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Everything posted by doughishere

  1. And if you think hes arrogant Hes a legend...
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMNwCZ-ZHmE Ali: The Mission ESPN 30 for 30 Short Narrated by John Legend
  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/04/sports/muhammad-ali-dies.html Great Video “I'm a fighter. I believe in the eye-for-an-eye business. I'm no cheek turner. I got no respect for a man who won't hit back. You kill my dog, you better hide your cat.” "Im a bad man." Muhammad Ali: Worshiped. Misunderstood. Exploited. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/04/opinion/muhammad-ali-worshipped-misunderstood-exploited.html “I’ve wrestled with alligators, I’ve tussled with a whale. I done handcuffed lightning And throw thunder in jail. You know I’m bad. just last week, I murdered a rock, Injured a stone, Hospitalized a brick. I’m so mean, I make medicine sick.”
  4. Boxing record Total fights 61 Wins 56 Wins by KO 37 Losses 5 Draws 0
  5. "My conscience won't let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me nigger, they never lynched me, they didn't put no dogs on me, they didn't rob me of my nationality, rape or kill my mother and father.... How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail." He did not fight from March 1967 to October 1970—from ages 25 to almost 29—as his case worked its way through the appeals process.
  6. Ali to Will Smith: "Man you're almost pretty enough to play me.
  7. Ali stated: "War is against the teachings of the Holy Qur'an. I'm not trying to dodge the draft. We are not supposed to take part in no wars unless declared by Allah or The Messenger. We don't take part in Christian wars or wars of any unbelievers." lol. On June 28, 1971, the Supreme Court in Clay v. United States overturned Ali's conviction by a unanimous 8–0 decision (Justice Thurgood Marshall did not participate). The decision was not based on, nor did it address, the merits of Ali's claims per se; rather, the Court held that since the Appeal Board gave no reason for the denial of a conscientious objector exemption to Ali, and that it was therefore impossible to determine which of the three basic tests for conscientious objector status offered in the Justice Department's brief that the Appeals Board relied on, Ali's conviction must be reversed.
  8. In speaking of the cost on Ali's career of his refusal to be drafted, his trainer Angelo Dundee said, "One thing must be taken into account when talking about Ali: He was robbed of his best years, his prime years." Rumble young man, Rumble.
  9. Before being Anti-Establishment was cool..... Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said: "I remember the teachers at my high school didn't like Ali because he was so anti-establishment and he kind of thumbed his nose at authority and got away with it. The fact that he was proud to be a Black man and that he had so much talent ... made some people think that he was dangerous. But for those very reasons I enjoyed him."
  10. I think this sums up Ali..... The New York Times columnist William Rhoden wrote, "Ali's actions changed my standard of what constituted an athlete's greatness. Possessing a killer jump shot or the ability to stop on a dime was no longer enough. What were you doing for the liberation of your people? What were you doing to help your country live up to the covenant of its founding principles?"
  11. The original moonwalk Best thing about Ali was the mad trash he talked......yet could still back all of it up. Sonny Liston vs Cassius Clay. I had a poster of this guy back in school. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OezriPEepZs George Foreman Clay vs. Liston: Weigh-in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIV1F5rjykY Clay vs. Liston — Post-fight Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnfnsQve8W0 Reporter:Let me see you close your mouth and keep it closed. Ali: Well, you know thats impossible. Reporter:Let me see you close you mouth... Ali: You know thats impossible. Im the greatest. ........Thats just amazing...lol..fast forward to about 2 min for the interview. "He spoke in soundbites"...and you libtards think trump invented it. The Poem he wrote about 7min into it....lol "If you like to loose your money..be a fool and bet on Sonny."...... Lol Guy had the biggest pair out there......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeFMyrWlZ68 , Now we wine about being coaxed into boardroom decisions. Those guys were the Greatest Generation....for an ungrateful nation. We bitch about Lebron James being cocky....lo At least hes honest, lol. I rate myself number 2 now. -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LR52l7Y6glYl Even when he gets beat. Muhammad Ali on Dick Cavett After Leon Spinks loss....the way he respects his opponent.
  12. Conservatives May 12, 2016 http://www.housingwire.com/articles/37023-conservative-groups-join-growing-push-to-recapitalize-fannie-mae-freddie-mac Civil Rights October 29, 2015 http://www.housingwire.com/articles/35487-major-civil-rights-groups-join-push-to-recapitalize-fannie-mae-freddie-mac Democrats June 3, 2016 http://www.housingwire.com/articles/37186-congressional-democrats-join-push-to-recapitalize-fannie-mae-freddie-mac Hedge Funds ---This should be obvious. WashPo December 21, 2015 http://www.housingwire.com/articles/35874-washington-post-recapitalizing-fannie-freddie-is-a-recipe-for-housing-disaster NYT---Is gretchen Pro Recap and release?...I can seem to find a specific article. Seems like the Obama Administration(Edit:and the Corker Administration, Interesting what people agree on.) is the only one two out of touch with america on this issue. Just an observation. Ohh yea the WSJ is firmly entrenched with the administration........ I have said nothing anyone else hasnt. I just put it all together. politics makes strange bedfellows.
