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Paarslaars last won the day on December 31 2023

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  1. ITM leaps create leverage... If you know you are right on the timeframe, it seems like an easy decision.
  2. Tempus AI up 20% already premarket.
  3. Fixed that for you.
  4. You're right Luke, if I were you I would take a huge short position on BTC right now. This is just meme bullshit, there is a Tiffany coin out now as well. I get a coin, you get a coin, everybody gets a coin! Has nothing to do with bitcoin...
  5. God I hope that is fake kinda embarrassing thinking that could ever work, his name becomes completely worthless in 4 years.
  6. There are certain limitations. Basically they don't want to tax the good household dad. So if you hold stocks for +/- 1 year or longer, gains are not taxed. If you do more speculative trades, it is taxed in theory but in practice only if you make enough money with it that the tax department notices. Dividends are taxed at 30% though.
  7. Tax on capital gains in Belgium is 0 (so far), government is looking into it though.
  8. He won't go through with it, if he does then Canada can cut the US off in terms of copper supply and hurt the auto industry. Same for the EU, they already have a plan in place in case Trump starts with tariffs. The EU will excessively tax industries that are predominantly located in swing states.
  9. You guys sure romanticize the early period. I enjoyed the first two weeks because it was new and honestly my wife could use the help. After that, babies weren't really my thing because it was a constant struggle to figure out what they needed. I prefer the 1-3y old period, they start walking so you can do more stuff with them + when they start pointing/talking it is so much easier to take care of them. During this period I took quite a bit time off to spend more time with them, especially with the oldest (youngest is more of a momma's girl). Now after 3 I just make sure to be home on time during the week and occasionally take them to do stuff. With regards to your question: take the 15 months but don't spend it 100% with the kid, make sure you still have time for yourself & friends so you don't end up frustrated.
  10. Not working from home here, I really need to be around people. That said, I work 30h weeks, my wife works 24h weeks. Our jobs support our lifestyle, the investment returns are the savings. We are fortunate enough that the portfolio returns provide more savings than we realistically would have by working more anyway... I had an OK year in '24 and still earned more on the investment side than our salaries combined.
  11. Thanks for that, will be good for orange pilling some friends/colleagues.
  12. Also bought some (leaps).
  13. You get what you vote for... I'm sure the movie stars will start some fundraisers soon.
  14. Not as easy by traditional means... But other opportunities pop up left and right and the big advantage young people have is that most of the traditionally rich people tend to stay away from those opportunities.
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