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Everything posted by Xerxes

  1. Xerxes


    @Luca please “love” or “thumbs up” this post for me.
  2. I would love to meet both Petec and Parsad, but unfortunately I am not in the UK
  3. Xerxes


    My view is that when one takes an Oath to become a citizen of Canada, unless it is for humanitarian reasons, they need to forgo all their darkest desire vis a vis their former homeland. You cannot in all honestly take an Oath and become a citizen, yet your mind be on overdrive in achieving some sort of political agenda (be it violent or non violent) back home. That is abuse of country that gave you a new home. That said, this is not a Trudeau thing, as much as haters like to pile in. It requires a change that transcends any specific government.
  4. Blackswans hitting three mortals at the same time. The speaker of the Canadian parliament did not know just three days ago that he would cause an huge embarrassment that would cost his job. The anti-Russian narrative was so important to maintain at all cost. Well you don’t have a job now. The prime minister of Canada did not know just three days ago that his biggest headache this week had nothing to do with what he had revealed about the assassination of the Sikh activist in BC by India’ spy agency, but rather something completely out of the left field. The former SS Waffen soldier and Ukrainian patriot, chilling in Ontario, did not know just three days ago (perhaps it is the age) that Poland was going to ask for his extradition. LOL.
  5. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/09/26/americas/canada-house-speaker-anthony-rota-tuesday/index.html Dumbass #1 resigned. Well earned. They went looking for something to fit the anti-Russian narrative. In their blindness, ran straight to the wall. And they ALL applauded, and now they started finger pointing, but before applauding started no one stopped to ask, “well if you fought in WW2 against the Russians (and we are not taking 1939 Poland), than maybe you were with the other side” That is the number 1 issue with this conflict. Everyone is trying to f$&ing hard to be pro-Ukraine. Almost going out of their way. Why is there a need to force narrative. Just stick to the basics, “Russia invaded Ukraine”. And that is fundamentally wrong. That is all you need.
  6. If you want to support Ukraine as an open-ended conflict, go with Hilux, the best versatile h/w
  7. Unfortunately I have been voting liberal. Guilty as charged.
  8. if you permit me. You are ashamed of the current Government. But the flag and the nation are awesome. ps: It could have been worse. In a sheer hysteria Nazi boy could have given a mighty Hitler salute in our Parliament.
  9. That story with Canadian parliament and the retired-Nazi-pensioner goes to show how just superficial everything is. we went looking for a guy who fits the narrative….. Opppps
  10. Xerxes


    yeah exactly soon there would upcoming comparison to America going after bearded men w/o impunity. And how come Delhi is not allowed to do conduct assassination on foreign soil. That said I am about tired of Liberals and Trudeau. I was & am voting conservative next election. Whenever that might be. They have been mismanaging our foreign policy. But every time some Asian power throws its economic weight and bullies us, I do like a government that stands up.
  11. Xerxes


    Why did Xi diverged from Deng’ footsteps and chose to no longer “be patient and to hide his strength” at the cost of upsetting real tangible economic relationship with United States. Not to say that Canada is important to India as US was to China. But sometimes pride gets in the way. PS: PLA Navy doesn’t need aircraft carriers. They would be better suited to have a larger number of submarines. I even recall an American admiral making the comment how he prefers Beijing obsession about large fleet of aircraft carriers in the long term than a larger submarine fleet that could be America’ naval assets at risk. Delhi doesn’t/didn’t need to assassinate that fellow. But it is a sign of great power status to do so. Backed by “don’t you dare tell me what to do”.
  12. For the first time I heard FFH being mentioned on Motley Fool podcast. FFH got a 2 min mention, 30 sec of which was calling Mr Watsa, the Buffett of Canada They been reading up Viking’ posts.
  13. What would be the “adjusted” stats if Western support was withdrawn ? This is like the argument that stocks are fairly valued in 2021, because interest rate were close to zero. Who said rock-bottom interest rate was going to be permanent. Across Ukraine 42% say that even if Russia intensifies its bombing of cities Ukraine should keep fighting. Some 21% think that the conflict should be frozen without making any concessions to Russia. Only 23% think it is worth initiating negotiations. Even in the east and south, which have borne the brunt of the war, support for negotiations is relatively low, at 32% and 39% respectively. Only 5% of Ukrainians are willing to cede any territory to Russia and only 18% to forswear joining nato.
  14. Mujahedin Khalq is considered as a terrorist organization by the Iranian government. Now I don’t give a rat’ a&& to what Iranian government thinks and who they consider as Bad Guys, but I myself consider the Mujahedin Khalq as traitors to the nation, since they took arm when the country was its weakest point and actively fought against their homeland during the Iran-Iraq War. Yet, both John Bolton (whom I somewhat respect) and that Pompeiiyo (spell) were courting this gang of traitors and giving speeches on their behalf. Bolton collected i think $180,000 in total. Poor guy probably been invested in bonds in the past 10 years. Who said democracy is perfect. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/02/iran-mek-cult-terrorist-trump-allies-john-bolton-rudy-giuliani
  15. Xerxes


