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Everything posted by Luke

  1. How kind of you, now your limited circle is a rule of thumb of whats legitimate or not? Yes, we shouldn't have no military and be vulnerable. But that also doesn't mean that russia is interested in attacking any nato territory or going into Germany. Its a complete and absolute false interpretation of the situation and of the Russian government. Shall they have the ukraine regions...lets give them that, then we can stop the war, ukraine promises to not enter nato and its highly likely that Putin will accept. It is, the whole eurasian axis is a threat to the US world order and they don't want that to happen. Our economic performance is now pathetic because we don't have solid fundamentals, even better for the US. Little innovation? I don't know on which planet you are living but we have a lot of top-notch companies. They are not our best friend but they are a solid partner for trade and especially their exchange of gas for our products and money which we really need. @Sweet
  2. Look, every country out there is mostly doing whats in their own interest, the US is spying everywhere and listening to Angela Merkels phone, China is listening to bidens phone, the US is listening to Netanyahus phone etc...its nothing new and if you step out of your own countries position things get a lot more multipolar. All that matters is interest and we were a loser in this war and shouldn't have been. China cares about its own interests and the interests of its people, everybody throwing russia away? Sure, we will take the cheap energy no problem. They get a lot, we lose a lot. Thats life. The US doesn't care about germanys interest, or frances interest but about their own and that's totally okay. But I urge germanies and every other European government to consider the implications of the Russian cut off and the rising tensions that the US tries to push us in with china...we wont be winners but the US will be. The war in Israel is mostly meaningless but its again a show for the US and the west to demonstrate their power and their peaceful democracies
  3. Maybe just stick to focusing on your own country instead of getting involved everywhere and playing global police. The same is true for Israel/Gaza. Biden is always ready to arrive with his warships haha! We should learn from China, staying neutral, and offering options for diplomatic negotiations but nothing more.
  4. Understandable, did you also want to "freeze for ukraine" lol! My position being "fringe" is not an argument. And referring to what the general population says as the right position is also no argument. If it makes you feel important, we did not spend so much because we lived in peace...now things are getting a bit more tensed and US more unreliable with leadership, yes its smart to up spending and make sure we can defend ourselves, but not more. The goal of our army is defense, not offense against Russia in a war that doesn't serve our interest whatsoever. Russia was our main ressource/energy supplier on which the industrial fundamentals of our economy were built. Russian resources and german engineering was always a threat to the US economy, now we are in a really bad place and our economy is too. Our business leaves to the US. People became so nuts to even be willing to sacrifice all of it just to help some regions in Ukraine nobody ever heard about. Then you have that Zelensky puppet...its all a farce and we should save every dollar possible. Oh, and then north stream was bombed...BY RUSSIA!!!!! I am not "ungrateful" about you "saving" ukraine. I am ungrateful to our government who gets involved, shall the Americans save ukraine alone please. Also, saying my arguments are crap is not an argument either and doesn't strengthen your position. No they are not, China is not our adversary and neither is Russia, we should have a lot of trade with them, especially for resources and we shouldn't listen to the US with their moral propaganda blabla.
  5. A "buffer" that is 10000km away?? Understandable that russia gets uneasy with those kind of statements, the US will find a reason to invade and fight anyone that doesn't adhere to US interests. In which world is a war between the US and China/Russia realistic? The only reason ukraine is relatively peaceful is because they have no nukes, otherwise we would have had tactical nuclear warfare a long time ago, or just a MAD situation, which is how it will always be between nuclear powers. Who cares about those tiny regions close to the border of ukraine? There are millions of other problems where people are suffering and the US could throw money at to help them but of course ukraine now is of special interest because this is a perfect proxy war to weaken russia and damage europe, driving them closer to US than what we planned before, closer relations to russia. We decided for this dependence ourselves and it would have been fine if we would have acted rational. The US bombed north stream away and that is all we need why the US is not an ally.
  6. North Stream never was a problem for Germany, putin would still deliver if the german government wouldn't act against their own interest with joining the US in supporting the war against Russia. We will also build out our own defenses (see the 100b+ packages etc) because the US is becoming less reliable with trump and independency is preferable. Its not even preferrable for Europe to get closer to the US than to russia and china, that's preferrable for the US but europe would do better with a EURASIA axis then a position with the US. I have said before, Blinken said it himself, they happily sells us the expensive "freedom gas"
  7. Yep, and a -30% crash will get you down to -90% and that can happen but I also think that with all the buybacks, sentiment bottom and ongoing recovery that the window to go into china with leverage looks relatively attractive here, ill leave some space to DCA into this too.
  8. I hope I am not catching the falling knife china and we end up 50% lower next year due to the crisis getting even worse...still I can not resist.
  9. And they all have very large cash positions on their balance sheet on top.
  10. Btw, these slides are a bit older. Tencent got cheaper, PDD grew a lot and is now at 10-15x earnings. JD.com buying back, Net-ease, Baba, Meituan...
  11. I'll build a 3x KWEB ETF position on monday with a planned allocation of 3-5% of my PF. If we hit 2021 Valuations again in the next 5 years its gonna be close to a 10-bagger. Valuation in China are nuts and company quality is at least as high in the US, KWEB is cheap:
  12. Really nice techno...one of the best ones that I listened to the last few years...if you turn the volume up
  13. Listened a lot to it last few weeks, really great song and great video.
  14. Why? If you dont enjoy the thread dont read, i enjoy the different opinions and its a good source of knowledge learning about the opposing sites.
  15. Trump said it would have never happened with him as president just seconds ago on twitter!
  16. Watchin live telly now...cant sleep
  17. Yeah...putting the differences in views aside...what do you guys think is going to happen? One retaliatory strike thats it?
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