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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. Great thread. I agree with whatever gets you enough to live the lifestyle you want makes you rich. It doesn't matter what other people think. I really only know two types of people in my life. People who think a million dollars isn't really that much money and people who think $100k in the bank makes you rich.
  2. “The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone,” Grey said. “Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us.” INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS SAY U.S. HAS RETRIEVED CRAFT OF NON-HUMAN ORIGIN https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/
  3. I just started reading "Softwar: A Novel Theory on Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin", by Jason Paul Lowery (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/122975497-softwar). I'm only about 30 pages in, but wow. It comes at bitcoin from a completely different angle which I hadn't considered before and makes me think it will be bigger than even I suspected. Do yourself a favor and read: The Sovereign Individual, by James Dale Davidson The Bitcoin Standard, by Saifedean Ammous The Network State, by Balaji S. Srinivasan Softwar, by Jason Paul Lowery In that order to get a glimpse at what could be coming. I still buy bitcoin weekly (and have been since 2014), but I'm thinking about stepping up the amounts.
  4. ~$7.82M according to this. ”$1 in 1970 is worth $7.82 today” https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1970?amount=1 But that’s probably based on CPI which isn’t great. I’d guess $10-$12 million is probably more accurate.
  5. Even if it doesn’t scale, he’s still dumb to tell people. If I could reliably turn say $10K into $1M after tax every year. I’d live on $300K, put $700K into something simple like BRKB or a cheap S&P500 ETF and do the same thing every year. After 20 years you’ve lived a good upper middle class lifestyle and have dollar cost averaged $14M into the market. You’d have a nice little nest egg to retire with.
  6. It seems to me that any such algorithm or formula would only work as long as there wasn't a shit ton of people doing it. Therefor the only smart thing to do is to keep making millions and keep quiet about it. The fact that he is telling people and selling online courses to teach people tells me that either it doesn't really work or he's incredibly stupid.
  7. No slavery would never be ok with me, but if society allows it then it would be widespread (as it was when society allowed it). And round and round we go....
  8. And since, he doesn't, we again have come full circle.
  9. Close. You can think that you are right and society is wrong. And, of course, most in society will think that they are right and you are wrong.
  10. As I said much earlier in this thread. I've never seen a coming recession so widely and confidently predicted by just about everyone. Which made me skeptical that it was imminent.
  11. If you’re into that sort of thing I guess. There’s such a thing as granny porn so someone must be.
  12. Joke thread seems like the proper place for this. Someone created a company to ship a bunch of batteries across the ocean, charging them in one place to discharge them in another. If this isn't peak ESG/climate nonsense I don't know what is. https://electrek.co/2023/05/29/electric-tanker-transport-clean-energy-batteries/
  13. That's a good way to put it. Cities are for the young, the poor, and the rich. I see the pictures of the apartment in that above blog and that looks tight for a childless couple, add 2 or 3 kids and that is an impossible living situation. You pretty much have to live outside the city to raise a family unless you are wealthy enough to afford the space.
  14. There is no "wrong" or "right" in the way you mean it. There is no absolute final word on these things. Society's values do obviously change over time. Some actions which were common place, non-controversial, and widely accepted for many thousands of years are no longer accepted today (child marriage/sex, slavery, etc). There are things which were considered immoral or wrong for most of human history that are commonly accepted today as just fine (loans with interest, homosexuality, etc). And there are things we do today which will someday be thought of as horrific (I'd like to think this includes coercive government and taxation, but other things that I can't even imagine could be included too), and there are probably things that we think of as immoral today which will be acceptable in the future (I don't even want to guess what these might be).
  15. Yep, maybe there is better chocolate in the world somewhere, but it is the best I have access to in my area in any grocery store, and I seriously doubt there is a better value on any dark chocolate in the US. If there is something available that is as good and cheaper I'd love to know.
  16. Agreed. The problem with investing in China is ownership. If I understand it correctly you don't really own a share of the actual company when you buy a Chinese stock the way you do if you own a share of a company in any western democracy. You own some shell corp outside of China with some complicated legalese that gives you some rights to the earnings of the company. But the CCP could just change its policy and make all of those shares worthless overnight. It can completely screw over all foreign shareholders in all Chinese companies any time it wishes. That fact coupled with what Spek wrote above, just makes any Chinese investment off limits for me. I am ok with some political risk, I hold Petrobras for example, but the political risk in China is just far too high for me to be comfortable with.
  17. I like Ghiradelli, but my new favorite is Trader Joe's 85% Uganda Chocolate. It's amazing, even better than Ghiradelli IMHO. https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/066292
  18. AI has always been 20 years away for something like 70 or 80 years and all of the sudden huge leaps seem to be being made now. Hopefully fusion is next.
  19. You just have to ignore those people. Most people are pessimists. Study after study shows that the average person thinks that things were better at some point in the past and the world is going to shit. It isn't a surprise that they always think the market will drop from whatever point it is at today and if it has recently gone up it won't last. This is why optimists are not only happier, but richer.
  20. I think the press is going to start trying to change the narrative on Buffett and turn him into some kind of villain because he never completely towed the ESG line and more importantly he’s rich so obviously he’s evil and did bad things. You watch, mark my words 10 years after he’s gone he will not be looked on with respect by the next generation. No industry leader will dare not do what their expected of ESG wise if even Buffett can be turned into a villain. A good book on ESG that I’m currently reading is “Capitalist Punishment”. I highly recommend it. Capitalist Punishment: How Wall Street Is Using Your Money to Create a Country You Didn't Vote For https://a.co/d/hgiy09W
  21. Amen. He just can’t believe that there’s no absolute arbiter of good and bad. He keeps saying so it’s just your opinion and I keep saying yes, you’ve got it. Over and over again.
  22. I saw this on twitter yesterday. I'm skeptical. The way I look at it is that microsoft loses nothing by saying if you generate electricity with your fusion plant we will buy it. https://twitter.com/Helion_Energy/status/1656283665398403072?s=20
  23. I completely agree with you here. I followed a similar path and actually did think for a while that Big-lier was the "next Buffett". Googling for more info on Sadar was how I found the MSN groups version of this board back in 2008. It might be that there will be another Buffett someday, but I'm not holding my breath. I don't think there will be anyone comparable to Buffett again in my lifetime.
  24. "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy." --Donald Trump If a woman let's you do it then it is not a violation of the non-aggression principle to grab her by the pussy. I have no problem with sexual contact between consenting adults. If he broke any laws and was not punished that is a problem with our legal system not my values.
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