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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. Interesting clinical candidate with an unmet need. It looks to me like they will need to raise cash with a secondary very soon though. Word of advice...this is a highly promoted stock at tier 4 brokerage houses and to date, the company has been very eager to use any sort of share price bump to raise capital. Note, that's what they all do, some just more regularly than others.
  2. Sold some FOX, just in case we get another round trip to $30. Ill be there for that. FOX is on the watch list for sure.
  3. Moderate adds to TPL, started DD today and just put another single family home under contract
  4. Been selling/trimming BX, CRSP, EDIT, LAACZ, NVTA, VITR.SE
  5. Now all we need is another "what do you think of the politics section" thread...
  6. Most of the contributors have their own micro website/ communities, which cost extra. SA gets a cut from them. I am not saying that it doesn’t make sense to pay $20/ month, but I don’t think it’s a great value given that the quality of the freeware commentators is far below what you can find on other message board, including here. Yeah. Totally agree. VIC is way better in terms of quality. Also articles here, though it is harder to find articles here than in VIC for a lot of names that I am tracking. And if VIC is free, I am not gonna pay for seekingAlpha's lower quality articles. Which is fine and all if your actions are consistent with that. But what you're saying is contrary, that there is something you find on Seeking Alpha that you otherwise don’t seem to be able to find elsewhere(otherwise, why would you need to do this?). And your solution is to try to find a way to take something you seem to think has value, without paying for it. There’s a word for that... I would kind of get it if we were talking about thousands of dollars here, but it’s like $20 a month lol....
  7. Well, I'm not trying to sound like a dick, but if we find resources like Seeking Alpha useful, why not just pay the nominal amount of money for it? You guys do realize these places cost money to run, and some of the contributors write and research for a living/side job. Why not pay for something you 1) use, and 2) find useful?
  8. It really depends. With some of the crazy high borrow cost names Ive found going 30% or so OTM and a year plus out does the trick. If you get a reasonable move down it takes care of itself. Otherwise you are still predominantly holding the time value. Whereas short dated and at the money you need to be so pinpoint with your timing its a little too much of a risk for me. Ive seen shit like BYND where you have something more or less at the money pricing in a 10% weekly move which is just insanely difficult to make money on.
  9. sold the RH I bought yesterday after hours for a few bucks
  10. This is an excellent point. Along these lines I found that if you take it a step further and force yourself to buy a nominal number of shares in one of those companies(preferably a market leader), you force yourself to follow it a little bit, read the transcripts and filings, and come to understand what you should appreciate in that area.
  11. I dont disagree. FWIW I sold my puts on the run down and have this on the radar for a re entry either with puts or an outright short. The product is 100% a fad...its a Nordic Track with an iPad with Youtube for $40 a month... Ive been a member at some super duper high end and expensive gyms, and at times tried all the new buzz worthy fitness stuff. The truth is, for 90% of the population(the 90% of the top 10% that can actually afford this shit), this stuff is fun and captivating in the beginning and then you just get tired of it. The bull case for NordicTrack, I mean Pelaton, is not that they'll sell a million machines, its the recurring revenue and subscriptions. To me, the on demand stuff is neat, and Im still trying to tally the meaningfulness of that. But at $40 a month or whatever? When people arguably won't pay $40 a month anymore for a full TV package... or they can get a full gym membership for $30 a month? Or even get fitness videos for free on Youtube and the like? So yea, its kind of a no brainer, but it'll come down to timing so if you're going to put the trade on you either need to buy puts, or give yourself a very cut and clear catalyst but also a running start into it because once everyone else notices the catalyst the opportunity goes away. I typically like revisiting these a couple months ahead of the lockup expiration. Its important to remember, this isn't a SV tech company. Where all the employees are snobby dickbags and dont value money, ie, they'll hold their stock until they become billionaires because worst case they just move to the next venure and try again in a year...Its Beyond Meat or Tilray... normal people working at a company that just found themselves sitting on a restricted amount of life changing money, made in a short period of time, and they likely cant pass that up. The VC folks know this as well, which is typically why you see these get obliterated in the 2-3 month period sandwiching the lockup expiration, so typically 2 months out is an ideal time to start laying the ground work for your position.