    I hate to say it but looks like Ben Watsa coming out on podcast and BNN marked the “top” of the India-Canadian relation
  16. Xerxes


    I heard that the story was coming out from the media, and he wanted to get in front of it. And that he did confront Modi when he was there for G20 but got no traction. Like I said I am not a fan of Trudeau spewing out his liberal nonsense on anything and interfering in other’ affairs. But I also not a fan of large Asian economic powers using their economic clout and treat Canada as their playground, whenever it pleases them. Saudis pulled the same type of bullshit, and then the Chinese and now Delhi is trying its hand. Now if Trudeau is just spewing out nonsense, then he needs to be fired by Canadian people. But if it is real and he did the right thing. Enough is enough. it is also possible that it is real and he just executed poorly or got irked by G20 and getting stuck there or doing it for domestic pow-wow. But then again he is politician.
  17. Xerxes


    I don’t know either. But then again, did we ever got proof that a hit was ordered on that poor guy in Istanbul by the Royal Court in Riyadh. Aside the fact that business jet flew there with assassins. Yet we take that as a fact. But where is the proof. There are certain details that might never get to published publicly, given that it reveals the inner working of the spy agencies.
  18. Xerxes


    By the way. I don’t discriminate. I don’t care if you are some asshole from Mossad, CIA, Iranian intelligence, FSB or Indian spy agency, they should all keep their crap out of my country. Period.
  19. Xerxes


    good thing I said “… if it is true” I am guessing you are from India. Please correct me if I am wrong. Either way, no matter where you are from, no need to get all excited … I expect both governments to keep their garage behaviour at diplomatic staff. And not affect everyday people travelling there and back .. many of whom are Canadian Indians. Now if you want to re-frame that as “Canadian think it is their god given right to get a Visa”, … that is more your issue and says something about you but I understand that you reserve the right to twist more words further.
  20. Depends on the short cycle or the long cycle. Short cycle business like artillery shells, munitions etc are better captured via European defense forms. Cold war, long cycle business, great power conflict oriented line of businesses, are better captured by the big three or four in the US. But their POs and budget will be driven by Pentagon budget. but at the end of the day there are a lot of interconnections. For instance Northrop has recently bowed from the NGAD bidding process voluntarily, but is aiming to be tier-2 supplier to whoever wins as prime contractor. That is a role that they are good at. Same can be said of BAE from Britain. Similarly, this may surprise people but the German company that makes artillery shells that no one has heard of pre 2022, and is now also a F-35 structural tier-2 supplier alongside Northrop.
  21. Depending on how the diplomatic row evolves between Ottawa and Delhi, we will see if the discount was actually justified !!
  22. Xerxes


    I am big fan of India. A united India. But disgusted and disturbed by allegations of its spy agencies conducting assassination of Canadians on our very own soil. It is one thing to push back on allegations and expelling diplomats, but when you stop issuing VISAs to everyday folk that says more about you …. I am not a big fan of Trudeau who constantly needs to throw his liberal values on other countries, but here he did the right thing if this is true.
  23. you seem to have missed my point. I made a distinction between US and West to clarify that most people like to go to the US, as oppose this “generic” West-West-we-are-the-best—West that gets thrown about. That is the distinction that I was going to make. in any case, we are talking past each other. Since I wasn’t even talking/thinking about US “imperialism” when I wrote about civil wars. That was generic comment. If anything it relates to the mess that British left in India and Pakistan. - - - On a different note and completely unrelated, Argentina is part of the New World and was a rich country. I don’t know their history well but over the past 80 years or so it flipped for them. Why is that ? What makes you think the samething is not going to happen to Canada or US. We are looking at snapshot in time. We don’t know what the future holds. Maybe 80 years from now someone will be sitting in their ivory tower in Buenos Aires and issue grand proclamation about immigrants.
  24. immigrants choose to move for better opportunities. Like the Irish and Italians did to the US, eons ago. Refugees move because they do not have a choice. Refugees just look for the closest “escape valve”. Wherever that might be. I don’t think immigrants in the early 20th century to the US went there for wealth and rule of law, as you say. They went because it was the “undiscovered country” and its prospect. By many measures Europe was wealthier and had established rule of law (notwithstanding wars). But what US had was opportunities. it depends when you want to draw your line in the timeline. today, yes, folk immigrate to be where the rule of law is. But again opportunity trumps wealth. Europe still has a lot of wealth, but that is only good if you are “old money”. You cannot create new wealth in Europe with the same scale as in the US. So is it really West we are talking about or US specifically.
  25. @John Hjorth @Dinar Eastern Europe is carved out for good, for decades to come. The axis of what comes next has moved to Armenia Azerbaijan.
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