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Everything posted by augustabound

  1. Nice, I forgot about that one.................will I understand Security Analysis any better after reading it? ;)
  2. The ultimate James Montier resource thanks to Jae at Old School Value, http://www.scribd.com/doc/50628517/James-Montier-Collection
  3. See, all I can think of when I see her is either Meg Griffin or That 70's Show. Both really annoying.
  4. Catherine Zeta-Jones.................or Eva Mendes. ;)
  5. Catherine Zeta-Jones................that is my response. Catherine Zeta-Jones.......... :P
  6. I did the same thing. I did skip to the end where she has a value range for A and B shares. It didn't seem like anything that I haven't read before though.
  7. That's a good point. We watch these guys to see what they buy and when they seem to be sitting in cash as signs. But we don't usually talk about what they don't do as in when they're not buying.
  8. He did say he has an itchy trigger finger.
  9. I also like, "my trigger finger is itchy".
  10. Interesting that he's calling a housing turnaround in the next year or two....
  11. Yeah, last year he felt the need to cater to the BNI shareholders a bit about the BRK business, I guess. Looking forward to this year's as always. Has he confirmed that his reason for selling lately has been giving Todd Combs a clean plate to start with? Or has he not discussed it at all?
  12. I'm not sure if this answers your question. http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/
  13. Don Cherry commented on that a few weeks ago. Back in the day with those little shoulder pads we used to wear, you felt the hit when you gave it or got it. Now a days, they all feel invincible with their battle armour on and are just reckless. As a life long Oiler fan, I was pissed when Pronger demanded a trade. When I found out why he wanted a trade, I wasn't as pissed. Now that he's a big oaf and a big whiner too, I'm kind of glad he's gone. (Maybe he always was both, but I just might have had the blinders on the year or so he was in Edmonton 8) ) .......................and count me in as a Crosby hater. The constant whining drives me crazy. Compare him to Gretzky, Lemieux, Yzerman or Messier if you want, but the last thing any one of those guys is, is a whiner.
  14. I remember doing the Pepsi challenge and choosing Coke. After the fact I swore I thought I could taste the difference. It wasn't until a friend of mine told me how she knew, most people when taking a gulp of Coke, get almost immediate gas (the need to burb obviously). After she said that, I noticed when I drank Coke I had the same reaction. I'm also trying to visualize the locations of Coke coolers in relation to Pepsi coolers. My local Mac's convenience store has Coke closer to the front, Pepsi beside. I wonder if Coke pays to have their coolers in prominent locations too?
  15. It seems I missed the "independent of" part. ;D
  16. Only if you're diabetic it seems.
  17. He's taken beatings from the Yahoo gossip boards before and he takes beatings on Seeking alpha also.
  18. Watch the Farve comparison. Lou Simpson may close up shop in '11, move to another state and open up again after claiming another retirement. ;)
  19. Me too. It's amazing sometimes how little changes can see big benefits though. I had some congestion and at times if felt like my nasal passage was slightly constricted/inflamed. I needed to take deep breaths often. I got the old, "take a decongestant or sudofed" and the general, "watch your diet, specifically dairy" answers. It wasn't until I ran out of sugar one day. I had my coffee(s) and evening tea without sugar for the first time ever. After 3-4 days I was breathing normally, no need for deep breaths. And of course I only have Coke in moderation since it has, in the area of 12 teaspoons of sugar per can. :o
  20. His wife also works.
  21. Yes, those of us north of the border here may all know the name Derrick Foster. Retired at 34 with $450 000, while only having put $200 away per month for 10 years with a 2 year hiatus to travel Europe in between. ::) And then write 5 books (including the one released this past October) and reap the rewards of retirement. He was also written up a few times with Jim in Moneysense.
  22. This isn't a Buffett quote, but it runs parallel to what he preaches I think. It's from An Wang, the creator of Wang Laboratories, a pioneer in electronics. "Success is more a function of consistent common sense than it is of genius."
  23. He's been featured in Canadian Business or Moneysense magazine for a few years running in a series of articles on successful individual investors. I hadn't given him much though because I just shooed away the idea of Kswiss or Fossil being good value investments........he's obviously much smarter than I am. :) But I guess sometimes those are the companies that perform well since most just ignore them.
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