Dalal.Holdings Posted June 28, 2020 Posted June 28, 2020 I have very clearly distinguished outdoor vs indoor gatherings as have many studies...In fact, indoor interaction in winter time is thought to contribute to seasonality of other viruses that spread via respiratory droplets such as influenza... Bottom line is that lockdowns can work if everyone takes part and then you do phased reopening based on strict criteria. If you have some states that choose not to (thanks to federal lack of leadership and attempts to minimize the pandemic), then you will not do well. The trick is to squash the virus with lockdowns then reopen carefully, but some US states skipped lockdowns or just reopened bc they felt like it. That is why you are seeing vast difference for USA vs most developed countries. My answer to reopening is what NY, NJ, CT are doing...reopening counties in phases based on objective criteria while testing a lot. So now the USA has screwed up the pregame (Jan to Mar), the game itself (Mar to May), and the postgame (June onwards)...but not really surprising considering the managers we have. I think some of what we are seeing in the US is a result of what I bolded above. What is unique vs the other countries in that graph is the span of climates the US has. We know that indoor activities increase spread and maybe the largest factor. NY,NJ,CT are indoors more in Feb, March, April, TX, AZ, FL much less so. Now during summer TX, AZ, FL have tropical climates and are seeing outbreaks like Central America. Cuomo said most cases were coming from inside houses in NYC. Most cases likely coming from inside houses/enclosed spaces now. As we all know this is multifactorial but I think comparing graphs of NY, NJ, CT, to UK, Italy makes as much sense as comparing TX, AZ, FL to central america now. In the fall this will likely flip again. Anyone able to find graphs comparing the above states/regions? As much as we believe we can control and stop the virus we cannot control the factors above pushing populations indoors and outdoors. Sweden puts a huge hole in this thesis. It is a very Northerly latitude country... The key variable is obvious and most of the developed world has figured it out--smart lockdowns paired with reopening using objective criteria (and lots of testing). For some reason, Americans just can't figure it out though... "You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.” --WC
SharperDingaan Posted June 28, 2020 Posted June 28, 2020 Masks are about reducing the ability of Covid-19 to spread, NOT preventing spread. Covid-19 is a global pandemic - YOU, as one of the vast majority of people on the globe, are going to get it. Your hope is that you can either get vaccinated before contracting Covid-19, or that there is a ventilator available should you need one. Freedoms are great, but they come with responsibilities. Don't act responsibly, you die. Bar owners, restaurants, etc. COLLECTIVELY pushed for early re-opening, reduced social distancing, and no masks - so that they could avoid bankruptcy. Patron, and staff deaths, are just another cost of doing business. Easily replaced. The real fear to Covid-19 is that 'wealth/status doesn't save you'. Whether that be the size of your bank account, your 'class', or the colour of your skin. Sure, you can buy the best care, but once on the ventilator - the family has incentive to pull the plug. You are either spending the family inheritance, or splitting the inheritance too many ways .... better for all if you don't 'linger'. SD
Spekulatius Posted June 28, 2020 Posted June 28, 2020 Easy to say, but how do you increase circulation in your house? You can open up windows and negate your air conditioning? This is also missing the fact that one spends a lot of time in the house (10h+) no matter what , if you count sleeping? How do you get infected in your own home to begin with? When another family member is infected, then the rest of the household is screwed in most cases anyways and cross infection is almost inevitable, unless you follow A strict regime where the infected member is quarantined one room in and everyone wears masks in the house upon contact. Then there are still issues with bathrooms and kitchen as common areas. Now if you host parties with extended family members (who typically don’t live in your house) or friends then that’s a huge risk and they often has been found the root cause of infection clusters . But those things happen during all seasons, but when weather is nice it could be done outsides, reducing the risk somewhat. the better option would be not to host such events and keep them to same household members.
