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John Hjorth

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Posts posted by John Hjorth

  1. On 5/31/2024 at 5:57 PM, boilermaker75 said:


    You should never stop using stairs. Something we all need to do every single day of our lives. (Plus weight-lifting like cubsfan.)  I am 71 and my office is on the third floor. I love when I am with a 20 year old student walking up to my office and when we get there they need a moment to catch their breath and I don't.




    Thanks, Mike [ @boilermaker75 ],


    Simple, but effective advice.

  2. 11 hours ago, DooDiligence said:

    Capital efficiency and tax avoidance seem to be the big rationale(s) for keeping it all together. This will rankle many (and rightfully so) but I still see Easter eggs at some point. I might be dead by then but...


    I'm chewing and brewing on a post in this topic to elaborate on my sour outpourings above in here. This Saturday is however earmarked to struggles with a rollator and crutches etc.after operation Tuesday [-A fight which I'm determined, - hell bent -, to win, but things take time!].

  3. 10 hours ago, Luca said:

    That nobody in europe or the west even questions 1% of motives of our countries and that our countries also couldnt be transparent is quite shocking, everybody takes what our governments say for 100% face value and Putin is just Darth Vader. Simple story...


    Putin is the agressor here. He thought he would get away with it. He didn't. Plain and simple. Already incurred damages to the economic future of Europe are already gigantic, and still uncontained, evolving and spreading as ripples.


    I would really like one day to read your personal vision for Europe for the next, say 30 - 50 years in this topic, based on European values as you perceive them personally, @Luca. [ 🙂 ]

  4. 2 hours ago, Intelligent_Investor said:

    I think the most rational thing for Greg is to break up Berkshire by splitting insurance/operating company into separate companies so each manager can stick to what they do best. ...


    Here we go again. Opinion obviously based on no clue of the structural consequences, including taxes, capital levers, financing terms group wise, insurance and reinsurance capacity and float.


    Also, please see topic title.

  5. 6 hours ago, ValueArb said:


    Yea, Putin went from controlling Crimea so he could have deep water ports for the Black Sea fleet and 10% of Ukraine (the Donbas), to controlling Crimea and 15% of Ukraine, all at a cost of only a half million men, most of his modern tanks, 10% of his air force and nearly half the Black Sea fleet sunk or disabled. All while being trapped in a Vietnam like debacle for three years he can't get out of lest he risk being overthrown. 


    Thats a level of genius that even a youtuber in his mothers basement could not comprehend, i'll give you that.


    😎😄👍 - Good humor, @ValueArb,


    Add to that the strategic loss of the Russian Northern Fleets ability to access the North Sea and the Baltic Sea [because of Sweden and Finland now NATO members], thereby the fleets access to Moscow and Stalingrad, if Russia does not behave in that area.

  6. The way float is defined makes the inner workings of customer insurance deposits and its nature, mechanics, regulations etc. totally different while compared to ie. bank customer deposits.


    It is generally about the fundamental properties of those - of the fundamental properties float is uncallable except in the case of the incurred damage or the loss to certain asset or assets owned by the insurance customer, where bank deposits in general stipulates and states a certain amount to be paid at any time, specified by the deposit contract with the bank customer.

  7. 5 hours ago, Gregmal said:

    Well yes, a mortgage imo can be both an asset and a liability. 

    I also think it can double as an efficient savings vehicle. If you are 25 and dumb and say inherited $300k I’d say go buy a collection of $2m worth of property with 30 year fixed rate mortgage. Rent it out. Your retirement at 55 is secured.


    It's true, Greg [ @Gregmal ],


    However, in practice, how many cases do we each, separately, actually know, where this long term scenerio ends up as being the final screnario?


    My best guess is : Few!


    The financial solution for first time homeowners is sold on the sucessive building of a home equity, that also serves along the way as a capital buffer.


    Then pratice sets in at some point in time, [and always in good times!] - the bank suggests you to use it, to a bigger or newer car second car, or both, new kictchen, bathroom, or whatever, and the perfectly shaped matethematical annuity loan balance profile gets transformed into the ugly profile of an endless whipsaw by banks ...


