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Everything posted by doughishere

  1. **SEALED** OPINION AND ORDER granting 270 Motion to Compel. By no later than October 14, 2016, defendant shall file a memorandum with the court explaining why the court should not require defendant to pay plaintiffs' reasonable expenses incurred in making the motion, including attorney's fees. Signed by Judge Margaret M. Sweeney. (sp) (Entered: 09/20/2016) Anyone confirm?
  2. http://m.aviationweek.com/technology/auto-gcas-saves-unconscious-f-16-pilot-declassified-usaf-footage Sully 2, an F-16 student pilot, blackouts at 17,000 feet with full afterburners then goes into a nosedive and the automated GCAT system brings him out of the dive just below 4,500 feet. All this takes place in less than 30 seconds. The hard breathing is the pilot....you hear that it completely stops. Pilot was doing 8.4Gs....your viewing the heads up display which is basically pointed straight out the front of the cockpit. The back boxes are just redacted "classified" instrument setting because the air force doesn't want the public or enemies to see. Basically the guys heart couldn't pump blood to his brain over a certain amount of Gs....and he passed out. Think of the hud as a quick reference so he can look out the cockpit and not have to look down at this controls Sorry his instruments The half triangle half rectangle on the right side is his altitude you can see it drop....basically he banks hard to the left and straight down. the solid line across the whole display at the end is the horizon...you generally want to be pointed always above it. Edit: Speed in knots is the left hand half-triangle/half-rectangle. He's going about 750Mph. He does about a 55deg dive. Vhf and Uhf are just communication channels which are pre set to frequencies that they use...so 293.8 is a UHF frequency for something and VHF is set at 10 which is some encoded transmission line. The 17:26:17 is the time....you get the point.... So the thing I circled is the gun target that's where your 20mm bullets go from the Vulcan mini gun are going. Thus the pilot doesn't have to wing it when leading his target. TLDR: This guy passed out at the stick of $15M Aircraft to be saved by software.....
  3. wut? "Indeed, the very fact that FHFA itself has not brought suit to enjoin the Treasury from the alleged coercion it was subjected to suggest that FHFA was an independent, willing participant in its negotiations with the Treasury. FHFA’s interest in proceeding independently, if it felt such interest was jeopardized, is precisely the zone of interests congress sought to protect. Accordingly, Plaintiff lacks standing to pursue a claim pursuant to Section 4617(a)(7)"
  4. via peter chapman Messrs. Jacobs and Hindes' lawyers advised Judge Sleet today that FHFA and Fannie Mae: (a) object to the shareholder-plaintiffs' request to add the unjust enrichment claims to their complaint; and (b) won't consent to notifying shareholders about dismissal of Counts III through X from the original complaint by filing a Form 8-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 15-00708-0049.pdf
  5. Tim Howard comment. See attached. https://howardonmortgagefinance.com/2016/09/07/a-solution-in-search-of-a-problem/
  6. It was up there. Check GSElinks from last week some time...I forget which day.
  7. Anyone have a monthly historical chart of Berk going back, like way back?
  8. pubic hair comments. Wut? Do I want to know?
  9. cooker & kirk sent a letter to perry clerk saying pag case doesnt matter because its not a direct claim.. but the way i read the opinion is the judge did treat it as a direct claim and concluded that HERA transferred it away. Which is it? Pagliara’s suggestion that during conservatorship HERA suspends many of the usual corporate governance mechanisms shareholders possess for ensuring management’s loyalty and care underscores why FHFA must be required to scrupulously comply with its statutory and fiduciary duties. HERA requires the conservator to preserve and conserve the Companies’ assets with the goal of returning them to soundness and solvency. Where, as here, the conservator willfully and openly abandons that statutory mission, injunctive relief is appropriate. well done dougie...cooper & kirk should have said with no right to inspect (assuming cacheris is right) then there is even more reason to maintain direct claim to keep fhfa honest. Ehh....I can read. I dont get credit. It was a copy and paste.