  12. Bought a few shares of RH after hours looking for a quick buck. All I can say is, wow... really Berkshire? LOL
  13. selling some DIS EDIT: closed rest of DIS at $149. Will leave all the mumbo jumbo bs and 2023 projections to others to figure out....happy with $131 to here in 3 weeks.
  14. Well, theyre not traditional value investors, so I'd gander many here would say that their returns dont count or something...
  15. Modestly increased my position in the World's Most Famous Arena @266
  16. Haha, didn't even notice. Wish I bought Aircastle.
  17. Looks like it paid off well for you. Nice call! Hardly out of the woods yet, but hoping to get there soon. If you don't mind, what is the plan for situations like these? Is there a % or price in mind, or something else? I always wonder about these - would you say it's special/unique - situations. Even with a or multiple pop(s), but what is suppose to be the exit? Its never really "this" or "that" exactly, if that makes sense. I'll try to explain further the thought process. I really love looking for investments that some may call orphaned, or otherwise just check a lot of boxes in terms of things that put people off for no good reason. So with something like AYR, you have that in spades. Its been covered much more in detail on the AYR thread, but summarizing, you first had the marijuana bubble craze and this was all retail fueled. All institutional or sophisticated investors basically wrote it off then. The bubble popped, and all of the retails folks then took a bath as well. Somewhere in between AYR came along as a SPAC convert. Again, refer to the AYR thread if you wish, but it just made sense for me. The adding into the investment of, which I did plenty of, was a little nuts given the volatility, but I was fortunately to kind of catch the falling knife in bulk closer to the $10 number rather than the mid teens where I took the first tracking position. It's now about a 4-5% position for me, which is a reasonable one. One the technical side, yea theres been a couple days where you've had several $ swings in the share price for no real reason. I typically have a rule of thumb that if anything I buy goes +15-20% or more the same day, just sell it, take the extraordinary gains, and re-evaluate tomorrow, basically in the same exact spot as you were prior, minus your fat one day gain. I don't really have a set price target per say. I think a floor price target would be high teens or so. 7.5x $110M estimated 2020 EBITDA for a growth company like this isn't unreasonable. However on the other hand, I am also inclined to just let things play out and see if they can hit numbers and see where this goes. This is definitely a sector/special situation where you are capable of getting the retail rush back and going whacky; in which case, again AYR, is kind of positioned to be a premier marijuana play vs poo poo like Cronos and Tilray.
  18. Looks like it paid off well for you. Nice call! Hardly out of the woods yet, but hoping to get there soon.
  19. Any UK Lawyer that wants to relocate to Russia to save taxes probably deserves to be in jail. Seriously Russia? You would think they go to Luxembourg first. Why is that? Its not just the big law firms, its the consulting and larger accounting(especially Big 4) as well. First, Luxembourg isn't a huge hub for most of these firms; they may have an office there, but typically(unless its a Mossac Fonseca type firm) they only have a few employees and one moderate sized office there. Whereas any firm of size who has a London office also probably have at least one, usually more though, locations in Russia, Hong Kong, Dubai, etc. So whereas the entire firm may have a presence of one office and 6 employees in Luxembourg, they've got 4 offices with two dozen people in each in places like Russia. So if you're a junior partner or senior associate, going from $200 GBP a year plus bonus, to equity partner making $200K a month with a $1M+ quarterly partnership distribution... you're really going to stick around in London paying 55-60%, or request to go to an underserved location(where the firm is trying to build out their book of business), get paid to relocate, and pay 11% taxes? St. Pete for instance, if you like London, is pretty awesome. Russia is a little like the Wild West, but its crazy how badly people misrepresent it. I missunderstood your post. I thought it was about a wealthy lawyer considering to relocate to Russia, which makes no sense. In case you got a job assignment, it’s like everything else with a $1M + in income, you can live pretty well in Russia, but you won’t do too shabby in London either. FWIW, the top marginal tax rate in the UK is 45% not 55-60% as you stated, vs Russia 30%. Who knows, I'd assume it is similar as it is in the States where you get dinged at certain levels which add to the totals. UK guys normally cite a 50-60% figure. I know for a fact the ones in Russia are paying around 10%, low teens or something is what Ive consistently been told. Whatever, I just make them money(or try to), their taxes are their problem. The point stands, these EU countries that think the solution to everything is tax the heck out of it, are losing their tax payer base. UAE is also beginning to become a hot spot for white collar European professionals tired of the tax man.
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