LongHaul Posted June 28, 2020 Posted June 28, 2020 I saw a study awhile back that ~70% of flu transmission was prevented when masks were worn by a parent caring for a child with the flu. It was not 100% wearing either, more intermittent. Some people are anti-maskers down here in Texas.... "You can always tell a Texan, but you can't tell him much." As the fear level rises down here people are getting more serious about masks - even the right wing politicians. So that it good!
tng Posted June 28, 2020 Posted June 28, 2020 Easy to say, but how do you increase circulation in your house? You can open up windows and negate your air conditioning? This is also missing the fact that one spends a lot of time in the house (10h+) no matter what , if you count sleeping? How do you get infected in your own home to begin with? When another family member is infected, then the rest of the household is screwed in most cases anyways and cross infection is almost inevitable, unless you follow A strict regime where the infected member is quarantined one room in and everyone wears masks in the house upon contact. Then there are still issues with bathrooms and kitchen as common areas. Now if you host parties with extended family members (who typically don’t live in your house) or friends then that’s a huge risk and they often has been found the root cause of infection clusters . But those things happen during all seasons, but when weather is nice it could be done outsides, reducing the risk somewhat. the better option would be not to host such events and keep them to same household members. With household infection, there probably isn't much you can do (you are probably infected by the time you realize that someone is sick). But in terms of office space or retail space, if "circulating air" is what is important, then air filters should also do a decent job because the good ones are rated to filter out particles as small as viruses. I have a theory that stuff like dust (which is all over the place indoors) could be a potential transmission vector as people are breathing it into their nose and breathing it back out and dust or pollen can fly around the air because they are "fluffy" and have large surface area and low density. This could be one of the reasons why masks seems to work in reducing infections even though they are ineffective at filtering out virus-sized particles in a laboratory. Virus infections could actually come from the virus riding on larger particles that we breathe deep into our lungs and breathe back out. Outdoors, the dust is dissipated pretty quickly so we don't keep re-breathing the same particles.
Spekulatius Posted June 28, 2020 Posted June 28, 2020 Easy to say, but how do you increase circulation in your house? You can open up windows and negate your air conditioning? This is also missing the fact that one spends a lot of time in the house (10h+) no matter what , if you count sleeping? How do you get infected in your own home to begin with? When another family member is infected, then the rest of the household is screwed in most cases anyways and cross infection is almost inevitable, unless you follow A strict regime where the infected member is quarantined one room in and everyone wears masks in the house upon contact. Then there are still issues with bathrooms and kitchen as common areas. Now if you host parties with extended family members (who typically don’t live in your house) or friends then that’s a huge risk and they often has been found the root cause of infection clusters . But those things happen during all seasons, but when weather is nice it could be done outsides, reducing the risk somewhat. the better option would be not to host such events and keep them to same household members. With household infection, there probably isn't much you can do (you are probably infected by the time you realize that someone is sick). But in terms of office space or retail space, if "circulating air" is what is important, then air filters should also do a decent job because the good ones are rated to filter out particles as small as viruses. I have a theory that stuff like dust (which is all over the place indoors) could be a potential transmission vector as people are breathing it into their nose and breathing it back out and dust or pollen can fly around the air because they are "fluffy" and have large surface area and low density. This could be one of the reasons why masks seems to work in reducing infections even though they are ineffective at filtering out virus-sized particles in a laboratory. Virus infections could actually come from the virus riding on larger particles that we breathe deep into our lungs and breathe back out. Outdoors, the dust is dissipated pretty quickly so we don't keep re-breathing the same particles. Yeah, dust playing a role is possible, especially when the air is dry and electrostatic charges can play a huge role on how smaller particles like Viruses move in the air and attach themselves to other surfaces or particulars. The air circulation advice is great, but how many people or even business are going to be able to upgrade or change their air circulation systems (heating/ cooling) in a way that actually makes sense. Filtration System tend to be upstream, so upgrading the filters really won’t do anything if other expel in the same room add to the Virus load in the air. Depending on the restive location, air flow can even be detrimental as it can spread the Virus all over the in air. The idea situation would be to have the air flow like in a clean room, from the ceiling down and leaving through exhaust vents near the wall base all over in the room, but I don’t know any office that has this. I guess in some offices you could just vent though open windows , but that doesn’t work in high density multistory building where you can’t even open windows. In any case, I think the recent wave in infection at least partly was kicked off by Memorial Day parties and get together. Its a weak hypothesis thigh, based on the timing of the wave and the fact why mostly younger people are getting infected now. If correct , things are probably going to get worse after the 4th of July. I guess We will just have to see.
