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One of the few books I have ever stopped in the middle of reading. I thoroughly enjoyed the Jobs bio, but the Franklin was very long winded.

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gamecock, I got it because the Jobs biography was pretty good. Good thing I got the audioversion of this one. Hopefully it's not too bad.  :o

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One of the few books I have ever stopped in the middle of reading. I thoroughly enjoyed the Jobs bio, but the Franklin was very long winded.


Interesting. I liked the Franklin bio better. The Jobs one was quite interesting too (Jobs is interesting), but it seemed like it was rushed, probably because of Jobs' deteriorating health (or maybe even because of his death -- not sure about the timeline) and wasn't quite as polished/edited.


I still need to read the Einstein bio by Isaacson, though.

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Just finished;

"The Big Miss".  Assuming it's true, a big insight into the making of Tiger Woods.



"Wherever I wind up". Cy Young winner R.A. Dickey. Interesting guy who's had an interesting life and journey before and during his baseball career.  Smoking hot wife too.  ;D


Just finished rereading;

"There's Always Something To Do".  Fantastic the second time around. I didn't pay a whole lot of attention the first time apparently.  ;D




Started reading;

"Babe - The Legend Comes To Life".  So far it seems to be the only complete life story of The Babe.



"Moe and Me" Arguably the most interesting character in golf.  Never made it on the big stage, but played 2 Masters tournaments.



"D-Day : The Battle for Normandy".  Heavy and the writer seems to assumes you have a Ph.D in WWII history already.

I'm skipping ahead to the part for the Juno Beach landings.  Regardless of your knowledge of D-Day, the book does a great job on conveying what the Allied forces went through. 


Next up a rereading of "The Most Important Thing".  Since my retaining of what I have read seems to have really improved since I started taking notes.


I'll be reading "The Templeton Touch" for the first time. 


I'm not sure which baseball and golf books will be on deck.

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Very nice thread

GIving me a lot of ideas


Right now I am on a statistics and probability bender


recently finished


-fooled by randomness

-Naked statistics

-The drunkards walk

- The black swan (just finishing) 


All very good ...

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Thanks, Liberty. You're giving me a bit of hope with it now. ;)


Well, not to take away some of that, but it is a harder book than the Jobs biography, mostly because it's about events that are farther removed from us than consumer electronics and industrial design. But IMO it is a rewarding read and Franklin was truly an inspirational figure.

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Just started THE BAT by Jo Nesbo which is the first Harry Hole novel by the Norwegian author. Have enjoyed all his novels if you are into that genre. Just finished re reading a baseball novel written by my kid as a diversion from the current blue jay season. for the sports fan link below has more info if interested.



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Super interesting book (audio version) with useful commentary from the author on why experts in the field still disagree on some of the fundamentals of when humans first inhabited various sections of the planet. I had to listen to the first chapter twice to adjust to the dense information nutrition.




As worthwhile as everyone says.



On deck:




What an inspiring woman. Looking forward to this one.




One of my very favorite authors. Bill Bryson is hilarious and thorough in his descriptions. By far the best travel writer I've come across.

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Just finished re reading a baseball novel written by my kid as a diversion from the current blue jay season. for the sports fan link below has more info if interested.




I'm not a fiction reader but I may make the exception in this case.  Good for him.  As a former pitcher (I'm from Hamilton BTW) I can relate to the realization that your career (at least the aspiration of a pro) are nearing the end. 


Some days I would give anything to throw a fastball like I used to. 

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Just finished re reading a baseball novel written by my kid as a diversion from the current blue jay season. for the sports fan link below has more info if interested.




I'm not a fiction reader but I may make the exception in this case.  Good for him.  As a former pitcher (I'm from Hamilton BTW) I can relate to the realization that your career (at least the aspiration of a pro) are nearing the end. 


Some days I would give anything to throw a fastball like I used to.


That book looks good.  I will read that.  It's not fiction, but Pat Jordan's "A False Spring" is very good and details a former phenom's fall from grace and the sudden disappearance of ability to throw strikes.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest deepValue

Too bad this topic hasn't been added to in 6 months; it gave me a lot of good ideas...


Just finished a 1998 biography of Larry Ellison. Highly entertaining read despite the lousy title. Focuses on the Oracle years (Ellison was already in his 30s when he started Oracle)



Just started:


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Recently finished:


- How We Know What Isn't So - Thomas Gilovich


Really enjoyed this. If you like the work of Cialdini and Kahneman, you'll probably enjoy this one too.


- The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinction - David Quammen


A very long read, but well worth it for me. Lots of great insights about evolution and extinction.


- The Outsiders - William N. Thorndike




Just started reading:


- The Power of Gold: The History of an Obsession - Peter L. Bernstein

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Just finished:


The Origin of wealth -  Eric D. Beinhocker


Good summary of the issues with classical economics with some fascinating example of complexity in economics.


The Billionaire's Apprentice -  Anita Raghavan

Some good insights on how some of the hedge fund gains a edge as well as how ambition can help and hurt us.



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