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Everything posted by doughishere

  1. I think there is a bit of truth this, the problem is psychological. There no confidence in anything anymore? China, no. Europe, was there ever. Oil, look at a chart. Real Estate/Housing, look at where the GSEs are. Ive heard 3-4 guys say we are heading for Japan (Munger, Summners, Marks), Pick a US State... its in budget crisis....Simple things is you cant count on the old things any more and when you do that you stop making out lays of capital and start.....and thats just the financial side of things. Forget the rest of the worries that have always existed in a similar form or another. From what gather and the musings online and such....I dont know why Yellen keeps doing the same shit quarter in and quarter out....pull your reliever he got you out of the jam already. The Brexit thing by itself seems trivial....compounded with the rest its no wonder investors flee to bonds and bond like investments......I have no proof but I suspect that never normalizing policy(in any country) after risk of true collapse receded harmed confidence a great deal....Yellen is fighting the last war. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-06-15/deutsche-bank-if-one-wanted-simple-indicator-broken-financial-system-then-it That chart makes teh Third Reich look like a better investment enviornment than Germany today....just saying. Edit: assuming bond yeads are and indicator investor sentiment and during these hard times, Buffett accumulates PSX and maybe other investments... You smell that? Thats the smell of opportunity.
  2. I have so much more faith in Epstein than Olsen. They should make him lead counsel. Edit: Theres nothing wrong with Olsen, I just think he lacks the delivery. He needs to summon his inner Johnny Cochran if hes going to sell this. Epstein is a professor. He gets to craft his argument sitting at a desk in front of a computer. It's a different thing to stand in the colosseum. Yeah but do you think Epstein would have been better? Respectfully, I truly mean it's with the utmost respect, Olsen is a much better; harder working person than I will ever be But when he went out there he just sounded un-prepared like he crammed for the exam the night before. Epstein has history with the shareholders(yes, as a paid consultant) and that would have at least superficially been better. Especially when it came to some of the questions. Who knows maybe Epstein sucks at oral arguments? He's very good on some podcast. The other thing I would note is I think like apple hired Olsen to that big fbi case so I feel like he's more of a figurehead at this point. Who knows? But it's the Judges job to look though that. I just share my thoughts even if they are only that....anyone see a dead horse around here?
  3. Account Suspended. He was probably trolling Carney too much. Rumors about say he threatened another user. That's why it was suspended. I can't confirm with a second source, though.
  4. I have so much more faith in Epstein than Olsen. They should make him lead counsel. Edit: Theres nothing wrong with Olsen, I just think he lacks the delivery. He needs to summon his inner Johnny Cochran if hes going to sell this.
  5. I think there is a bit of truth this, the problem is psychological. There no confidence in anything anymore? China, no. Europe, was there ever. Oil, look at a chart. Real Estate/Housing, look at where the GSEs are. Ive heard 3-4 guys say we are heading for Japan (Munger, Summners, Marks), Pick a US State... its in budget crisis....Simple things is you cant count on the old things any more and when you do that you stop making out lays of capital and start.....and thats just the financial side of things. Forget the rest of the worries that have always existed in a similar form or another. From what gather and the musings online and such....I dont know why Yellen keeps doing the same shit quarter in and quarter out....pull your reliever he got you out of the jam already. The Brexit thing by itself seems trivial....compounded with the rest its no wonder investors flee to bonds and bond like investments......I have no proof but I suspect that never normalizing policy(in any country) after risk of true collapse receded harmed confidence a great deal....Yellen is fighting the last war. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-06-15/deutsche-bank-if-one-wanted-simple-indicator-broken-financial-system-then-it That chart makes teh Third Reich look like a better investment enviornment than Germany today....just saying. Edit: assuming bond yeads are and indicator investor sentiment
  6. Account Suspended. He was probably trolling Carney too much.
  7. yes and no. ipos are generally growth speculations (as you know). a GSE offering would have $15B of cash flow behind it. same re aramco. that will be a big ipo, tho saudis wont like price when market discounts for geopolitical risk. after all, after NWS voided, if GSEs are to recap, a very big offering would be needed. real point here, imo, is pershing's point, which is finance is built on trust, and there is no way GSEs raise money on the backs of a valid NWS. I wonder if the bill would take into account the warrants that the govt...after all they do already own 80% of the company.....er....79,9%
  8. Agreed. Numbers never matter with most issues with the populace. But I think the country over the long term becomes more and more liberal, and we'll eventually get there, slowly but surely. I'm surprised though that these numbers also don't seem to matter to some "value investors"; people who are supposed to be rational. I wish I had your confidence in rationality, even among "value investors". Experience has taught me different even among those aware of their own limitations on rationality. I know I struggle with being rational every day.
