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John Hjorth

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Everything posted by John Hjorth

  1. Saturday evening I watched "An Affair" on Viasat Series - I really don't know how many parts of it I watched, but it was about 4:00 AM sunday when I went to bed, I think. It's basically a story of how the libido of two human beings attracted to each other destructs two families into a friggin' mess.
  2. R.I.P. @Xerxes, your question qualifies without being considered disrespectful by me, personally. We will see.
  3. Jeff, Shutting up won't do it. To look pretty, you need to shave.
  4. Here is a [not in any way by me confirmed] group chart of the company.
  5. Viking, I recall back in April 2017, I attended the AGM of Vestas Wind Systems A/S i Aarhus, Denmark. At that AGM, the Lady of the House attended, too, and we met with @TBW. [He is just such an awesome guy in every aspect!] I recall Tim asked if I've ever looked at this Chineese behemoth of a RE developer, that was writing empty real estate up, up, up! Tim is a long/short guy. He was in self-occilation & mental overdrive. [ :- D] I had forgotten the name of the company, but now I think I remember it! Now I'm in urge to get in contact with Tim to hear if he ever found a way to short this darn thing! [ ; - D]
  6. Here is another tweet about Evergrande from a Twitter user called Ming Zhao. To me, it reads just ..."juicy".
  7. Castanza, I have never in my life experienced an issue for which there hasen't been a feasible fix available. The concept of the "non-existense of a fix" is a political mirage, very well promoted, over and over again, here, there and everywhere. Everything can be fixed in a society. It's all about will and capacity to suffer.
  8. Hi Greg, Thank you for the elaboration, and congratulations! Your explanation about the doggies really called for a big smile! Yeah, the last 18 months or so have been eventful for us all, haven't they?
  9. Hi Greg, Thank you for sharing your post with a photo from what appears to be a very nice & lovely place. House warming or what?
  10. Please continue nitpicking with regard to buybacks. Thank you.
  11. The topic here should be split. A part of it should go to the Politics Forum, another part of it should go to the Personal Finance Forum. Stop whining, [or post on the Politics Board]. Instead, you could in the Personal Finance Forum post & share your findings, and how you have approached this issue [It should be by country, naturally].
  12. Agreed, longterminvestor, Over the last years, we've seen [almost relentlessly] posting from @Cigarbutt , indicating the "real bond portfolio" [understood as "non cash or cash equivilatents" is about USD 20 B - over time.
  13. Jeff, It's not totally intellectually honest to post a link to an interview with Mr. Munger in a Fairfax topic here on CoBF, for obvious reasons.
  14. @LC, @Gregmal, @changegonnacome, Change gonna come.
  15. Thank you to @gfp & @adesigar for replying in a constructive way here. The conclusion for me is, that I need to work harder on this. Again, thank you to the both of you.
  16. adesigar, How can we even be sure this is the situation, based on the "black box" reporting - now for years - for the big wholly owned manufactoring companies in Berkshire's belly?
  17. It's all during the quarter sexual intercourse with insects.
  18. Greg, I think this topic does not belong in the "General discussion" forum here on CoBF. It's macro-related, perhaps also political-related. [Enough said.]
  19. The topic title contains the word "herd" [, also known as the "crowd"]. The question remains open for me: "Who am I?" [Understood as : Part of the "herd", or not?] Up YTD ~31% [gross, with withheld dividend taxes added back] today. I can't really move the butt of my family [in total "the gang"][and the butt of my own] around any longer without incurring a capital gain tax of 42% for "socalled" taxable accounts. For tax deferred accounts it's even "better" here in Denmark: Pay a 15.3 procent tax [mind you, it´s called the PAL-tax!] on realized & UNREALIZED capital gains. I'm not a macro guy. Based on that, I'm personally seriously considering offloading every bank stock held in tax deferred accounts by any member of the "gang".
  20. [July 7th 2021] Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman Announces Initial Plans to Evolve Governance as Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates Commit $15 Billion in New Resources to Deepen and Accelerate the Foundation’s Efforts to Address Inequity I'm not going to share here on CoBF what's going on in my mind.
  21. @fareastwarriors, Enjoy!, & Happy Independence Day weekend to you, too!
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