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John Hjorth

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  1. Certainly food for thoughts, - nowadays. Please, take care.
  2. Sanjeev [ @Parsad ], Thank you for looking into it. Let's let it go, and move on! - It does not really matter to anything of importance!
  3. Here, @Dalal.Holdings, you are simply taking this thing too far, Canada for your part considered a part of Europe by your yardstick. You got to be kidding us with this nonsense
  4. Why don't you post in the approriate books forum and topic about it? In stead of here?
  5. @cubsfan, Looking forward to revisit this topic after 4 years from now, however, I might by then already then have left CofB&F, dead, calling it all a day.
  6. Charlie [ @dealraker ], Some years ago, we had here on CoBF a very active board member for a period, with a board handle much similar to the religious quotation : Luke 5:32 [I'm not going to quote or buzz the board handle here, btw.] Luke 5:32 : - Reading a post here on CofB&F [<- please note, this is the one and only right way to abbriviate 'The Corner'!] not so long ago about what to do with a 40 per cent position [, when Micro-'something' is 'likely' hitting 'something' in a few months], I really can't imagine, nor comprehend.] Then there is this 'thing' about relative performance to some - more or less arbitrary - index, and all that. The most important thing to me is actually not to hurt - in a material way - financially - the Lady of the House, by lack of caution, in my actions. - - - o 0 o - - - Each to our own approach.
  7. @Milu & @Cod Liver Oil, It's true, and it complicates things related to investing here in Denmark, more or less, a lot - - - o 0 o - - - All realized stock capital gains here in Denmark are taxed at 42 percent, except the first DKK 61 K taxed at 27 percent in a given year. Furthermore, all tax deferred acounts here are subject to a MtM taxation of 15.3 percent on dividends, realized and unrealized gains, with credit for withheld foreign dividend taxes. - - - o 0 o - - - In short, it has become 'just' a life condition, to which our household contribute willingly and gladly. With my personal health issues, without the Danish health care system in place, I would likely personally already have been dead, broke, or both. Thank you. - - - o 0 o - - - Here is a photo of my recent ride, made available to me, for free, by the municipality / City:
  8. Sanjeev [ @Parsad ], Thank you, and respectfully and duly noted, going forward. In fact, you proposals for mentions to spread the gospel has already triggered some ideas at me
  9. Thank you, @73 Reds, Based on your elaboration, it makes a lot of sense, to me, personally. It's somewhat all related to ones personality. Are you a very social creature [one end of a scale], or a lonely rider [the other end of the same scale], or something in between?
  10. Correct, @wescobrk, It's in the book. Thank you.
  11. You might be right, or you may wrong, here, @73 Reds, I personally think the key to understanding here, is actually not about money, but more about tolerance, towards variant perceptions. Please just present your argumentation, by logic, and it'll get a go. - - - o 0 o - - - Then there is 'the element of hardship' related to this. You would have to read Sanjeevs [ @Parsad ]s posts for at least the last decade, actually , more than a decade, here on CoBF. It is about that 'nothing comes from nothing, except pocket wool', when 'plus something' is added to that, the piano starts playing. - - - o 0 o - - - The concept of an 'investment club' here in Denmark causes an immediate 'brain crash' for me, as a retired Danish CPA, by profession. An 'investment club', can take several forms, based on the will of the founders. - - - o 0 o - - - I personally don't invest the same way as Sanjeev [ @Parsad ][It's about differencies in national tax regimes], but I certainly appreciate the ongoing discussions here on CoBF anyway. - - - o 0 o - - - This is all about keeping us all connected. -Thank you.
  12. @dwy000, Please, take it easy.
  13. Please don't worry too much. Things will 'settle' - nice and easy, over time. Like for Volkswagen. Stay cool.
  14. About a month ago, or so, I asked the Lady of the House to remind me not to forget one - for me, important thing, up to the coming Christmas. Yesterday, I got that particular verbal reminder from her, not to forget it. [At this time of the year, if it's been a good year so far, I'm usually stressing a lot about taxes for the year, imagine me with spiky hair [the hair, that's left on top, the rest has wandered south bound, subject to gravitation]. This year I got our tax planning fixed in July, so no sweat. So I got it done today. - Then she said : 'Please do same thing for me, on behalf of me, too!'. *Double bubble*! - - - o 0 o - - - If you percieve your CoBF membership like I do : 'The best investment classroom' out there! <on the Internet>, you should perhaps also consider to do, what I [we] did today, at your own personal discretion. - - - - o 0 o - - - 'The Shop' option on the main CoBF page does not - as far as I've experienced today - work for such activity. [It only works for new memberships.] But sending CAD to cornerofberkshireandfairfax <dot> com via Paypal works like a breeze. I would personally guess that what your personal comment on a funds transfer may end up being in the commentary field matter more to Sanjeev than the money transferred by it self. Personally I've made a note of that if CoBF is not in need of cost coverage, Sanjeev is free to personally allocate the funds how he personally prefer [food bank, Crohn Collitis, a gift to a family member, whatever!] - - - o 0 o - - - To all my fellow CoBF board members, and especially Sanjeev [ @Parsad ] : Thank you for being you!
  15. Please don't worry too much about it, Charlie [ @dealraker ]. All you Americans' President Elect already have your sixs covered, because it's just a matter of fixing the issue with automation : Just move the right foot from the throttle to the brake, and everything will be fine! : https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113642120976193077
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