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Everything posted by plato1976

  1. What if your father just sends this to you as a gift? Then your father has a life-time 5m-10m gift untaxable, and your new basis is the current price so you can sell without incurring capital gain right?
  2. will airbnb IPO in 2018?
  3. wondering of anyone did a recent calculation of Berkshire's earning power (esp. with the tax reform factor counted in); I actually think such a calculation helps valuation more than a pure book-value based approach. Here is one that's almost 2 years old, which reached roughly 24B after tax real earning power: http://www.nasdaq.com/article/berkshire-hathaway-estimating-earnings-power-cm568376 2 years later (and esp after the tax reform), the owner's earning looking forward must be much higher. My rough estimation is that we are trading at 15-16x, which is not expensive for such a quality company w/ 100B cash/cash equivalent... Welcome other detailed calculation from anyone who's interested in this topic Seems like the return on those great recession prefs was substantially above the 9-10% dividend yield. They all included warrants - even the RBI preferred shares paid back today ($3.3 Billion cash coming to BRK today), came with penny warrants on QSR stock.
  4. could you elaborate why?
  5. why? sprint can still go to 0, and their recent VC investment may turn out to be a disaster?
  6. Is 35B free cash flow, or operating cash flow? If the later it's not that impressive against the marketcap 419B
  7. dividend seems nice Any idea about its PE ratio? couldn't find it
  8. what's the special appealing of Monero? I can see Ether is very different from bitcoin but don't know what's Monero's differentiation
  9. Hi, Packer: could you kindly give an example on this IP thing? what kind of IP are you talking about?
  10. Is 1x BV a very compelling valuation? 1/3+ BV is goodwill&intangible
  11. Do they really generate 1B annual "free" cash flow now? then why do they need to raise more debts? I am afraid it's leaking cash in reality
  12. jez, pls don't tell me you are thinking about shld...
  13. But all of them seem value traps, aren't they? I don't mean to be rude, but you must not be digging enough.... There are so many opportunities out there, I've got a list 3 pages long. Organization has never been my strong point, and I am sure I've left some names off the list. Natural resources are interesting right now. Gold, silver, copper, zinc miners all offer some opportunities. There are some great yields out there. There are also some tremendous discounts to book value. Many people have given up on this sector, but some companies are still profitable... Retailers are interesting right now, especially some department stores. Some discounts to book value, some good yields. BDC's still offer some opportunity, but a lot of names have run up in value. Great yields here of course... MLP's offer some value. I suspect there is some value & opportunity in refiners. Got to be careful, as pricing structure for crude in USA has changed...discount between WTI & Brent Crude have narrowed... There are some restaurant stocks that offer opportunity, some even have great dividends! Then of course, you've got all the grey market ADR's. I don't even know where to begin here. I suspect I know about 1% of the stuff out there. This is literally a gold mine. How could I forget shipping? What about the automobile sector? There some names in the parts suppliers that are selling for a P/E of 2 or 3. Lots of risk, but could be a lot of reward. I am sure I'm leaving stuff out....
  14. why should a conglomerate gets a premium I think they usually trade at a discount (though not as big as exor) except some rare exceptions like Berkshire (for a reason) That would close the discount and I think the company would get a premium valuation in-line with the conglomerates.
  15. Hi, Packer: When you say "Japan Media" you mean sth like telecom? /plato
  16. I think it depends on whether you feel comfortable with PSH's other holdings I just don't think they are particularly cheap (correct me if I am wrong) The discount to NAV is larger than ever, but I am not sure if it's justified I think PSH may be a good one here...you basically get VRX as a free option.
  17. I think for most of the ppl (95%+), the best way to do investment is to indexing (DCA)
  18. I just locked a 30y rate @ 3.5% I somehow feel I can refinance again later this year at 3.25% or lower
  19. bought gold at this level? what's ur target?
  20. Market is not off from the top by too much, but most energy was slaughtered. I guess that's why cardboard feels esp bad
  21. I guess POT will cut div?
  22. Should we value KMI like a utility? Then its EV/EBITDA is not low at 12 plus
  23. wonderful idea :D You gonna buy world peace index?
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