    You do it too, I mean the refinancings, but to buy more rentak real estate - rinse and repeat, which is a totally different matter, because of the long term built-in componding.


    And I just happen to like owning banks, despite some parts of them are ugly. *shrugg*

  8. 8 minutes ago, RedLion said:

    I have a paid off home and a couple paid off rental properties, and I am itching to pull cash out to invest opportunistically. 

    My wife had agreed to eventually do a cash out refi on our primary, and I can tell she doesn’t want to. I suspect it’s a psychological thing. I would feel code comfortable with $750k of additional liquidity in t bills and dividend stocks and a $750k mortgage. My wife feels more comfortable with a paid for home. 


    Thanks for sharing, @RedLion,


    Is not only a matter of perspective and some other more or less rational considerations. It's a matter of the answer to the question :


    Where is the best place to install the waterproof shutters in 'the ship'?


    'The ship' here understood as your or your familys total economic sphere. The only question that really matters, when the ship may be in frothy waters, and that in end separates the sheep from the goats when it really matters.


    I have come the conclusion that the RE leverage - alone for this reason - always, - if possible - should be in the investment sphere, if non recourse possible [as in listed in general].


    Personally, I've been thinking quite a bit about related to investments European listed real estate, where I have started slowly - very slowly - to dip toes.


    The separation criteria has so far actually to a great part been related to the initial assessment of intelligent, and thereby sustainable financing for the long term, or not.


    It is about staying power, too.

  9. 31 minutes ago, Parsad said:

    ... Being debt free, money in the bank, income coming from passive investments...that's a life where you can tell the banks, bosses, lenders and everyone else to just fuck off!  Cheers!


    So true, Sanjeev [ @Parsad] !


    If one hasen't tried and experienced it, I think it is actually to a certain degree hard to really explain. I would say, that it in a way is a trigger for an internal change ['revision' is perhaps a better word here?] of own personality, may read solemnly and self-celebrating to some.


    35 minutes ago, james22 said:

    I pretend I paid cash for my condo because [good reasons], but really because I was too lazy to go through the application process.


    Great example of having F***U* money, James [ @james22😎👍,


    It felt good, right⁉️

  10. 2 hours ago, Gamecock-YT said:

    Both the big Milan football clubs owned by financial companies that took them over via debts defaulting is quite the story. 


    It would look great on a business card  💡:


    business card English [UK] version [small print, below name, next to "CEO" <or whatever>, "football club owner, by default",

    business card English [US] version [small print, below name, next to "CEO" <or whatever>, "soccer club owner, by default".


    😛 [J/K]


    1 hour ago, DooDiligence said:


    Vincitore, vincitore, cena di pollo!


    ¿Eh? 😄


  11. To me, there isen't anywhere near sufficient public available data and facts to say something fact- and databased about Ted and Todds results. So why even try to guess them on that basis, to have an opinion about them [<- the results].


    It's to me more a feature than a bug. Mr. Buffett has for many years now had the attitude towards to practice what in his own mind should be disclosed to investors and shareholders, as long as it's going on inside the borders af being legal in accordance with existing rules and regulation. Here, why not give Ted and Todd the rights and advantages of operating below the radar in the first place, where there are no specific requirements for public records of these results separately.

  12. On 4/8/2024 at 5:18 PM, John Hjorth said:

    After exiting a small position in DANSKE.CPH [Danske Bank A/S, Denmark] in January 2015, I started a small position in the bank again today.


    I added a tiny bit to DANSKE.CPH today.

  13. 24 minutes ago, gfp said:

    The dog that caught the bus.  At least it came with a snazzy name.


    Actually a totally wild story, almost beyond imagination. After an endless amount work and transactions during now 59 years, this piece of crap is by now rank #8 on the list of world's most valuable companies.


    Somehow I always end up  thinking in visualizations about this dog comes to think Garfield The Cat's doggo friend Odie chasing cars, remembering a cartoon, where Odie actually catches the rear bumper on a car, stopping, and thinking "What to do now? [Odie at the end of the carton seen siting on his butt in a thoughtfull moment, - the bumper in his mouth looking like some kind of oversize moustache beard, thinking : "Should this be fun?" - The answer is "Yes".