cubsfan Posted June 28, 2020 Posted June 28, 2020 Here is what I hope everyone is starting to understand (and I'm seeing some signs, sort of). This situation is so complex with a lot of uncertainties, not a single stat, or a chart can be used to fully explain what's going on. Yet, if you have a political lense, every data point can be interpreted to support your narrative. It's just completely unproductive but this seems to be the norm in many media outlets. Here is an attempt to quantify the "Costs of the Lockdown": https://www.hoover.org/research/doctor-scott-atlas-and-efficacy-lockdowns-social-distancing-and-closings The Doctor Is In: Scott Atlas and the Efficacy of Lockdowns, Social Distancing, and Closings: Dr. Scott Atlas is the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, an accomplished physician, and a scholar of public health. For several weeks, Dr. Atlas has been making the case in print and in other media that we as a society have overreacted in imposing draconian restrictions on movement, gatherings, schools, sports, and other activities. He is not a COVID-19 denier—he believes the virus is a real threat and should be managed as such. But, as Dr. Atlas argues, there are some age groups and activities that are subject to very low risk. The one-size-fits-all approach we are currently using is overly authoritarian, inefficient, and not based in science. Dr. Atlas’s prescription includes more protection for people in nursing homes, two weeks of strict self-isolation for those with mild symptoms, and most importantly, the opening of all K–12 schools. The latter recommendation is vital for restarting and maintaining the economy so that parents are not housebound trying to work and educate their children. Dr. Atlas is also adamant that an economic shutdown, and all of the attendant issues that go along with it, is a terrible solution—the cure is worse than the disease. Finally, Dr. Atlas reveals some steps he’s taken in his own life to try to get things back to normal.
rb Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Oh great we have a radiologist from a conservative think tank telling us about viruses and pandemics. What's next? A dermatologist? A podiatrist maybe?
cubsfan Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Oh great we have a radiologist from a conservative think tank telling us about viruses and pandemics. What's next? A dermatologist? A podiatrist maybe? I'm sure you blew past the part that notes Dr Atlas is a scholar in public health. But then again, you're the guy that thinks Martin Luther King is really Al Sharpton. So I shouldn't be surprised.
Dalal.Holdings Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Oh great we have a radiologist from a conservative think tank telling us about viruses and pandemics. What's next? A dermatologist? A podiatrist maybe? This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom.
cubsfan Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Oh great we have a radiologist from a conservative think tank telling us about viruses and pandemics. What's next? A dermatologist? A podiatrist maybe? This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom. Tell me about it - kind of like your own "hero worship" of murderous Mayor De Blasio and Gov Cuomo - NOW there are two real leaders that handled this well!
Dalal.Holdings Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Oh great we have a radiologist from a conservative think tank telling us about viruses and pandemics. What's next? A dermatologist? A podiatrist maybe? This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom. Tell me about it - kind of like your own "hero worship" of Mayor De Blasio and Gov Cuomo - NOW there are two real leaders that handled this well! Yep they could have done better, but I think Cuomo did well considering the hand he was dealt, though some mistakes were made with a never before seen Pandemic. He's doing a good job with the reopenings though. De Blasio is a straight up clown though and I've said that from day one. Now I challenge you to say one critical thing about your God-Emperor Trump & this Pandemic...[crickets]
cubsfan Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Oh great we have a radiologist from a conservative think tank telling us about viruses and pandemics. What's next? A dermatologist? A podiatrist maybe? This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom. Tell me about it - kind of like your own "hero worship" of Mayor De Blasio and Gov Cuomo - NOW there are two real leaders that handled this well! Yep they could have done better, but I think Cuomo did well considering the hand he was dealt, though some mistakes were made with a never before seen Pandemic. He's doing a good job with the reopenings though. De Blasio is a clown though and I've said that from day one. Now I challenge you to say one critical thing about your God-Emperor Trump & this Pandemic...[crickets] Yeah, good thing Cuomo stuffed all those poor sick people into those nursing homes, causing the most deaths in the country. Great job Cuomo!
