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Paarslaars last won the day on December 31 2023

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  1. Expecting more clarity on how they handle BTC vs the other coins, should be treated differently according to Lutnick.. we'll see.
  2. Surprisingly down today, even JD after crushing earnings..
  3. Wood & Garlinghouse
  4. Jan '26. I sold the 340$ strike puts and bought 500$ strike calls.
  5. This aged poorly. You're not really objective on this topic in my opinion. Some of the finest people I know come from immigrant backgrounds and yet I am strongly opposed to the current immigration policies in most of the western world. This is nothing 'latent', this is purely based on statistical evidence I am presented with. We are getting overrun by more people we can handle, many are refusing to accept western laws/values and vastly increase the crime rates of the countries they move to. Mainly middle-east & sub-Sahara African immigrants ruining it for the rest but oh well...
  6. Of course, this is just setting the stage for negotiations. He does not want to be the president that is bad for the market.
  7. Nobody tell him about church tax exemption. Or goverments subsidies...
  8. I'am at 33%, more common for younger/less wealthy people to have much higher %'s in RE. Go for it I would say... When MSTR skyrockets you won't care about the % anymore.
  9. Also sold MSTR puts. Premiums looking good again.
  10. Meanwhile Rheinmetal and Saab keep going...
  11. Yeah I believe we see 80k on BTC again before 100k. This tweet does not mean much more than a campaign promise.
  12. I am guessing his son holds those? Don't see any sense in holding any other crypto than BTC but don't really care if they waste additional US tax payer money
  13. No way you did those negotiations in a large public setting or on TV. That's the thing, it's all fine to play hard ball in private. But being disrespectful in public... that causes permanent damage to relationships.
  14. I think it's a good thing Trump is forcing Europe to up its defense spending, we have piggy backed on the safety of the US military for too long. We don't need the US to beat Russia, in fact, without the US putting restrictions on how the war is fought (like not attacking russian oil refineries), we can cripple Putin much faster. That said, his behavior towards Zelensky is disgraceful... I'm all for the tough negotiations but this was just childisch and disrespectul from the Americans. JD Vance was making arguments like a child... Most of europe sees all of this as a temporary phase though, just wait out trump, 4 years at most.
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