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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. I always tend to hold a lot of stocks, more and more as time goes on, I used to be more concentrated. I find I'm getting less risk tolerant as I get older (late 40s now :( ). And all of my regrets are stocks I've sold way too early. Right now I hold 36 stocks. My largest position (BAM) is about 13% and I hold a lot of 1-10% positions. I tend to take small positions and add over time. Whenever something grows past 10% I tend to trim a little (but not always). I try never to sell completely unless there is a good non-valuation based reason to sell, which makes me not want to own it at all. I'm trying to only trim on valuation, but never get rid of a great company entirely on valuation alone. I don't do this for a living, so I think the diversification gives me some sense that not all of my eggs are in one basket and stops me from doing something dumb out of fear or worry. If any one of my stocks takes a nose dive it isn't a huge deal. More and more I like the Peter Lynch type approach of holding a lot of great companies and never selling. Probably limits my gains, but limits my downside as well. And sometimes I have great years like 2020 where I demolished the S&P500. I also tend to hold very little cash, about 5% cash right now which is about where I usually keep it, (although I've been 0% cash in the past) I also try to make sure I have at least 5% in something on the safe side like BRKB. BRKB is about 8% now, so cash and BRK is 13%. I used to count Apple as one of my almost as safe as cash stocks, but with it's valuation now I no longer consider it to be in that category. I recently trimmed Apple back down to under a 10% position. Anyway that's my current methodology, like always, subject to change. And then there's crypto, which I haven't decided what to do with, so I'm just Hodling for now. It has grown to about half the size of my stock portfolio and is almost all in two coins (BTC & ETH). So it is about 1/3rd of my combined stock/crypto portfolio. That means both BTC and ETH are larger than I usually let stocks get. So I am obviously not managing that portion of my portfolio in the same way. My cost basis there is so small though that I think I'm just going to continue to do nothing and see what happens in the coming years/decades.
  2. There are plans to fix this (i.e. lightning network, off chain transactions, etc), but right now with the speed of the network, and fees, and the fact that every transaction is a taxable event (at least in the US) it doesn't make much sense to buy a latte every morning with BTC. But buying a new car makes a lot of sense.
  3. Tesla buys $1.5B in BTC and will accept it as payment https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/02/08/tesla-buys-1point5-billion-in-bitcoin.html
  4. Interesting. That could mean everyone will be wrong.
  5. Wow. I don't know how I missed this topic entirely until now. I signed up and have been playing with Koyfin this morning. Very nice! Thanks!
  6. I currently own 3 out of 5 of those and I'm thinking of getting back into Fairfax. I sold Wells Fargo last year, I'm interested in why you think it belongs on this list with the others?
  7. Since there is no ETF or fund, how many random stocks would you have to buy to approximate the results? 500? 2500? It doesn't seem like a reasonable strategy. Also if you need to correctly identify the bottom with maximum pessimism in effect, then you could make more using options on larger stocks. The trick in any case is being sure about the bottom.
  8. For those of you managing OPM I can see where this would make sense. But for your own personal funds, this seems a bit conservative. yes, thank you for the compliment! :) When I said "a bit conservative" I meant "overly conservative". But we all have our own risk tolerance I guess.
  9. For those of you managing OPM I can see where this would make sense. But for your own personal funds, this seems a bit conservative.
  10. The 1st reviewer on Amazon had some interesting things to say about the book. One of the comments was about nanobots being used in humans. I recently finished a scifi series “the Old Mans War” by John Scalzi, in which he presents bio engineered humans with nanoblood, which could handle a lot of things from viruses to enhanced protection of traumatic wound sites. The story includes a lot of other fantastic, seemingly impossible now, ideas. It’s a really fun series to read. I just bought “Singularity” as it seems like it will be a fun read and possibly useful. Yes, he talks about a lot of far out stuff. He extrapolates the rate of technological growth to the point where we basically have unlimited computing power, AI of unimaginable intelligence (the singularity), live almost forever, etc...
  11. I read it, but it was a long time ago. Maybe 10 years or more ago, I don't know. All I remember is that I enjoyed it. I can't remember all of the details. It would actually be interesting to go back and re-read it to see how far off or on he is so far. I'm sure he made predictions for the 2020s in it.
  12. I think of those as more similar to Ethereum than Bitcoin, as you said. I think we will see Bitcoin as an institutional store of value where Ethereum, et al, will be used for all kinds of things, but value will come in to be used then go back out to be stored. I think there is room for more than one Turing complete blockchain, they will compete on functionality, stability, ease of use, etc. Ethereum will likely be one of the winners just because of first mover advantage, a large userbase, and being good enough for most applications.
  13. Just resold those FSLY shares for $103.10 and put more into BRKB and BAM. The volatility in stocks like FSLY is mind boggling. It is probably a good idea to move into safety like FSLY but I can understand if someone who bought this much lower just continues to hold. I bought at $23. That was 20% of my shares that I sold, bought back, and resold. I've now taken more than my cost basis out, so the remaining 80% of my shares are going to be a long term hold.
  14. So now that the section-which-must-not-be-named has been archived, is there any progress on the new site?
  15. Don't worry if you don't understand it. The Fed is playing 4D chess while everyone else is playing 2D chess. You just have to believe.
  16. Just resold those FSLY shares for $103.10 and put more into BRKB and BAM.
  17. Sold some AAPL today and added more BRKB. Like with SE, just trimming my large high flyers a little bit and putting it in something safer.
  18. Anything overtly negative for SE? Or just locking short term bump? I'm still trying to build a full position for SE. No just taking some profits. SE has grown to become a much larger position for me than I am comfortable with. I didn't sell much, about 10% of my shares.
  19. I don't think this is new info. Tether was the big concern in 2018 too. It doesn't change my long term opinion of BTC, although it could create a good buying opportunity if it crashes the crypto markets. Anyone know if there is a good way to short USDT?
  20. Sold a small amount of SE to add to BRKB and BAM.
  21. "a decade ago he was given 7,002 bitcoins as a reward for making a video explaining how the cryptocurrency works... the contents of his wallet are valued at $240m. But Thomas has forgotten the password that will unlock his fortune. Thomas has already entered the wrong password eight times, and if he guesses wrong two more times his hard drive, which contains his private keys to the bitcoin, will be encrypted – and he’ll never see the money" https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/jan/12/in-bits-the-programmer-locked-out-of-his-130m-bitcoin-account
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