Spekulatius Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Oh great we have a radiologist from a conservative think tank telling us about viruses and pandemics. What's next? A dermatologist? A podiatrist maybe? This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom. It’s not really a trade off. If Texas and Florida can’t get the Virus under control and the hospital run full, schools and Disneyland won’t open in fall. A crappy economy will be all but guaranteed.
Dalal.Holdings Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Oh great we have a radiologist from a conservative think tank telling us about viruses and pandemics. What's next? A dermatologist? A podiatrist maybe? This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom. Tell me about it - kind of like your own "hero worship" of Mayor De Blasio and Gov Cuomo - NOW there are two real leaders that handled this well! Yep they could have done better, but I think Cuomo did well considering the hand he was dealt, though some mistakes were made with a never before seen Pandemic. He's doing a good job with the reopenings though. De Blasio is a clown though and I've said that from day one. Now I challenge you to say one critical thing about your God-Emperor Trump & this Pandemic...[crickets] Yeah, good thing Cuomo stuffed all those poor sick people into those nursing homes, causing the most deaths in the country. Great job Cuomo! Wow that hard for you to say one bad thing about Trump, huh? Sad! The Trump Brigade from the Politics section with their sharp, unbiased analysis as always! Come to rescue their own whenever they sense danger coming in the way of their savior... Ya’ll are making CoBF Great Again just like you made the country! A paradise of prosperity!
Investor20 Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Easy to say, but how do you increase circulation in your house? You can open up windows and negate your air conditioning? This is also missing the fact that one spends a lot of time in the house (10h+) no matter what , if you count sleeping? How do you get infected in your own home to begin with? When another family member is infected, then the rest of the household is screwed in most cases anyways and cross infection is almost inevitable, unless you follow A strict regime where the infected member is quarantined one room in and everyone wears masks in the house upon contact. Then there are still issues with bathrooms and kitchen as common areas. Now if you host parties with extended family members (who typically don’t live in your house) or friends then that’s a huge risk and they often has been found the root cause of infection clusters . But those things happen during all seasons, but when weather is nice it could be done outsides, reducing the risk somewhat. the better option would be not to host such events and keep them to same household members. With household infection, there probably isn't much you can do (you are probably infected by the time you realize that someone is sick). But in terms of office space or retail space, if "circulating air" is what is important, then air filters should also do a decent job because the good ones are rated to filter out particles as small as viruses. I have a theory that stuff like dust (which is all over the place indoors) could be a potential transmission vector as people are breathing it into their nose and breathing it back out and dust or pollen can fly around the air because they are "fluffy" and have large surface area and low density. This could be one of the reasons why masks seems to work in reducing infections even though they are ineffective at filtering out virus-sized particles in a laboratory. Virus infections could actually come from the virus riding on larger particles that we breathe deep into our lungs and breathe back out. Outdoors, the dust is dissipated pretty quickly so we don't keep re-breathing the same particles. Yeah, dust playing a role is possible, especially when the air is dry and electrostatic charges can play a huge role on how smaller particles like Viruses move in the air and attach themselves to other surfaces or particulars. The air circulation advice is great, but how many people or even business are going to be able to upgrade or change their air circulation systems (heating/ cooling) in a way that actually makes sense. Filtration System tend to be upstream, so upgrading the filters really won’t do anything if other expel in the same room add to the Virus load in the air. Depending on the restive location, air flow can even be