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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. I don't know the underlying approach of the person's trades but it's not as if he was George Soros who took extremely speculative positions, but the his downside was capped. At that moment, there was no verifiable information that could lead the person to think that it would be good trades. The odds in my humble opinion were 60/40 at best, but then again, the person may have a different perspective or thought process that I may not be able to wrap my head around. Secondly, if the person really titled his contribution "Suck It Value Investors!" That kind of says it all for me because people never typically never get criticized by people doing more than them. I admit this is an overly simplified look on this - either way, I rather read this than someone who lost their life savings. What I mean is that he obviously found very early on that some stuff would be more effected by COVID news that others, and rode that trend to the bank. There is definitely rhyme and reason to many of the trades. The timing definitely seems lucky, but I think there's a fair amount of skill involved in what was executed here. Whether its repeatable or not....IDK.
  2. Well, I wouldn't totally overlook the underlying fact that, while this guy took an extremely speculative approach, there is a certain power to momentum and trend following, one in which he very obviously exploited here. Theres a common thread to what he goes long and what he goes short. I think more credit is deserved here than maybe first glance would indicate.
  3. Personally, I am infuriated Trump didnt put all the young people in America in cages. Would have definitely stopped the massive spreads occurring at bars and restaurants everywhere....
  4. Great success with Covid. Economy? Not so much if you're shutting down every few dozen cases...
  5. Dope-O in California, now after months after already imposing lockdowns on people and business, today taking it a step further. This kind of stuff is what the market fears, not the actual virus or number of cases. Poor and indecisive governing and continuous restriction of businesses.
  6. Situations similar to this may be quite close to occurring if there is a radical regime change come November.
  7. Sounds like Joe MacMillan from Halt and Catch Fire. Great in one role, disaster in another.
  8. FL Gov...If Walmart is open, school should be open. 100% agree. One of the greatest scams of the government shut down, one that certainly many lobbying dollars supported, was the fortification of big business. It dawned on me a couple months ago while NJ was shut down. My son and I every Friday(pre Covid) used to go to the local toy store and he'd see, and play with, and pick out a toy car or truck. So a few weeks into lockdown, he noticed this hadn't happened and asked why we hadnt gone in a while. I loosely explained the world to him and he asks "where can we get toys". I thought, holy shit. Walmart and Amazon. While the little mom and pop store, with great, quality Bruder trucks and imported toys, was forced shut despite, "maybe" seeing foot traffic of 2-3 people AN HOUR. How in the world is it that in the name of public health and safety, and keeping large crowds from gathering, forcing everyone to go to a high traffic super center box store is deemed safer than simply letting a business that sees a dozen customers a day stay open? Oh, lets say only "essential" businesses. Great, but then why are the "essential" businesses allowed to sell "non essential" items? Its a total load of shit and more evidence of a crooked system. This is also, not to be confused with bars and shit like that, which is entirely different. Similarly, I saw a taxidermist who had similar thought. "I work out of my shop, and sit by myself working on mounts all say. I might get 4-5 customers stop by, PER WEEK! Why cant I work? I have to pay my bills." Welcome to America.
  9. Rarely. I just find reading much more efficient.
  10. Bought some SPAQ warrants. No reason other than I felt like gambling. Come on now RobinHooders, do your thing!
  11. So I saw large outside gatherings in NYC were cancelled til September. But not protests. The politics continue to drive this.
  12. I thought the GRIF thread was pretty decent and seemed to evolve with the story. Maybe some drift there, or maybe people just had different thesis's. There are different sections here also, something that shouldn't be overlooked. I also think some of the issues are that some folks get their panties in a bunch and if they have disagreements with regard to politics, they arent capable of having productive conversations about investments. Then there are also some who only post in politics and then complain about quality of posting on an investment forum. LC and I, for instance, very rarely agreed on politics and had some fun going back and forth over the years, but can and still do have decent discussion regarding the markets and investments. This cant be said for others.
  13. Has anyone seen or looked into anything on what the potential effects are of school aged kids potentially missing a year plus of class? Lets get real, online learning, at least for certain age groups, isn't feasible.
  14. I dont have anything sophisticated. Its a great, irreplaceable business, definition of moaty, that Ive always looked at but put off buying. Its recession proof, and has a solid balance sheet. Seems to be managed well. Its a very unsexy stock, but one I have a hard time consistently looking at and thinking I know better than to not own it. I take your comment as you no longer own it? What are your thoughts?
  15. Any plans to add more to office REITs? Yes, I bought more ESRT today as well, just dont want to seem like too much of a blowhard posting every single day the same name. I would clarify, that I dont necessarily "love" office. Push comes to shove I prefer retail. But the prices right now are so outrageous that in specific instances I dont think it matters. Pupil posted a good piece in the VNO thread yesterday. It is consistent with what Ive been hearing from people as well. The private market is in a totally different space than the public, and Ive talked to numerous folks who said the private market people are coming to play in the public markets because the deals are just too good. ESRT I think is an easy way to play office/retail on a small scale. Backstopped by a trophy asset; one that could be vacant and still sell basically at the EV. But I think in general, people are wayyy too occupied with the virus and almost everyone is missing the fact that it will be the definition of short term. A year, maybe two out, we will be back to normal. Dont think so? Look at all the places, not just US, once the restrictions are lifted. Everyone goes back out, yearning for their normal life. Heck even some started prior to the end of government interference. The death of office/retail is greatly exaggerated, but even if it isn't, being in the right places at $200 sq/ft likely pays off really well.
  16. I think everyone should find it obvious a virus can be airborne. Ever smoked a cigarette or been to a hooka bar? Picture one pull. Thats a normal inhale. Now picture what it looks like, especially indoors, when you exhale. That shit sticks around for a LOOOOONG time. Use common sense people.
  17. I thought all those things were the dinner for privileged white folks that invariably leads to scotch, cigars, and politics by the fireplace. Its all connected!
  18. Please leave your politics in the "Politics" section. He's half white and half black. But you've chosen to lower the bar of discussion by pointing out only that he's black. Cheers! Are you insinuating he got a better contract because he was half white? Last I checked you have plenty of people far less than 50% claiming identities...like a certain Massachusetts senator. He got a crazy contract because of his skills. He is what most consider(maybe not Joe Biden) black, and I just think its worth noting that there are definitely certain levels of success available to ALL Americans, which is what the American dream is/was all about.
  19. Another example of how oppressed the black man is in todays systematically racist America. Mahomes is a great dude and a good role. Congrats to him.
  20. There is definitely value to having specific accounts for different strategies. IE of you are looking to own large cap blue chips, there is no reason to be anywhere but IB. If you are taking concentrated positions in small caps, IB is probably the last place you want to be.
  21. At this point we are talking Pravda levels of misinformation on mainstream media. I was born in the USSR so I can tell you all it's quite comparable. Additionally, if you want to understand the current political atmosphere, the following is the best lecture on the matter in my humble opinion: Absolutely. I wouldn't even rely on the like of Fox, CNN, or MSNBC for the weather. People like Maddow, Hannity, Lemon, Acosta, Megan Kelly, Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, Limbaugh, etc are truly enemies of the United States and the lowest forms of life, period. They are the biggest reasons for there growing divide in America. they have basically monetized the dividing of America.
  22. Having spent the last few days at various NJ shore locations, I can tell you one thing; people definitely seem to be OK living with the virus. Same sort of shit we heard about in Arizona and Texas. Business as usual, except where there is government intervention. IE bars are closed, but you have shit tons of people gathered together drinking on the beach or at motel pools on the shore. Restaurant outdoor dining and takeout is booming too.
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