  14. On 5/3/2024 at 8:05 PM, John Hjorth said:

    Started with small positions today in :


    BALB B.STO [Fastighetsbolaget Balder AB, ser. B, Göteborg, Sweden], &

    CAST.STO [Castellum AB, Stockholm, Sweden].


    I may change my mind about them and sell them at any moment, thereby considering the buys of them errors.


    A bit more BALD B.STO.🔬

  15. Ordered this book this evening. I simply need to understand more about what's going on in this market of olive oil.


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    Recently, life hasen't been as great for me, as it used to be. So, I have developed a habit of beeing increasingly and extremely nice towards myself. 🙄


    So far, I have developed a casual habit of spoiling my self now and then [read : Every afternoon, or every evening], to serve myself a dish with :


    1. A glass of wine rosé,


    2. In a separate small tiny bowl :


    a. Some Brie Cheese, chopped in not too big blocks,

    b. A couple of cloves of fresh peeled garlic,


    3. And to that, in another tiny bowl :


    a. Some high quality Olive Oil, about 5 tea spoons.


    I have been thinking of adding some fresh olives from a glass to this composition, and asked by e-mail our housholds olive oil vendor about the matter, and he actually asked for a call back this evening, where both the Lady of the House and I talked with him about both olives in glasses and olive oil in general.


    We got no real tangible recommendations for olives in glasses, but I got a recommendation for a book describing the oilve oil market as it was some years ago [, I suppose nothing is changed to the better].


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    - Noone of us really and actually know what we are using in our households for food preparation with regard to olive oil.


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    I was recommended to read this book :


    Amazon : Tom Mueller : Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil.


    [Personally, I have today ordered the book at www.saxo.com, which I as Dane prefer, - when possible -, to avoid the hazzle with overseas customs etc.]


  16. On 5/5/2024 at 12:07 AM, gfp said:

    If you are like me and were curious after hearing Devon Spurgeon's question, asked through Becky near the end of the meeting, that referenced the Codicils of Charlie's Will as filed with L.A. County - I decided to go download them and am posting them here.  These are public record, nothing creepy.  Charlie knew these would be public.

    O89305673.pdf 1.35 MB · 128 downloads O89305672.pdf 576.13 kB · 92 downloads O89305671.pdf 524.2 kB · 84 downloads


    Thank you for digging these documents up, @gfp,


    I consider Charlie Mungers thoughts about "passing on [what you haven't created yourself[-ves]]" highly interesting, from a generational planning  / philosofical / practical purposes perspective.


    No matter what, the last shirt is without pockets. I will spend some time tomorrow reading this stuff and think about it.

  17. 30 minutes ago, Eldad said:

    Can someone post the results of the poll? I get an error message and can’t see it. 




    This topic was started December 18th 2013, when CoBF was running on a Simple Machines software platform. A few years ago, a conversion to the Invision software platform took place.


    I speculate this poll [the poll related to this topic] - and a lot of other polls - for all of us - unfortunately went south in that conversion, so this is a condition we can only circumvent by starting up a new topic about it with a [new] poll.

  18. I've tried today to look around a bit for this book, inspired by what has been posted recently here on CoBF about charty activities and Charlie Mungers will, where Andrew Carnegie was a major philantropist.


    I ended up being severely confused, because I could find so many editions of the book, that I wasen't able to distinguish them from each other. I do not recall having had similar experience earlier with any book since my start of investing.


    And the price spread I experienced today of what I see as first hand books was huge.


    Any help, - if any available - is very much appreciated.

  19. On 6/19/2023 at 2:23 AM, Viking said:

    58, and looking to make the next 5 years the best 5 years


    Reading up on this topic by reading it up backwards. Then met this sentence by @Viking again.


    It was like if I was hit by a club over the head. The shortest great advice about how to live your own life in way so that by giving it attention now and then gets and adds some kind of structure with regard to those aspects that are important to you personally of life, and if you are a family member, to your spouse / partner, and to your kids, if you have any.


    Things in life may not turn out as originally thought and intended, so you may end up a place not expected. In that case, recalibrate course and direction, but never loose course and direction.

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