detrimental as it can spread the Virus all over the in air. The idea situation would be to have the air flow like in a clean room, from the ceiling down and leaving through exhaust vents near the wall base all over in the room, but I don’t know any office that has this. I guess in some offices you could just vent though open windows , but that doesn’t work in high density multistory building where you can’t even open windows. In any case, I think the recent wave in infection at least partly was kicked off by Memorial Day parties and get together. Its a weak hypothesis thigh, based on the timing of the wave and the fact why mostly younger people are getting infected now. If correct , things are probably going to get worse after the 4th of July. I guess We will just have to see. First of all Japanese all ready have a law in place enforcing these requirements. If its so expensive and difficult, how did they get it running in few months? There is already research done with UV light and other systems. It is offered as a plumbing service even before Covid. The Church Trump gave used some ionization method that is installed inside the air duct. As per their website it costs 3000$. It is weird all media could think is criticize this because they used a Coronavirus surrogate for safety reasons to test the system instead of Covid-19. UV light had been used for long for TB control. Both TB and Coronavirus are sensitive to UV light. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/03/090316201505.htm UV Light Cuts Spread Of Tuberculosis Introducing UVC lights could be a relatively low-cost measure, say the researchers. Currently, a typical UVC ceiling light costs around US$350 and replacement bulbs cost from US$25. The researchers are now working to develop more affordable US$100 units. https://plumblineservices.com/help-guides/how-much-does-it-cost-to-install-a-uv-light-for-my-hvac-system How Much Does It Cost to Install a UV Light for My HVAC System? the cost to install a UV light for an HVAC system can cost anywhere from $450 to $700+ in the Denver area. Depending only on cloth masks is not a great idea IMO. I posted one article by CIDRAP from Univ. of Minnesota saying no data exists to back cloth masks. Below is another article https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1422 Covid-19: What is the evidence for cloth masks? But are they effective? Very little good quality research exists on the use of cloth masks, especially in non-medical settings. One randomised controlled clinical trial of cloth masks, published in BMJ Open in 2015, compared their effectiveness with that of medical masks worn by hospital healthcare workers.2 The study, involving the industry partner 3M (which makes medical masks), reported that healthcare workers “should not use cloth masks as protection against respiratory infection. Cloth masks resulted in significantly higher rates of infection than medical masks, and also performed worse than the control arm.” This is why I am saying CDC & Fauci are incompetent. Japanese did not do ground breaking research. They used already existing plumbing techniques that were available before Covid came up.
cubsfan Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Oh great we have a radiologist from a conservative think tank telling us about viruses and pandemics. What's next? A dermatologist? A podiatrist maybe? This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom. Tell me about it - kind of like your own "hero worship" of Mayor De Blasio and Gov Cuomo - NOW there are two real leaders that handled this well! Yep they could have done better, but I think Cuomo did well considering the hand he was dealt, though some mistakes were made with a never before seen Pandemic. He's doing a good job with the reopenings though. De Blasio is a clown though and I've said that from day one. Now I challenge you to say one critical thing about your God-Emperor Trump & this Pandemic...[crickets] Yeah, good thing Cuomo stuffed all those poor sick people into those nursing homes, causing the most deaths in the country. Great job Cuomo! Wow that hard for you to say one bad thing about Trump, huh? Sad! The Trump Brigade from the Politics section with their sharp, unbiased analysis as always! Come to rescue their own whenever they sense danger coming in the way of their savior... Ya’ll are making CoBF Great Again just like you made the country! A paradise of prosperity! Good thing your hero Cuomo wasn't President - think of the death toll with him running the country. You just never learn!