  10. cooker & kirk sent a letter to perry clerk saying pag case doesnt matter because its not a direct claim.. but the way i read the opinion is the judge did treat it as a direct claim and concluded that HERA transferred it away. Which is it? Pagliara’s suggestion that during conservatorship HERA suspends many of the usual corporate governance mechanisms shareholders possess for ensuring management’s loyalty and care underscores why FHFA must be required to scrupulously comply with its statutory and fiduciary duties. HERA requires the conservator to preserve and conserve the Companies’ assets with the goal of returning them to soundness and solvency. Where, as here, the conservator willfully and openly abandons that statutory mission, injunctive relief is appropriate.
  11. Pagliara suit dismissed. Does this impact the Hindes/Jacobs case in Delaware in any way? first, it is the Va. suit. second, it citers approvingly to lamberth's opinion in perry. third, no mention of piszel. not helpful, of course, but not that harmful. In a way havent we already seen some of the corporate records via Fairhlome's lawsuit? And more importantly Fairhlome's(Perry) lawyers. To me Pagliara wants to see them as a shareholder and not a lawyer representing the shareholders. <- Is this assumption wrong?
  12. Well heres the catch-22 for Watt...Either he goes in alone and does the "reverse-sweep. " Great where was his independence when it was enacted. And if he goes in with the support of the Treasury or some other entity then hes not "independent" Am I wrong in thinking this? Edit: It was Demarco who was in office during the sweep.
  13. I think the advantage for Watt doing so is two fold. Stave off another taxpayer bailout, and prompt congressional action. I'm sure Congress would move if Watt started retaining capital, as they would be scared to miss the bus on having their say. Everything they've said has turned out to be a lie? I think the advantage for Watt coming out is to save face....no? Hes the Ted Cruze of the GSEs. Building capital is what they should have been doing for the last 4 years. Watt hasnt done this and it was his job to do this.....Watt hasnt been doing his job. The hedge funds, sorry to say this, were the first ones to say this. They are a step ahead of Watt et all and it pains everyone in the anti-gse camp (Joe and John included) to admit this......
  14. Noice! Edit: I remember back in the GGP days the MO at the beginning was "this will never work" then eventually as the debt got refinanced and the mall properties retained their value and cash flows eventually the non believers slowly came around as their arguments got left by the wayside. I remember that shitty offer by SPG....like it was a lowball.....i knew that was the point where the tides had turned..... Too bad the officials arnt named.
  15. Off topic. I really like Belichick, Brady and all the Pats. Bill Simmons has a new show on HBO and nailed it. The Deflategate Trial - Simmons v. Rapaport with Judge Joe Brown (HBO) I say this as a non-Pats fan.
  16. Second thought while you got me going on this subject. I highly suggest everyone to go visit a country like Thailand. Go to Bangkok and take a tuk-tuk ride and see all the corrugated metal shanty's under the bridges or go to China to see how they live. Or walk the streets in Hong Kong. Its truly remarkable how some of the world lives on so little. As a White American male was shocking to me the first time groups of school kids will stare at you when you walk along the streets or in the subways or what not. You would literally stop traffic for some. Most of them have never seen or at least rarely seen westerners. For me being an American I take it for granted our diversity....just the other day I was watching the Olympics and said how any member of the other countries athaletes look "American" to me. That the diversity of America is...everyone. They say that was a large part of success of Rome back in the day. That when they conquered a neighboring "tribe" whatever they integrated them into Roman society. ...but I digress.
