no better than that of less “sensible” investors who chose other investment philosophies and strategies. We examine explanations for why "active" value investing may not provide the promised payoffs." I think some investors will take it the wrong way. when I first read that sentence, my first impression was Damodaran is a bit negative towards value investing. Although the paper does summarize value investing very well and could be a must read for value investing for years to come.
  20. This is a new paper written by Aswath Damodaran. It is a very interesting angle on value investing. I feel he will piss off many value investors. One thing I like is the summation of 3 different styles of value investing. So far I haven't finished reading it but can not wait to get through it http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2042657
  21. There is an opportunity in CRESY. MOI is covering it, check out the video that explains the opportunity.
  22. I live on that side of PA about 40 minutes away I would be up for it. I know one other person around that area. There used to be a user on here who is an ardent Philly sports fan, but decided to leave this forum. So far, there would be 3 people. Anyone else want to join?
  23. I would say start or buy a business. You could try working for a start up on the business development/ finance side. University is a good option and you can turn that into a career or start a business while in university and meet new people. I feel you want to do something entrepreneurial in the long run. Developing a technical background and creating businesses from those technical skills would be cool. Users mentioned traveling, that would be great since you have the money and not only you would enjoy traveling to new places. You could create businesses in those areas especially emerging and frontier markets.
  24. Depends on the broker. Brokers have options to allow you to choose to receive shareholder material electronically or printed. Next time chat with your broker about receiving only printed shareholder materials. In the past, few of the companies I owned sent printed annual reports to my house (not many though). Also most companies want to avoid sending printed annual reports every year because of the costs associated with printing. When you register your shares with the company, it will cost money, I do not think it is worth it.
  25. About the QVC deal, well since it is the 100th anniversary. I am sure there are creating products to make money from the occasion. I guess they still own the rights so why not make money on the anniversary. True the covenants may seem to limit the potential bidders. At the end of the day this company needs to be liquidated since peter sellers has to return the capital to his partners. So we will have to wait until April 11th at the press conference.
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