  13. Big Win for GSE Plaintiffs ToddSullivan The FHFA and Treasury had tried to consolidate all the various GSE lawsuits into one. It was yet another stall tactic to delay the various suits progress in their respective courts. To some degree it worked, cases by in large were stalled pending the outcome of this panel. The government lost. The cases will immediately resume and we can get on with discovery and litigation. The WSJ will tell us of course this ruling in meaningless. I guess the question to ask them would be “if it meant nothing, why was the government trying to consolidate?” …. You can ask it but you won’t get an answer. It is so sad to see how the WSJ has become ruled by a naked political bias. It opinion pages are wholly useless now for those seeking any type of impartiality. On its opinion pages you will find not a single piece that supports plaintiffs in the GSE litigation. I’ll ask the question I asked before and have not gotten an answer from them….”how is that possible?”. I only see two options: either those in charge will simply not allow it (pure editorial bias) or the entire group is plagued by a dangerous “group think”. While they have become the perfect counter to Krugman and the NYT’s opinion pages, that still really sucks. They should want to be better ….and this is coming from a Reagan Republican…. From the order: On the basis of the papers filed and hearing session held, we conclude that centralization is not necessary for the convenience of the parties and witnesses or to further the just and efficient conduct of the litigation. These actions arise from the agreement in August 2012 between FHFA and the Treasury Department to enter into the third amendment of their preferred stock purchase agreement. Specifically, most plaintiffs allege that the third amendment constituted a de facto nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that extinguished the private shareholders’ economic interests in the companies by replacing a fixed quarterly dividend with a variable dividend equal to Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s quarterly earnings, if any, less a small and decreasing capital reserve. Plaintiffs opposing centralization argue that there are not sufficient common disputed facts to warrant centralization, and that discovery will be minimal. Defendants have not persuasively refuted these arguments.
  14. http://twitdoc.com/view.asp?id=274193&sid=5VKH&ext=PDF&lcl=GSE-letter-to-Watt-and-Lew-6-1-16.pdf&usr=JonAPrior Here's the June 1 letter, led by Rep. Capuano
  15. https://twitter.com/carney/status/737668426630627333 Should have sold.
  16. I do Crossfit regularly but never any yoga or meditation. Does anyone here do either? Reason I ask is this came in my inbox last week: Billionaire Ray Dalio, the founder of $160 billion hedge-fund behemoth Bridgewater Associates, says that Transcendental Meditation has been “the single biggest influence” on his life. Dalio, 66, is considered the most successful hedge fund manager of all time. He’s been practicing Transcendental Meditation for more than 40 years. “When I look back at my life, I am happy to have had what most people would consider a successful life, not only in terms of business, but in my relationships and in lots of ways. More than anything else, I attribute it to meditation—partially because of the creativity, partly because of the centeredness. TM has given me an ability to put things in perspective, which has helped a lot. I think meditation has been the single biggest influence on my life.” Dalio is featured in a new book called “Super Mind: How to Boost Performance and Live a Richer and Happier Life.” Written by noted clinical psychiatrist and best-selling author Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal, M.D., “Super Mind” explores how the practice of Transcendental Meditation has helped business leaders achieve a super mind state of consciousness.
  17. i'll take this. no. appraisal rights is a statutory remedy for shareholders who object to a merger. not applicable I though maybe since there are often disagreements on valuation it might be help. Shoot first, apologize later. Thanks
  18. Legal Eagles, Do you think theres a case in Dissenting Shareholder Appraisal Rights and Shareholder Oppression Claims, Weinberger v. UOP decision in the State of Delaware. http://www.willamette.com/insights_journal/15/autumn_2015_2.pdf
  19. https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2016/06/01/the-buffett-essays-symposium-annotated-20th-anniversary-transcript/ Im not sure why he wont share the whole thing with the world......you would think that would generate more conversation and maybe let some more "intellectual sparks" fly.
  20. It's a series of exchanges about corporate governance. Some of it's been said before, repeatedly. Some of it I've never seen. But I'm young and dumb. I wish there was more from the symposium. I tweeted at Cunningham this morning asking him what the book was transcribed from and wish we could get the entire audio. But I like the source material. I think it would be an invaluable resource to those that wish to follow in Buffett, et All's footsteps. My take on Bill and this is just my estimation from what I read about him....I've never met him. My estimation is he wants to be like Buffett...in every way not just being the typical "value investor" that everyone talks. He's young in this book and I think even at a young age he's wants to out Buffett Buffett. And being young and going to this symposium and being an active participant means he wants to learn and build upon the path that Buffett has layed out.....he wants to learn from the best and be the best but in a way that's honorable. That's just my judgement call. Others will disagree. Back to the book. Honestly I don't think it's necessary if your not super into such things as corporate governance.
  21. http://www.valuewalk.com/2016/05/banks-liquidate-fannie-mae-holdings Bove.
  22. Wanna be in charge of documenting his "calls" on the way up?..I know he deletes them......on the other side why waste your time...got better sh*t to do....ohh well. Side not....theres some quote out there that someone once told me a long time ago you "dont go broke taking a profit"......sh*t quote
  23. I purchased some PSH after reading this. I think Bills head and heart is in the right place. Its in my retirement IRA so I dont expect ill need it for another 30+ years. Maybe this post will be around in that time to see how well it does. This is a purchase and forget investment that I admit relies heavily solely on the talents of PSH.
  24. Do I count? Kidding....or am I?
  25. Sorry I effed up and put this in investments. Yeah when I post things I kinda pick a good line and post it...generate some conversation......this memo is pretty poignant Love him or hate him. You have to admit Marks is good.
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