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You need to learn the way I did, go through all the posts from the start. I'm about half way through the general forum and I'm going to do the investment ideas.  Liberty did the same and I think we both agree that it's time well spent.


Sometimes it's not a matter of who you believe to be the smartest but it's the posters you understand the best.


You need to learn the way I did, go through all the posts from the start. I'm about half way through the general forum and I'm going to do the investment ideas.  Liberty did the same and I think we both agree that it's time well spent.


I definitely second that.


I'm just here to learn, as I'm nowhere near the level of many investors on this forum, and reading through the archives was an incredibly fruitful period of learning when I found this place a few years ago. In fact, I'm starting to think that I should do that again at some point (I think I've learned a lot since then, so I might get more out of certain things that were over my head back then, or that I had less context for).


I've also started to be more diligent about keeping an investment journal, and, among other things, I use it to collect good stuff I find (here, in 10Ks, interviews, blog posts, etc). Re-reading through that journal once in a while should also provide good insight and reinforcement.


i thought a bout doing this, find ideas posted on this site, and on VIC, and see how they did. And then pick a basket of the ones that did badly and analyze why it didnt work. Im sure you can detect some interesting patterns there.


First, welcome!


Second, I think there are nuggets from most everybody here that in combination works well when you find out what kind of investor you are.  There are folks here that have very concentrated portfolios and others with a lot of investments, lots of leverage vs. very little leverage, LEAP exposure, etc.  All styles can work if you have the temperament and patience that comes with the ups and downs (the inevitable).


I think the board is great when people leave their ego behind the stroke of the keyboard and have an "I want to learn as much as I can" attitude, which is true probably 98%-99% of the time.  COBF is truly a great collection of very inquisitive people and although I think there are some people that routinely bring a unique perspective, I wouldn't necessarily call them the only smart members.  Good luck!


I don't post much, I think this is my first post in 8 or 9 months, I've been a member for 8+ years though and I used to be somewhat more active without the red tape.  My job doesn't allow me to post ideas or comment on specific ideas and I'm pretty much limited to investing in ETF's because getting approval for a specific equity likely takes 2-3 days depending on my boss's travel schedule.  However, I still visit the site 3-4x a day.


Shahin Khezri


I am new to CBF. Who are some of the smartest CBF members (e.g. Packer16)? I want to learn from their old posts. My apology if this topic has been done before.


Just start reading the threads. It will become quickly apparent.


You need to learn the way I did, go through all the posts from the start. I'm about half way through the general forum and I'm going to do the investment ideas.  Liberty did the same and I think we both agree that it's time well spent.


I definitely second that.


I'm just here to learn, as I'm nowhere near the level of many investors on this forum, and reading through the archives was an incredibly fruitful period of learning when I found this place a few years ago. In fact, I'm starting to think that I should do that again at some point (I think I've learned a lot since then, so I might get more out of certain things that were over my head back then, or that I had less context for).


I've also started to be more diligent about keeping an investment journal, and, among other things, I use it to collect good stuff I find (here, in 10Ks, interviews, blog posts, etc). Re-reading through that journal once in a while should also provide good insight and reinforcement.


Liberty, I was curious which discussions/threads did you find that were particularly insightful?


I am new to CBF. Who are some of the smartest CBF members (e.g. Packer16)? I want to learn from their old posts. My apology if this topic has been done before.


First tip, don't trust someone just because he is a hero member.  :)

I am new too and I asked a lot of questions, and therefore I became a hero member due to the number of posts I made.


Liberty, I was curious which discussions/threads did you find that were particularly insightful?


I couldn't tell you exactly which ones. I did this before I even registered for the forum, so it was in 2010... and at first I didn't know the posters, so everybody kind of ran together for a while until patterns and personalities emerged.


But from what I was interested in back then, I can kind of reconstruct things a bit; I came here after reading everything I could about Buffett and Berkshire, and I had heard about Fairfax because they were compared to Berkshire a lot (probably how I found the forum, Googling around). So I remember I was quite interested in all the baby-berkshires back then and read very closely everything I could find about Berkshire-Fairfax-Markel-Leucadia-Loews (I never warmed to Loews).


Berkshire/Buffett had also taught me a few things about insurance, so I was looking for good insurers (WRB, RLI, etc) and to learn more about insurance, and there are many threads about that buried around...


But apart from that, it's just kind of cumulative. You soak it all up. Best is when a thread title doesn't seem interesting, but there's a 10-page tangent about something really cool buried in there. It's like  a treasure hunt. Other times, you can just quickly skim...


I'm curious as to which board members are standouts:


- Which board member is most creative?

- Which board members are the best friends?

- Which board member has the prettiest hair?

- Which board member has the prettiest eyes?

- Which board member has the prettiest smile?

- Which board member is most athletic?

- Which board member is most likely to succeed?

- Which board member has the best physique?

- Which board member has the most board spirit?

- Which board member is most scholarly?



I'm curious as to which board members are standouts:


- Which board member is most creative?

- Which board members are the best friends?

- Which board member has the prettiest hair?

- Which board member has the prettiest eyes?

- Which board member has the prettiest smile?

- Which board member is most athletic?

- Which board member is most likely to succeed?

- Which board member has the best physique?

- Which board member has the most board spirit?

- Which board member is most scholarly?


Who's most curmudgeonly? ;)


Which board member has the longest......



I vote Palantir for "Most disturbing profile picture."


Yes can I vote Palantir change his profile pic. It has honestly tainted my perception of him, and I've never met him :)


Which board member has the longest......



I vote Palantir for "Most disturbing profile picture."


Yes can I vote Palantir change his profile pic. It has honestly tainted my perception of him, and I've never met him :)


LOL I feel the same way.


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