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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. I wouldn't spend much time thinking about it, we will likely never know.
  2. Of course there is a top, as you said, just like gold. But Bitcoin has a long way to go before it is as widely held as gold by banks and institutions. The top will eventually be reached, then it will just rise mostly against currencies which are inflationary at the rate of inflation. I personally think the price in dollars that BTC will reach before it stabilizes is in the $millions.
  3. Everyone seems to be buying BABA. I bought more of something almost as risky. BTC I know, I know, Munger likes one and hates the other. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. If I were more conspiratorially minded I might think that this whole thing was orchestrated along with gas shortages to give them an excuse to start cracking down now while the public opinion can still be steered toward a dislike of something they don't yet understand, before it's too late.
  5. No bet should be prohibited and no one should be bailed out. It is the "free" part of "free market". With freedom comes responsibility for your actions and the inability to control the choices of others. Many people don't like that.
  6. BTC and ETH for sure. Maybe ADA or some others. But if you are just starting, buy BTC and ETH.
  7. Dodge is like BTC except for the dilution and aluminum is like gold except for how much of it there is.
  8. For the majority of trades I’ve done in my life a $0.01/share charge would be cheaper than a $7-$10 flat fee. There have been rare cases where I’ve purchased 10,000 shares of a low priced stock, but with most stocks even low to mid 5-figure dollar amounts are usually 500 shares or less. For someone making trades worth 10s or 100s of dollars this is an even better deal. It might not be free, but nearly so.
  9. Exactly. Fidelity didn’t offer me unlimited free trades until after Ribinhood existed. I don’t really care about all the other issues raised in this topic. I can trade just fine without confetti, but if others like it, who am I to judge. That’s what makes a market, you do you, I do me, and they do it their way. Like anything else, some will benefit, others ... won’t. If someone “1-2 years out of high school” wants to set up an account and start trading stocks good for them, they are adults. Whether or not they learn from the experience and grow is entirely up to them.
  10. If you click on the blue dot or star to the left of the topic name it brings you right to the first unread message.
  11. It is crazy. A few houses have sold on my street in the past month similar to my house and they both went the 1st weekend on the market one for $50K above asking and the other 2 weeks ago for $80K above the already high asking price. Based on that I could get about 50% more for my house than I bought it for 5 and a half years ago.
  12. It is not very surprising at all that people see inflation in the real world yet some politically consequential index created by politically motivated human beings doesn't show it. The CPI is completely contrived and totally useless for any real world information.
  13. I agree with Jurgis above, somewhat. It does put a higher burden on AI, but I'm not sure exactly how far that can bring us. If AI can eventually reach greater than human abilities as the singularityists believe, then sure there is no end to how far we can advance. But if AI never acquires human creativeness or ingenuity, it might never replace the engine of invention and progress sustained by a growing human population of scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, etc.. I'd much rather see humanity expand into a new frontier to give us more room to grow and population to increase. Whether that is the ocean, another planetary body (the moon, mars, etc), or giant space habitats/gravity ships à la Gerard K. O'Neill's "The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space" (my favorite option), or a combination of all of them.
  14. In short: yes. They serve a purpose for buying crypto with fiat by bringing buyers and sellers together in a marketplace, but they are centralized trusted 3rd party services. You should not store your crypto there. Import your crypto for trading and remove your crypto to your own wallet for storage. I think long-term there will be a move to a more decentralized solution for crypto-fiat exchanges or maybe as more people use crypto there will not be as much of a need for crypto-fiat exchanges at all. We are still in the early innings, think the internet in the 1980s.
  15. Of course. There are a lot of things I think people should do, but very little to nothing I think they should be forced to do.
  16. You would hope so, but then again, getting a shot is a lot simpler than exercising daily and giving up sugar. If it was a shot per day that you needed to take then the analogy would be apt. If you could extend your life by exercising just once on one day then everyone would certainly do it.
  17. Maybe, but there have been young healthy people die from this. And it isn't just the deaths, but many end up with long term health problems. You can know the odds, but you can't know in advance how you as an individual will fare. Even for a 20 year old, if the ball landing on 0 means chronic heath problems and 00 equals death, would you spin the wheel just because the odds are against it? What if you could remove 0 and 00 from the wheel? Even if the odds are good, if something can increase the odds all the better.
  18. Exactly. Take it for selfish reasons knowing that it may or may not be good for society too. Good enough for me. I agree with you about it becoming endemic. I really think at this point when Dr. Fauci or other public officials talk about this being over at some point, they are lying. It's pretty clear COVID is here to stay. I'm sure these shots we are all getting are just the first, we will probably all need yearly boosters (or some other interval). The good thing is that with so many people getting these we will have the data eventually about which ones work best and for how long.
  19. Who knows if it will stop the pandemic? Time will tell. However it offers some amount of protection for you for some unknown length of time against severe disease or death. The problem with these discussions is that everyone (experts included) are just speculating.
  20. Yeah, I don't know anyone who has taken it either. We had the choice of getting the JnJ one this weekend or wait until May to get one of the others. I'll let you know how it goes.
  21. Anyone here get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine? Any side effects noticed? My wife, 20yr old son, and I are all getting it this weekend. We're getting J&J because that's the one available here. I do like the fact that it is one shot rather than two.
  22. I will need this feature as well. Otherwise I might start needing to proofread my posts before hitting submit and I never do that.
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