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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. Agreed. I remember when Bitcoin hit $1 for the first time and yet I didn't buy any until it went over $1k then back down to $200. And even then I didn't buy as much as I should have. I just dabbled. It is the greatest investing mistake of my life, because I knew what it would be someday, I just thought that there would be plenty of time. About the whales I like what Michael Malice said in another episode of that "What Bitcoin Did" podcast. "The other good thing about bitcoin is it's allowing the right people to get very very wealthy, very very quietly". https://www.whatbitcoindid.com/podcast/understanding-anarchism
  2. It isn't about justice, which would entail making injured parties whole. It is about grandstanding. It is about a show of power, letting people know who's boss. In short, it is government. It has no incentives to even try to do what's right. It's just how it works. They removed millions of dollars worth of valuable computer equipment from the world, while the injured parties remain injured. They are almost as bad as the criminals themselves.
  3. I think grey swan event is going too far. Everyone's been talking about this for 3 or 4 years now. This is about as far from unexpected or out of the blue as you can get. At this point if Tether never blows up it will shock more people than not.
  4. I was going to ask the exact same question as Castanza. I picked up some more common today as well.
  5. Long term, yes, but there have been decades long stretches where people have fled cities like NYC. If you get caught buying at the beginning of one of those declines you will would not do well. EDIT: I'm not saying we are in one of those long-ish declines.
  6. I read this a few weeks ago and my only criticism is that it shouldn't have been a book, it could have been an article. If you read Cigarbutt's summary then you have 90% of the information you would have gotten by reading the book. It just went on way too long saying the same things over and over in different ways with different examples.
  7. UPDATE: A Florida Man Is Threatening to Sue an Artist Whose Invisible Sculpture Sold for $18,000, Saying He Came Up With the Idea First “All I can say personally is that Nothing is very important to me,” Miller told Artnet News in an email. “I should be credited with Nothing (specifically the idea of Nothing fashioned into sculpture form), and Gainesville, Florida—not Italy—is where Nothing happened first.”
  8. Yep, there is a reason that even if they aren’t rich when they first take office all congresscritters end up rich. “Serving” in government shouldn’t be a profitable career choice.
  9. Maybe foreshadowing things to come: ”they have also agreed to an additional step to ensure the continuity of the foundation’s work: if after two years either decides they cannot continue to work together as co-chairs, French Gates will resign her position as co-chair and trustee. In such a case, French Gates would receive personal resources from Gates for her philanthropic work. These resources would be completely separate from the foundation’s endowment, which would not be affected.” It sounds like she is preparing her exit.
  10. Well said SD. Tether May be a fraud. People have suspected as much for years. I don’t use tether, I don’t hold tether. If and/or when it collapses people who are holding it will lose a lot of money, but I will still have my Bitcoin along with maybe a nice opportunity to buy more cheap.
  11. Of course. My comment was only half serious. He said that in October and died 8 months later. But it is also possible that he didn't kill himself.
  12. Just make sure your hardware wallet is genuine A paper wallet stored in a physical safe might be the absolute safest option. Cybercrooks Are Mailing Users Fake Ledger Devices To Steal Their Cryptocurrency
  13. Giving people in failed states access to a currency that isn't going down with the state is like throwing people a lifeline. This is where a non-state currency will be used first. While the 1st world thinks of crypto as a speculative investment the 3rd world actually needs it. This reminds me of people who sit in Starbucks with their $8 lattes, behind their $2000 macbooks, wearing their $200 sneakers pontificating about child labor over seas, when without those jobs people would be starving. If your government is failing, being able to still do business with others will be a pretty important thing.
  14. My guess is that he thinks having that dry powder readily available is worth the inflation risk, knowing that if the right opportunity arises he can put that to work and make many many times what he lost due to inflation while waiting.
  15. A starting position in SOXQ, an ETF which tracks the PHLX Semiconductor Sector Index. I'm really bullish on the semiconductor industry for at least the next 18-24 months and think the index will do well. I already own 2 of the components NVDA and the company I work for: ADI. I like most of the companies on the index (except for Intel, which I'm not so sure of) and was having trouble picking just 1 or two more to invest in. So the ETF it is.
  16. Don't worry, we will be here to rub it in.
  17. “Salvatore Garau has sold his latest invisible sculpture. The work, titled "I Am," doesn't exist except in the artist's imagination. The buyer gets a stamped certificate in exchange for $18,000.” https://www.npr.org/2021/06/01/1002018211/italian-artist-sells-invisible-sculpture-for-real-money
  18. I don't trust tether and wouldn't hold any. The good news is that if/when tether blows up there will be a real buying opportunity in the entire crypto space. People like changegonnacome will rule public opinion for a while, articles/blogs will be screaming about how they just knew it was all a fraud and pessimism will be at its max.... aaand in 3-5 years the tether blowup won't matter to crypto any more than the whole "The DAO" fiasco matters to Ethereum today. Just growing pains in an entirely new asset class.
  19. ABNB at $81B still looks rich to me. I want to buy it at under $60B which would be somewhere under $100/sh, I'm hoping I get the chance. ETH is a good buy here I think, but even after selling almost half of mine and the price drop it is still my 2nd biggest holding (BTC is still my largest) so I'm not buying more right now. Just wait and see for crypto for a while, unless it really crashes, at some point I won't be able to help myself.
  20. Exactly. This is like saying the Government of the United States can destroy every city in China in a single day with nukes. Sure, but will they? How likely is this to happen? There is a big difference between "could" and "likely will". Can the governments of the world get together to destroy bitcoin? Absolutely. Will they? I still think that it is likely that they won't. I could, of course, be wrong about Bitcoin (or use of nukes).
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