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Paarslaars last won the day on December 31 2023

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  1. BRK was ok, FFH down 2%.
  2. Big drops today due to covid rumors?
  3. Anyone looking at defense contracters specifically to the EU? Trump is really making european politicians wake up and they will seriously need to invest in a EU army to scare off Putin. Edit: nvm reading through the thread got me some answers, going to look a bit further.
  4. Unfortunate timing...
  5. Yeah wasnt referring to you cutting 20%, you mentioned it was position sizing. For me it is currently 24% of my personal portfolio, most of the position was bought in the 5000-7000¥ region. Though this equates to roughly 15% of the combined portfolios so I guess I am still undersized.
  6. All these traders selling a great long term company like Nintendo... You guys are crazy!
  7. It will never be lasting peace, everyone knows that. Putin took Crimea and then there was peace, now he takes parts of Ukraine and there is peace, next up he'll take even more... he won't stop. This is why the EU keeps siding with Ukraine on this, they know if they don't stop him in Ukraine, he will invade the EU at one point. He wants the war to end, cutting aid without getting an agreement on peace from Ukraine/Europe is just going to make Ukraine have more casualties or Europe send more aid. That won't accomplish anything... though a nice cost saving initiative I guess.
  8. I know the moment I start joining in on that trade it's going to reverse so I am just holding...
  9. I believe it is still unknown if he actually had anything to do with it himself.
  10. Because you sold... I have the other problem, typically bear runs start when I buy.
  11. Bought some KULR options yesterday. Also switched the kids BRK portfolio to FFH.
  12. https://cointelegraph.com/news/utah-takes-lead-potentially-enacting-bitcoin-reserve-bill
  13. Gonna give that tiramisu a try. That said, there is a lot of growth already factored into the stock price and on the earnings call they said they do not have the capacity available at the moment to fill the demand. You are paying > 50 times earnings here...
  14. That's not good...
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