  17. When I travel abroad...especially in some of the "poorer" countries where the dollar carries much more weight I tend to 1) Tip the girl/guy directly, I hand cash to them look them in the eye and say this is for you, and 2) I try to give them a little more than "normal" 15%-20% or whatever...because i factor in the exchange rate. The meal costs less for me because my money is being earned in the US. Its still a cheeper meal for me and they get a larger tip. I don't to this in a number of western countries because the generally have laws that set a minimum wage that supposedly factors this in or they already add a service charge. As for charitable contributions. I only give to causes where I know the money will be spent with care. Which basically means that they are smaller local organizations and not giant corporation like entity's such as teh Red Cross or endowments, things of that nature. Also, if im feeling generous at that moment where a guy/girl on the street is sleeping or what not I politely ask them if they need anything....a lot of the time they ask for socks or toothpaste or soap. I feel much better with this because I can gage who they are....If they ask for booze then yeah im gone. I usually do this when I run into a CVS or something. Obviously, I dont do this all the time however they are not asking for it and they seem really enthused and much more appreciative. Edit: Also there has been a number of situations where drinks are comped or something then I'll factor the cost of what that drink(whatever) would normally be pay maybe 75% of that in the tip portion....like the article says if its $200(I dont think its ever been, tbh) wont give $150 but there is extra for the waiter. Personally, I just think that the person at the table could use it. A single mom or college kid or something. The point is the money is back in the system to people who could use it right away and not sitting is some account in some bank somewhere. Edit2: Just read the Transcript.....I do everything he does but probably on a much smaller scale. I also try to do it behind the backs of my friends...so I will get up go to the bathroom and find the waiter at the kiosk and do it there or something. I dont like my friends to know because its a very personal thing for me. Only they know and only I know.
  18. "But it is worth noting that one of the most incorrigible defenders of the NWS, John Carney of the Wall Street Journal once again demonstrates his abysmal lack of financial acumen. " "In this particular case, then, the only serious difficulty is the choice of remedy for what is on the first theory a breach of fiduciary duty and on a second theory a stripping of the assets from the companies without just, indeed any, compensation at all." The assuredness of people is something of significance I feel like. Its not just Epstein. Epistein walks off by saying......."Indeed, perhaps the strongest reason to end the conservatorship is that there is under current law no way that these shareholders can challenge FHFA in its administration of Fannie and Freddie assets. It is always risky business to have a faithless trustee in charge, and that is what seems to be the case here. It should be evident that the entire matter has been mishandled from start to finish. It is time for the Circuit Court to set matters right. "the only serious difficulty is the choice of remedy"
  19. Does the fact that FMCJK and FNMAS are only callable On "December 31, 2012 and on each 5fth anniversary thereafter" make them a better security than the rest of the preferred lot? Perpetual is in the name of the security......The earliest FMCJK could be recalled under "normal" circumstances is 2017...provided there is enough capital under Fannie and Freddie a 5year perpetual "treasury-like" security that trades 3Mo LIBOR + 4.16%% is pretty hard to find these days. FtFPrefStock-oc.pdf
  20. Interesting going back to some of this stuff from just 2 years ago. hah... It’s Time to Get Off Our Fannie Ira Sohn Conference May 5, 2014 Pershing Square Capital Management, L.P. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-05-07/all-110-slides-bill-ackmans-fannie-mae-pitch
  21. Anyone have the S-2 or what ever prospectus documentation for FNMAS handy? Id like to look at that. Edit: Doesn't matter what series of preferred shares it is so long as its par with FNMAS.
  22. If this does work out the absolute cherry on top for Bruce will be the fact that he gets to hand the Obama administration(And Corker et all) not only a loss, a very hard thing to do, but a loss using their own arguments: Bruce gets to point the finger back at Mel Watt(and whoever else) and say "You cheated and you still lost. You admitted it and now you painted yourself into the corner and I got you." And then he drills it right in......why? because......"The ability to “Phone-a-Friend” is not capital and certainly does not protect taxpayers. .."..thats the best line in here. The implication that Fannie and Freddie have to “Phone-a-Friend” precisely because of those that dont want it to “Phone-a-Friend.” Bruce Berkowitz, champion of the tax payers. Come on, there's some irony there......if he gets that ruling. I hope he does.
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