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Everything posted by augustabound

  1. Who are you calling a scrub? The post that innerscorecard linked is John Huber of Saber Capital Management. What makes him a scrub in your eyes? Edit: full disclosure, I am not John Huber.
  2. We moved from Newmarket to Bradford, Ontario (10 minutes away but sometimes it's like a whole different world...........) and we checked the public schools here as to how they're rated on the standardized testing. They were piss poor and we were nervous. The Catholic schools rated very well but public was significantly worse than the Catholic board and neighbouring public schools. My mother in law is a former teacher in Toronto and told us not to worry since some schools/boards, taylor their curriculum towards the testing. So even the stats that are supposed to tell us how well schools are compared to their peers aren't reliable. So far through JK and SK for our oldest we're pretty happy though.
  3. I believe you are correct.
  4. That's a huge part of it too. You have to learn to wait your turn and you're not the centre of attention. A big part of school is learning how to work in groups also. Interacting with the opposite sex........for better or worse. ;D
  5. Like the movie Stand By Me, "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12. Jesus, does anyone?". It's not just about being friends with the neighbourhood kids, we went to school together too. A bond you don't have with any other people, ever. I grew up with them. The social aspect of traditional school can't be taught later in life. Having a child mingle with adults and some kids isn't the same as spending time with other kids you go to school with. It's just different.
  6. Don't forget The Right House. There are some great old pics on "Vintage Hamilton" on Facebook and others great pictures here, http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showthread.php?t=151765 Actually the skyscraper forum is worldwide and has sub forums for the bigger cities. Unfortunately, when I started working downtown the days of it being a vibrant part of the city were long gone.
  7. Yeah, I turned 40 this year and recently thought about the days of my first job at Kresge's in downtown Hamilton (for those who aren't familiar, they were Kmart's bastard little brother and one of the original 5 and dime stores of the '20's). Working for the Princely sum of $5 an hour as a 16 year old. I was King of the freaken world I was. That $200 every 2 weeks was really something. After buying the latest cassette tape and a few packs of baseball cards I had plenty left over to put my $20 of gas for the 2 weeks (when I eventually bought a car at 17, my powder blue Plymouth Reliant K-car).
  8. How much is Icahn worth? Forbes says $24B.
  9. I said 99% because I am an absolute genius and in no way what so ever read your post before voting. Didn't. :P
  10. How is it an evolution when he's been saying for years that he'd prefer to buy whole businesses rather than individual securities? He's doing exactly what he said he would do.
  11. There is. Go to Profile -> Account Settings, then Modify Profile -> Buddies / Ignore List. I don't use it myself though since most of the people that I'd want to ignore still have enough good posts (perhaps too many?) that if I ignored them outright I might miss out on something that I wouldn't want to miss out on. But that being said... Happy (soon) New Year everyone! I stand corrected. Had no idea.....
  12. This looks interesting, thanks for the link. I missed that in the Saturday wsj.
  13. Why is the banner ad at the botton a Weight Watchers ad en francais? I only took adblock off CoBF the other day when Al and I joked about posting about porn but now I'm really curious to see how the ads pick up adwords. (the weight I get since it would be tagged with NY resolution) Realizing after the fact that Google would have adult content filters in place. ........damn it.
  14. I use them frequently to express myself. :P I've started putting them on estimates now. Nothing says professional more than 8) after the price. I should have used them when I built custom homes. "$300000 :o ;) :-\ " But some do for the opposite reason as your example. Make a flaming statement then end with ;) . I want to be an ass and tell you you're an idiot but let me put this winky face after it to make you think I'm joking.
  15. Saw this today. http://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/san-francisco-schools-transformed-power-meditation-n276301
  16. An article in today's Journal about best and worst investing mistakes and the Dan Loeb one made me think about the ultra concentrated discussion above. http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-best-and-worst-investments-they-ever-made-1419609594 (You can still get in through Google's back door by searching The Best (and Worst) Investments They Ever Made if you don't subscribe to wsj.com) The Jim Cramer's experience on averaging down, just below Loeb is also a good read.
  17. I love Frank Costanza but "As I rained blowed upon him" may be my favourite Frank line. ;D
  18. I'm going to start talking about porn then.......... :P
  19. Should be in the general category. ;) http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/books/books-board/
  20. Ah, the airing of grievances. The highlight of the celebration. Here's several. 1. If you're part of the seemingly every growing contingent of younger posters still living at home, please don't offer life advice. 2. For newer posters, please don't feel the need to weigh in with your views on every single thread. 3. If you post about how much angst you have with your investments and you don't know if you're investing properly, etc, please don't then 5 minutes later offer advice to someone else who asked an investing question. 4. If you're under, say, 30, please feel free to get rid of the world weary tone like you've seen and done it all. Ah the good old sarcastic holier-than-thou tone, every time I look up for the poster's name it ends up being the same guy. Do you ever contribute anything besides complaining about other people's posts? This board is free to leave if it's such a drag on your life, you know. Apparently you miss the focal point of Festivus, "The Airing of Grievances" and you sir, are a drag on Festivus. I challenge you in the Feats of Strength and Festivus isn't over until you pin me! But on a serious note, you are free to ignore posters who annoy you, I do.
  21. I did this recently with a potential career change. I'm lucky in that my wife has a great job that she loves and makes great money, which gives me the opportunity to pursue something else if I choose. I had 4 things I thought about doing and in my mind I was stuck on all 4, none seemed to stand out. The pro/con list basically shut 3 down and in a very obvious way. When I let my smarter half look it over for another perspective she came to the same conclusion. I have felt the power of the pro/con list........... :D
  22. Are you prepared to hold for 100 years? Certainly not for a 3% cagr ;D You sir are a speculator, a trader even. :P
  23. To all my fellow Seinfeld fans, Happy Festivus!
  24. Are you prepared to hold for 100 years?
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