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John Hjorth

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Everything posted by John Hjorth

  1. Related to @Salukis post : A. P. Moeller Maersk A/S Press Release [September 14th 2023] : EU Commission President Names Landmark Methanol Vessel “Laura Mærsk”. So this is not about one 'experimental' ship, -it's by now about 25 ships, including "Laura". -Everybody in the industry keeping their heads low, to avoid attention on the matter, while everybody knows the industry as such has a material reponsibility. Not Mr. Robert Maersk Uggla. He's just 'head on'. No lingering.
  2. Meanwhile, in Europe : Bloomberg [September 18th 2023] : A Franco-German Feud Over What Will Fuel Europe’s Industry, & Bloomberg [September 18th 2023] : France and Germany Clash in Feud Over Europe’s Industrial Crown. - - - o 0 o - - - *shrug* & *sigh*.
  3. New Howard Marks memo [September 12th 2023] : Fewer Losers, or More Winners?.
  4. Jens Stoltenberg - The situation explained - so to say - on the rim.
  5. Today, the first four F-35s [absolutely awesome flying machines!] arrived here in Denmark, so something - F-16s - will now in due course leave Denmark, headed to Ukraine. It was with material delay. How can the worlds fastest fighter air plane even be delayed?
  6. I'm pretty sure you'll do well with this company [Siemens] going forward. It's just that here on CoBF, it's 'an other turf', with no traction long term here on CoBF.
  7. This to me is just so bad form and bad manners. Undignified, and then in front of a camera. Really appalling. What a cartoon drawing of a high raking politician. Total lack of format. If you can't find something positive to say about a deceased human being, let it go, and stay quiet.
  8. Massage for the muscles in use when smiling. Blog : Beyond Ben Graham.
  9. Youtube : Leonard Cohen - First We Take Manhattan (Live in London), However we may need an updated version : "First we take Russia, then we take China".
  10. l Marketing of the global military complex, here a western part of it. So ugly and counterproductive for the planet, civility, humanity & mankind.
  11. Morgan Stanley Letter of recommendation - Poor Todd! :
  12. Awesome YT video, @UK, thank you for sharing. Simply mind boggling to think of that in most of the cases of a border change in the video, an armed conflict has occurred.
  13. Bloomberg [31th August 2023] : Putin Moves to Seize Control of Wagner’s Mercenary Empire.
  14. To me, it's incredible how this situation in this topic, can be nitpicked and analyzed into *I don't what's going to happen*.
  15. I would hardly call it "listening to", but by coincidence at some time ago, by conincidence, I some how managed to visit the following YouTube channel : YouTube - Malte Marten. Example : Sunset Meditation | 1 hour handpan music | Malte Marten. Since then, whenever I have been working or writing, reading, I have had this music running in a background tab on the PC, or on the Iphone. Before that first visit, I did not even know of the existence of the handpan as an instrument. -Perhaps this may even be of value to those CoBF members with babies suffering of problems to find rest to go to sleep, hitting the quality of life for the parents, too!
  16. Mike [ @cubsfan], He does not - for exactly that reason - move around much by plane, but by train. His layers of paranoia are multidimensional, thereby also making them aggregated : There is absolutely no way back to sleeping well at night , because of what he he has already done. Great to read on the Net, that even your own mother recents you.
  17. Bloomberg [August 29th 2023] : Putin Agrees to Visit China in First Trip Since Arrest Warrant. How difficult is this? - The culprit at the center of all this has already himself lost his greatest privilege : His freedom. In that respect and lens, the whole mess by now appears absolutely meaningless.
  18. This is exactly why those with real skin in the game here - the NATO allies in Europe - really can't afford not to ramp up support for the war effort. If you already have said 'A', you simply must say 'B' here [to continue] [, or saying 'A' would be in vain, [and somebody [the people of your country] would take you on and calling your *BS* in the first place]. - - - o 0 o - - - In that respect, we are already beyond the point of no return in this situation. Lingering does not work on, nor solve, anything. To do what has to be done, to end this thing, is what matters. Everybody knows it, but really nobody [, or few ] approaches this issue from that angle, by now. There is only the alternative : To ramp further up, to make an end of this.
  19. Kicking in a tiny footnote here. This must be the first time I have been made aware of the existence of this book! - at least I think so! Anyone here on CoBF being lucky enough to own a specimen? Found this in the 2010 Letter [issued in 2011] mentioning the book : Also, then found this! - - - o 0 o - - - Now this "must have" urge starts kicking in at me!
  20. @A Humble Man, You need to spend more time here on CoBF to understand what is really going on here at CoBF. Compilations / finds / scrapes / and funds AUMs, managing partners aren't really our concerns. Here at CoBF, we are DYI - generating our returns, over time, by ourselves, in cooperation on the board. To me, - sorry to say - you have somehow managed to come and enter the wrong adress. I'm sorry to say so.
  21. It's mystery to me, how nobody told the uber-oligarch Vladimir Potanin to dye his eyes browes too, or is this - [also] - about a wig?
  22. And now this from Ramsan Kadyrov . Let this inflated moonface just try. Such a train wreck of a human being. His final day will come, too.
  23. A tweet by Anton Gerashchenko supporting the view of @Spekulatius
  24. This is news from TASS, redistributed by other MSM. I want to see it from Reuters, before I will apply any weight to this. So much *BS* about this person posted everywhere.
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