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Everything posted by Malmqky

  1. Buying BRKB around 1.3x bv and selling around 1.5x bv has made me a lot of money over the years. Thanks for the reminder, I think it’s closing in on this lower bounds
  2. Usually brokerages withhold foreign taxes. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Anyways, you seem to have a decent handle on it all. Why don’t you meet with your accountant for an hour and get some piece of mind? Should only cost you a few hundred and you’ll have your answers.
  3. May I ask what you find attractive about BOC?
  4. This is my downfall too. No recommendations, except consider building the position over the course of months and not weeks. And be a stickler on price, especially with illiquid stuff. FRPH is a good example, just look at the chart.
  5. Short term treasuries go BRRRR Fairfax earnings are going to be eye opening for a lot of folks I think. Inflection point has been reached, but it’s going to be REALLY obvious in the coming few months I reckon…
  6. Sold some stuff to buy more JOE back to a bit above a quarter of my portfolio…
  7. Read the intelligent investor and some Phil fisher. Security Analysis if you’re up to it. That’s a good starting point.
  8. Just got to lower rates a bit here and encourage/allow building. Ya know, the whole supply vs demand thing…
  9. Managed to grab a minuscule amount of NEN shares @ 65 this morning so that’s cool. Bought a little more BTI. We’ll see what the rest of the day brings. It’s nice to be able to finally find attractive investments (at least on the surface) after a couple months of twiddling my thumbs, unable to find much.
  10. I really like this approach as well. Thanks for reminding me of this, I remember reading something along these lines a while back but don’t remember the analyst either or where I read it.
  11. Do you feel war with Iran is realistic? Israel is probably going to flatten the Gaza Strip…then what? I imagine Iran supported Hamas to delay normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel…but Israel has already stated there’s no proof of that (despite Hamas claims). So that kind of signals they don’t want to escalate directly with Iran?
  12. Yep, I’m still in the research phase here, really just want a few shares to motivate me to continue to learn and look deeper. Doesn’t fill, oh well.
  13. Starter/tracker sized positions in CROX and NEN (if it fills lol). Lots of REITS are starting to look like decent value.
  14. Material being the keyword, per his comments.
  15. sold MO and put proceeds into BTI, the tobacco basket is no longer much of a basket - 60 some percent BTI and 30ish percent PM.
  16. Book was like $248 in June so most likely $350 is about 1.4x
  17. $82k with a pension and good benes is a dream for most “common folk”. I wish they’d get a 32hr work week, but doubtful. Pay raise is probably more likely, but certainly not $12k. Seems to be a lot of grandstanding to me as well.
  18. My buddies in the country (rural Midwest) all switched to Starlink. Cheaper and far faster/more reliable than the local ISPs they were forced to use before. For reference, one of the aforementioned individuals was paying $80ish per month for a 10gb datacap and dial-up type speeds irrc. I personally don’t use Starlink, but I think people are missing how game changing it is for rural areas. sidenote: I also know someone who is using Starlink for internet while they travel the country in an RV. Pretty cool use case.
  19. PacifiCorp is a wholly owned subsidiary of BRK?
  20. The great thing about Fairfax is it's pretty easy to determine it's undervalued by some amount, but it's tough to figure out exactly what that amount is. Some people will complain this "black box" just makes things complicated, but if you're willing to be comfortable with not having an exact number, you have the opportunity to buy something that could be discounted by 20% or 200%. I'll take that set-up any day.
  21. There's a Buffett quote that goes something along the lines of "You can't use past recessions/events to predict how the future will play out; people will act differently based on the previous time". I think this kind of extends to everything - people DO learn a bit believe it or not. Everyone knows what happened last time we had inflation like this, last time the fed raised rates so quickly, last time tensions were like this between two countries, etc. Hence why history rhymes and doesn't 100% repeat. Buy individual value, mostly ignore macro, and completely ignore analysts.
  22. The fact I have to call ISPs to cancel service is cancerous.
  23. This looks like something my little cousins would make for their middle school entrepreneurship class…
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