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Everything posted by Gamecock-YT

  1. Part 3 Teledyne_-_1971.pdf Teledyne_-_1972.pdf Teledyne_-_1973.pdf
  2. Part 2 Teledyne_-_1969.pdf Teledyne_-_1970.pdf
  3. Had a request for the Singleton-era Teledyne reports. These are ~50 MB files so pardon the next few posts. Teledyne_-_1967.pdf Teledyne_-_1968.pdf
  4. Looks like it skips around a bit: Coke_-_1975.pdf Coke_-_1977.pdf Coke_-_1982.pdf Coke_-_1983.pdf
  5. Part 3 Berkshire_-_1973.pdf
  6. Part 2 Berkshire_-_1967.pdf Berkshire_-_1968.pdf Berkshire_-_1969.pdf Berkshire_-_1970.pdf Berkshire_-_1971.pdf Berkshire_-_1972.pdf
  7. Berkshire AR 55-73 Berkshire_-_1955.pdf Berkshire_-_1956.pdf Berkshire_-_1957.pdf Berkshire_-_1958.pdf Berkshire_-_1959.pdf Berkshire_-_1960.pdf Berkshire_-_1961.pdf Berkshire_-_1962.pdf Berkshire_-_1963.pdf Berkshire_-_1964.pdf Berkshire_-_1965.pdf Berkshire_-_1966.pdf
  8. Looks like 1970-1983 Blue Chip Stamps Moody's Manual pages are the only thing in the database. Berkshire Annual reports 1955-1973, then picks up again in 1994.
  9. Someone requested the 1975 Kmart annual report. S.S._Kresge_1975.pdf
  10. Check your PMs.
  11. Part 2 1993_Moody_TCI.pdf 1994_Moody_TCI.pdf 1995_Moody_TCI.pdf 1996_Moody_TCI.pdf 1997_Moody_TCI.pdf 1998_Moody_TCI.pdf 1996_Moody_TCI_International.pdf 1997_Moody_TCI_International.pdf 1998_Moody_TCI_International.pdf
  12. No problem guys. I was also able to pull the Moody's Manual write-ups, which was a more complete set. Not sure if they can be of any use, but figured someone might be able to get something out of them. 1973_Moody_TCI.pdf 1974_Moody_TCI.pdf 1975_Moody_TCI.pdf 1976_Moody_TCI.pdf 1977_Moody_TCI.pdf 1978_Moody_TCI.pdf 1979_Moody_TCI.pdf 1980_Moody_TCI.pdf 1981_Moody_TCI.pdf 1982_Moody_TCI.pdf 1983_Moody_TCI.pdf 1984_Moody_TCI.pdf 1985_Moody_TCI.pdf 1986_Moody_TCI.pdf 1987_Moody_TCI.pdf 1988_Moody_TCI.pdf 1989_Moody_TCI.pdf 1990_Moody_TCI.pdf 1991_Moody_TCI.pdf 1992_Moody_TCI.pdf
  13. This is what I was able to grab off a private database I have access to. 1975_TCI.pdf 1976_TCI.pdf 1993_TCI.pdf 1995_TCI.pdf 1996_TCI.pdf 1997_TCI.pdf
  14. If you thought Intelligent Investor was dry and difficult, you'll find Security Analysis impossible.
  15. Thanks, that was a good read. Agreed, thanks for the article. I've been waiting on the sidelines (renting) for years. I definitely think we're a bubble and I hope it pops soon. Any ideas on how you could make money on the short side? I looked into shorting the non-government mortgage insurers, but decided against it. I've read that shorting the Canadian banks is the way to play it.
  16. I liked the 17 year old hedge fund manager. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0j0TWcyuGE We surely must be approaching the top soon.
  17. Eastern North Carolina is vinegar, Western NC is tomato based sauce. Both are delicious.
  18. Twitter buzzing about Klarman recovering after cardiac bypass surgery...
  19. I have little to no insight on this topic other than to say that we should all probably be eating less sugar. In Jacobi-esque fashion, we could ask ourselves the question of "Should we be eating MORE sugar?" and then move backwards. I guess I eat pretty close to primal/paleo. Usually the fruits I eat are berries (straw, blue, and raspberry). Then in the summer toss in peaches as they grow about a mile from my house. This kind explains the fruit to eat better: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/best-and-worst-fruits/
  20. So were home schooled after you dropped out?
  21. I would think this would be to sync up with their Self-Driving Car.
  22. I'm in favor of it.
  23. Just going to keep kicking the can down the road. The incentives for our politicians is only to make it through the next election cycle and cutting the deficit doesn't really ring to voter's ear like new tax cuts.
  24. 50 cent - Get Rich or Die Tryin and of course the Wu-Tang Financial's diversify yo bonds. http://comedycentral.mtvnimages.com/images/shows/chappelle/videos/season_1/CHAPPELLE_01_0107_WUTANG_640x360.jpg
  25. Didn't sell AWLCF at $24 to lock in some profits. Not selling it again when the majority owners sold some shares.
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