Dalal.Holdings Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Oh great we have a radiologist from a conservative think tank telling us about viruses and pandemics. What's next? A dermatologist? A podiatrist maybe? This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom. Tell me about it - kind of like your own "hero worship" of Mayor De Blasio and Gov Cuomo - NOW there are two real leaders that handled this well! Yep they could have done better, but I think Cuomo did well considering the hand he was dealt, though some mistakes were made with a never before seen Pandemic. He's doing a good job with the reopenings though. De Blasio is a clown though and I've said that from day one. Now I challenge you to say one critical thing about your God-Emperor Trump & this Pandemic...[crickets] Yeah, good thing Cuomo stuffed all those poor sick people into those nursing homes, causing the most deaths in the country. Great job Cuomo! Wow that hard for you to say one bad thing about Trump, huh? Sad! The Trump Brigade from the Politics section with their sharp, unbiased analysis as always! Come to rescue their own whenever they sense danger coming in the way of their savior... Ya’ll are making CoBF Great Again just like you made the country! A paradise of prosperity! Good thing your hero Cuomo wasn't President - think of the death toll with him running the country. You just never learn! Why you keep deflecting from Trump? Can’t say his name anymore? You gonna blame the southern states on your scapegoat Cuomo ? Sad how you delude yourself! Still waiting for your assessment of your Daddy Trump.
cwericb Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Well Cubs, why don't you tell us what a great job Trump and Pence are doing handling the pandemic. You know the guy who said it would just disappear. Or what a great job Florida, Arizona and Texas are doing.
Dalal.Holdings Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Well Cubs, why don't you tell us what a great job Trump and Pence are doing handling the pandemic. You know the guy who said it would just disappear. Or what a great job Florida, Arizona and Texas are doing. Can’t speak ill of his Daddy!
cubsfan Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Well Cubs, why don't you tell us what a great job Trump and Pence are doing handling the pandemic. You know the guy who said it would just disappear. Or what a great job Florida, Arizona and Texas are doing. I concede. You guys are right. Cuomo for President. With him running the country, by now, all the nursing homes would be empty - because all the residents would be dead! Have it your way.
cwericb Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Careful Cubs, you know where Jim Jones’ cult ended up. Your cult leader is doing the same with Covid-19.
rb Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Oh great we have a radiologist from a conservative think tank telling us about viruses and pandemics. What's next? A dermatologist? A podiatrist maybe? I'm sure you blew past the part that notes Dr Atlas is a scholar in public health. But then again, you're the guy that thinks Martin Luther King is really Al Sharpton. So I shouldn't be surprised. So when you have a heart problem do you go see a cardiologist or a radiologist who's a scholar in public health? In a pandemic I'd rather go with the epidemiologists vs the radiologists. If I ever need an MRI this guy's #1 on my list tho. P.S. How much do you want to bet that this guy's scholarly public health work is about how much universal health care sucks and the holy grail of healthcare is free markets where competition increases choice and lowers cost. I'd start that wager at $1,000.
Dalal.Holdings Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Well Cubs, why don't you tell us what a great job Trump and Pence are doing handling the pandemic. You know the guy who said it would just disappear. Or what a great job Florida, Arizona and Texas are doing. I concede. You guys are right. Cuomo for President. With him running the country, by now, all the nursing homes would be empty - because all the residents would be dead! Have it your way. You love Cuomo and his nursing homes, can't stop talking about him. Must rhyme with "Benghazi" or "Her e-mails" or "Burisma". Anything to take the attention away from your precious Daddy Bone Spurs!
cwericb Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 While this might seem unrelated to the Corona virus, this gives some insight into the man running the country. The F-35 stealth fighter jet has a low radar signature making it difficult to pick up on radar. However, Trump believes the plane is actually invisible to the naked eye. “You could be right there beside it and you can’t see it!” So are the pilots invisible too or would you just see a bunch of guys flying through the clouds? Must be a bitch to service, do people keep walking them on the ground? So with that level of naivety it should be no surprise that the president thinks the Coronavirus would go away if we stopped testing or if, well you know, the bleach thing, or sticking a light up your ass.
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