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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. Definitely fishing and sports for me. Really just anything that forces you to engage physically and mentally and kind of leave your status quo for a while.
  2. Remember how unsafe it would be for professional athletes to play sports? Contact ones at that? And despite some leagues having little to no issues(NHL), and others having some big ones(NCAA, MLB), here we are. Cam Newton possibly coming back in less than a week. Same as DJT. Awful lot like the flu. With all due respect to the ones here have actually made an effort to be unbiased and are just genuinely interested in the science, I think as it relates to markets and investing, provided nothing extraordinary such as a horrific mutation or a liberal takeover and grand shutdown of the US occurs again, covid is pretty much a non material market story and really just fodder for the science nerds and academics at this point. Anyone ever remotely in favor a shutdown should look at how FL, AZ, TX, GA breezed through their "crisis waves", without doing what Murphy or Cuomo did here in the Northeast. The places in the market where it is material are places where psychological damage resulting from negligent shutdowns and politically charged and amped up news flow have created demand impairments. Which will linger a bit in the obvious areas but that too should have the worst behind it.
  3. Sold a few 10/9 $85 puts for 40c. Thanks to POTUS antics and vol spike.
  4. It was probably a bit over the top if you already knew about it, but I do think this documentary is a must watch for the majority of the population who is absolutely clueless about this stuff.
  5. And here we go again, loser De Blasio trying to start locking down NYC again lol.
  6. Bought some SQQQ just to hold over the weekend. Numbers dont lie, in terms of who is vulnerable here. Trip to Walter Reed aint a positive.
  7. Looks like Trigran exited. Been selling down a large stake for a long time, and probably just wanted to flush it all. Thanks for the shares. Separately, it looks like Harding, who had a 105b setup at the beginning of the year, and some shares sold @13, has discontinued that plan. The amount of his net worth in this is impressive.
  8. Sold this, rolled profit into MSGE Feb $100 calls.
  9. https://www.nhl.com/news/tampa-bay-lightning-return-home-with-stanley-cup/c-319241404 Pretty awesome. Great the fans got to attend the celebration as well. Looking forward to MLB WS in Texas and perhaps even trying to get some tickets if available.
  10. Abuse of government had to do with the original post about Disney axing tons of jobs largely because California refused to let them open. This isn't exactly occurring in Florida and Texas. Only certain states...which all seem to have the same problems.
  11. Speaking as a NJ resident....I absolutely love where I live. I have a good sized house, huge yard, live 20 minutes from major dining/shopping areas, great schools, am an hour from NYC, 40 minutes from Bergen County, tons of great fishing lakes around, hiking trails, golf courses, and an hour from the Poconos. I'd imagine many feel passionately about California or NY as well. But whats always pushing me towards the consideration of leaving? Government officials abuse the residents. These freeloading policies are a big part of it. Tax for this, tax for that. Got my registration renewals for the cars today? $73 each annually. Same for my boat. Same for the trailer. Property taxes jump 3% annually. I pay nearly 4% of my home value in taxes every year. This on top of state income tax as a 1099. It literally doesnt matter how much they take from you, they are always looking to take more and regardless of if its warranted, they do it anyway. And for what? The roads are shit. The DMVs are 2-4 hour nightmares, if you are lucky. I give leeway because my local schools are excellent and my town one of the safest in the country...so it s an easier blow to take. But for most of the state, the schools suck a big one, and they certainly arent safe yet they get clobbered with all the same taxes and burdens. People can only take so much abuse. The system won't be fixed because the politicians continue to promise and incentivize the losers reliant on the freebies to keep voting for them...who doesnt like something for nothing? Eventually though, as you've seen with some of the more high profile people, they leave. Then the upper middle class does as well. And then the middle class get thrown to the wolfs to feed the bottom feeders. A bad cycle and the state level debt just becomes a bigger time bomb.
  12. Got an order in to sell 50 PCYO Dec 7.5 puts for 20c if anyone wants to take the other side!
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/disney-cut-28-000-parks-205952547.html Chickens are coming home to roost for these failed socialist cities/states.
