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  1. EAFE doubling up SPY YTD.
  2. I like fido better than Schwab for what I do. I also have an IBKR account for margin and intl.
  3. Why you benching half plates? j/k. I quit doing real bar bench b/c of old man shoulders. Just do dumbells, standing presses (have to go lighter of course), incline, and use the machines. I don't go above 315 on DL anymore either. I also only front squat (although I usually do hack squat machine).
  4. Yeah I could see that.
  5. I think you guys are not really left of where the US was in the 1970's. You just need to tack a little to the right and maybe let Gordon Gecko and the 80's guys have the reins for a while. I'm maintaining my allocation and would appreciate quality names in the UK, Netherlands, and maybe Switzerland.
  6. Proceeds? You guys are getting proceeds?
  7. I would request the leave and then you can probably go back early if you want. Kids are tough and first is a steep learning curve but it's awesome. Edit: I agree with pupil about trying to get some help around early on. Even if it's your mother-in-law. We kind of didn't ask thinking we wanted some space after the hospital for the first one. Not a great idea. haha
  8. I think you can find a bunch of posts about office REITs on here from the last couple of years. I think most are in a thread about office being obsolete (or something like that) in the general discussion, rather than a bunch of idea threads. I remember JBGS, SLG, VNO, ALX, and PGRE. SLG is up like 230% since april 23.
  9. I'm on there. Haven't really switched over yet but I think it's coming. Too much stuff in the twitter feed that you don't want randomly popping up on your phone; followed you spec. Threads was a PITA to try and set up as I don't have Instagram so I gave it up as a bad job.
  10. Ahh ok. Thanks. Don't go to any trouble on my behalf.
  11. Is there a chance this Verisign position might be the big dog? I guess we'll know if it keeps growing.
  12. Michael J. Saylor
  13. Murrah Chrimas!
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XamC7-Pt8N0 Any asshole knows what you do if you get up $2.5 million.
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