  9. Merk, it goes to my theory that everyone wants to be a finance guy at some point in their lives. I actually came up with it after Obama;s speach where he was mocking GS. GS will be the ones laughing to the bank when they end up placing a large part of the IPO...if it happens. Whats the adage? cant live with, cant kill.
  10. Two of the papers’ authors, former White House officials Gene Sperling and Jim Parrott, have advised her campaign on housing policy.
  11. http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-06-14/clinton-advisers-mortgage-plan-would-tap-investors-for-billions Clinton Advisers’ Mortgage Plan Would Tap Investors for Billions Left unstated is how to deal with current shareholders, who include hedge funds and money managers who are locked in a bitter legal battle with the government over profits generated by the mortgage-finance giants.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qY8qnh8dsQ Russell Napier - Ben Graham Center Value Investing 2015 There are many financial models out there that no longer make sense. What is the cost of future pension liabilities if one discounts by negative rates? Is it infinite? What is the value of the equity of companies legally bound to meet pension fund shortfalls. We could go on but it is a long list. Deutsche Bundesbank No 27/2014 How is the low-interest-rate environment affecting the solvency of German life insurers? Anke Kablau Matthias Weiß https://www.bundesbank.de/Redaktion/EN/Downloads/Publications/Discussion_Paper_1/2014/2014_10_27_dkp_27.pdf?__blob=publicationFile Like gravity, the interest rates has a push pull mechanic.
  13. If someone wonders who are the Stoics I’d say Buddhists with an attitude problem
  14. I dont know the guy...knowing my tweeter circles hes probably on here but John over at Base Hit Investing is very very very good....... Calculating the Return on Incremental Capital Investments. http://basehitinvesting.com/calculating-the-return-on-incremental-capital-investments/ Nothing revolutionay but i like to hear gospel.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jq8zt2pbpU
  16. The real question becomes this 1) Even if they thought they correctly calculated the return...do you want them running things with the ineptitude in a basic calculation?....or 2) are they being dishonest and deceitful in the returns that they have gotten......in which case do you really want them running things if they are disingenuous? These are Treasury officials....if they cant correctly calculate the return they get back then they really should hand their degrees back to the universities that gave it to them.
  17. Chapman: The government delivered a fresh Declaration to Judge Sweeney this afternoon, and a copy of that Declaration is attached to this e-mail message. Nicholas L. McQuaid, Deputy White House Counsel, tells Judge Sweeney that the presidential communications privilege appropriately attaches to two documents and the redacted portions of two other documents the government has withheld from Fairholme. 13-465-0333.pdf
  18. someone should fast forward that post to the lawyers and journos...a picture of that that should be posted the business section right next to every article talking about fannie and freddie.......Nice return, Hank. Whose the real MVP? As a tax payer, I think we should slice off a cut for Hank and the whole administration that made that possible. IMO. Could you imagine the fees the whole team would get if they weren't working for the govt. Everyone wants to make the biggest deal in finance and that folks is a whopper....whats it look like w/o the sweep? 2x the S&P 500 is basically twice as good as everyone else....well the collective average of everyone else. Berkshire Hathaway is up about +84%
  19. Its been killing my sex life...... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/politics/1256951/fear-of-brexit-is-stopping-couples-having-children-until-after-eu-referendum/
  20. War of the letters. Bankers, Realtors, home builders ask Watt, Lew to leave Fannie, Freddie agreements to Congress https://www.politicopro.com/financial-services/whiteboard/2016/06/bankers-realtors-ask-that-fannie-freddie-agreements-remain-unchanged-073000 My comment: didnt congress already say what they wanted to do with fannie and freddie?
  21. Election year baby! I think theres starting to be some serious pressure by watch dog groups...even corker is feeling it. "(Corker) charges complaints filed against him by a self-styled Washington watchdog group are part of a smear spurred by angry hedge fund billionaires fearful his stance on the future of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would torpedo their considerable investments."
  22. http://csen.tumblr.com/post/145455151989/why-housing-is-about-to-eat-the-us-economy Why Housing is About to Eat the US Economy
  23. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/999160e6-1a03-11dd-ba02-0000779fd2ac.html
  24. My personal favorite: "Impossible is Nothing" Too bad more don't take that view.
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