  14. rebought some PIC. EDIT: also snagged more PCYO under $9.
  15. Finished building a bit of a position in GEOS. Liquidity is a bitch in this one but its an incredible setup. Trades at half of an understated book. No debt. cash + conservative estimate on RE currently equates to about $5 per share. Yea I know O&G suck. I agree. But this is basically a free call option on anything happening at these prices. Including the two new activists forcing a sale/liquidation.
  16. Agreed. They were close to a deal in January apparently, so we shall see. They have balance sheet options. I'd love to see maybe something like a $10M repurchase authorization and then $20-30M of land acquisitions.
  17. Yea Ive spoken with a good % of the shareholder base over the years and I am yet aware really of anyone who weighs the O&G/fracking as anything but a free option. I did see one writeup a while ago with a super bull case in which it could account for $1 per share of NAV. Its just kind of there, but not material IMO. They are not a homebuilder. They prep the lots but have contracts currently with 3 national builders and profit arrangements with all. There's currently 7 national builders looking to get involved in phase 2, which a couple years out should include over 1M sq/ft of commercial. The main asset is the water rights/servicing. This is a very conservatively managed company that basically has a whole lot of optionality, great inflation protected assets, and a pristine balance sheet. My only guess on the underperformance is really just a few of the larger legacy holders still lightening up and perhaps a bit of an unwind from the October - March rally where the stock literally never had a down day. But IDK. I'm good all day with this one here at $9.
  18. Bought some of this too last couple days. Also added to WM and V today. On PCYO, the underperformance is indeed perplexing. They own all the stuff you'd think does very well with the housing market on fire like it is. They are monetizing their land effectively and growing recurring revenue at a very high rate for the foreseeable future. Dan Kozlowski has been adding like a madman to an already significant stake which is encouraging as well. Given the balance sheet strength, I'd like to see a buyback put in place, as do a number of shareholders...many of which have passed this along to Mark. Either way, phase 2 should be announced next quarter which will provide another tailwind in terms of tap fees and lot sales. This is currently my 2nd largest position at a bit under 20%.
  19. This is pretty cool. Great value too, compared to a certain someone's Short Seller Skool courses for a few thousands bucks...
  20. Re bought some NOV IWM puts. Also added some more AAPL puts. Added some JBGS yesterday.
  21. Trimmed INFO, CRM, FB, GOOG, DPZ Basically the heavily margined, too stubborn to index, quality stuff to raise some liquidity for the coming 6 week home stretch.
  22. Greg, it cracks me up. Much of my family thinks i am a right wing lunatic :-) In terms of Trump i simply cannot understand the logic people use. You ask for proof that he lies at a historic rate. Below is one link. It is irrefutable that Trump lies at a historic rate. Many web sites have documented this (are they perfect? Do they sketch an accurate picture of his behaviour? Yes). Many people have looked in to this. If someone wants to answer this question it is very easy. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veracity_of_statements_by_Donald_Trump Anyways, i am just trying to understand the logic of Trump supporters. And until someone provides some i will continue to shake my head in disbelief. But i will try and remain inquisitive and open minded :-) ‘When the student is ready the teacher appears.‘ I am trying to be the student when it comes to understanding Trump supporters. But i guess i am not ready yet. PS: do i think Biden has the onset of dementia? Perhaps. Is Trudeau a poor leader? Yes. Leaders are not perfect. But please, be rational. Call a spade a spade. Yea look, Ive said it before and have no problem saying it again. Trump is POS human being, from what I can ascertain. But the character of a politician has never effected my life. Their policies do. The laws that parties impose upon people do. Taxes do. If nothing else, this is one pretty huge lesson to be learned from COVID. NYC will be learning it the hard way for the next decade most likely. Ive never personally given any weight to what a president/senator/governor has said or thought. I dont care. I live my life and try to drown out the noise. When it comes to supporting a position, the options in America are democrat or republican. If there was an instance where an independent or third party has a chance, I would heavily consider that. Until then, its ham sandwich or boca burger....Neither my favorite but make do with what we have.
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