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Everything posted by Cardboard

  1. "We don't let our extremists run all over the place starting fires and cause all sorts of trouble. Wouldn't have been nice if the right did the same thing?" Yeah and that is called super delegates. Democracy my ... Cardboard
  2. "At least when Buffett minimizes taxes it means more money for the Gates Foundation down the line" And on that one, why is Buffett allowed to make that choice while he wants all other citizens to pay higher income tax to send it directly to the government instead? Why is it that other people who cannot evade from taxation subject to send the money to a dictated charity? When Hillary says that Trump is not contributing enough to the military and other services, can't the same be said of Buffett? Cardboard
  3. What Trump does is what Trump does. But, Buffett is a total hypocrite not only in this discussion but, also when he was comparing his tax rate vs his secretary. He did not take into account payroll tax. He does not take into account that he does not get enough of a salary to truly pay for his lifestyle: who pays for the private jet? The company. And how many other perks is he getting for free and hence not needing a large salary that would be fully taxable? Cardboard
  4. While I agree that Trump should have disclosed his tax returns, this guy is right about Buffett: http://www.cnbc.com/2016/10/11/trump-doesnt-have-to-release-his-taxes-and-warren-buffett-should-zip-it-commentary.html Buffett is a master at using the system to avoid taxation and I see nothing wrong with that. However, I have a real problem with him on his hypocrisy. Condemning others when you are doing something similar is disgusting. Cardboard
  5. "There is probably more trade, economic interaction and even human movement north south across the border than East-West in Canada. It makes a lot more sense for Alberta to have a separate currency from the rest of Canada than it does for Canada to have a separate currency from the US. " I agree and disagree and the disagreement is more important IMO. Cultural, political and economical association counts. Alberta did not separate from Canada because the CAD$ did not drop as much as the oil price. There was some pain and it was "accepted". The same is true when oil is high and the CAD$ and it hurts exporters. At that time, it is Alberta and resources provinces that generate a surplus and support Quebec and others. That is what they failed to understand in Europe. People will support their brothers and sisters but, when it comes to distant relatives, the cord is cut pretty quickly. Cardboard
  6. Regarding this so called student of history, he failed miserably to identify the cause of Brexit. What about overthrowing Khadafi from power then trying the same with Assad? Didn't that cause war and mass migration, imbalance in European affairs and eventually a British population wanting more control over its borders? Then who supported an uprising and a "right" wing government in Ukraine to use his terms which has lead to Russian invasion of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine? All of this wasn't the work of Trump nor Boris Johnson. Cardboard
  7. You are exactly right Rkbabang and what about Obama who still has 3 months in office? Wasn't he the saviour when he came to power. The one who would unite us. The Hope and Change agent. Doesn't sound like a populist? The most open government ever??? Cardboard
  8. It is like this Michelle Obama who is so offended by Trump's comments on women and her poor daughters but, she won't hesitate letting Malia spend some quality time backstage with Bryson Tiller... Such a nice guy. Never used the N word or other diminishing women language... When they go low you go high. Yeah right! By the way, where are the court complaints from these 9 accusers? Cardboard
  9. Very fair point Rkbabang. I am just really tired of people who see evil in one but, not in the other because they are not in their party. The Nazis (SS) used to say that once you have killed 10, 100 does not feel so bad. Then 1,000, and on and on. So Hillary is already much further along than Trump in her insensitivity of human life. She has ordered the disposition of dictators knowing full well the consequences. But, yes he will likely order the killing of quite a few like his predecessors. Cardboard
  10. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Or light encouragement from Billy Bush. That also works." You should be really proud that the bigger evil will triumph or a corrupt individual with lack of judgment and the one obsessed with access to the nuclear codes. A war monger, provoker of Russia and China who could likely end all life on Earth. Vs the buffoon and narcissist who will likely offend a bunch of people but, not kill any. Cardboard
  11. Wasn't Obama complaining about the Russians trying interfere to "rig" the election? It is just like this forum. I have no problem saying that Trump is a narcissist and dumb ass. On the other, I have yet to see too many being able to expose Hillary for what she is: corrupt and inept in previous government jobs. Cardboard
  12. IMO, this is a very limited view of the universe. I had two sociology university teachers arguing 25 years ago about this phenomenon. One was arguing that humans would always make new discoveries which would lead to new needs, jobs, etc. And the other was making the same case that you are making or that technology would takeover all human tasks. So far, the first one has been right and I see no trend of that changing. Maybe that the balance will shift at some point but, I think it is 100+ years out. Prior to that, robots will be used only in instances where their cost is justified. And by then, what will we know? On which planets or asteroids will we have a foot on? What discoveries are going to be made which will make our current way of living seem primitive? Cardboard
  13. What you said there is a contradiction: "1) Everyone needs a guaranteed income, no matter who they are. As much as I hate overt socialism I see no other way. " "We definitely don't need populist regimes in power. They lack foresight and only care for the now. Venezuela anyone? " In other news, the Left is really happy when Wikileaks publishes unflattering news on Bush and Putin, However, don't dare to talk negatively about Hillary or her inconvenient truths: http://www.cnbc.com/2016/10/18/wikileaks-ecuador-cuts-julian-assanges-internet-access.html Cardboard
  14. "a classic diversionary tactic " LOL That can't beat your tactic of only bashing one candidate and not being able to see the evil in the other. Cardboard
  15. "The US has two choices for president." There are 4 on the ballot. Voting Libertarian would go a long way to appease the divide that you are mentioning. I don't really like the guy either but, he seems a lot less crazy than Trump and Hillary. Why is it that people have to stay aligned to their party? Cardboard
  16. "What did she do? Benghazi(No indictment) , emails (ditto),part of global elite to bring down the americans(exactly). I am really honest here , what is it that she did that is soooo threatening?" You are really dishonest. She did not get indicted because of the system while Petraeus and others were for much less. She did not accomplish anything good as Secretary of State. Everything has turned into a failure: Syria, Iraq, Libya, Iran nuclear deal, etc. And now you want to give her more responsibilities? She is corrupt. She loves power. She has provoked Russia and China. She is extremely dangerous. You can trash Trump and be 100% correct that he is far from being an example. However, to give a pass on Hillary for everything that she has done, then you can only be really dishonest. Cardboard
  17. There is so much lies and deception in what you wrote Cwericb it is hard to know where to start. Better football? 3 downs? Has to be the worst game on Earth. No strategy, constant Hail Mary passes,... Another good one: "16. We’re richer: Canada’s average household net worth of $363,000 is higher than America’s, at $320,000." Wait for the housing bubble to deflate and we will relook at the figures! So if life is so good, people so happy and the system so great, where are the innovative companies in Canada? Tech, drug makers? Wait! Nortel, Blackberry and Valeant!!! LOL Still amazing that you put forward some non-leftist truth: "There’s more: (28) Our corporate taxes are lower (PricewaterhouseCoopers ranks Canada 8th out of 185 countries for its advantageous corporate tax structure while the U.S. is 69th)." Maybe that in Canada people have realized that "punishing" corporation makes them leave or that taxing corporation only contribute to higher cost of goods for citizens as this is being passed through. Cardboard
  18. "What does that even mean.. 'Mr Left Wing'?? Is left wing supposed to be derogatory? " Does calling every accusation against her husband "A Right Wing Conspiracy" sounds derogatory to you? Or calling half of Trump supporters "Deplorables" derogatory to you? Or pointing out that Trump supporters are mostly white man with low level education derogatory to you? What about some self examination? I think that would be very much in need for many of the left wing propagandists overtaking this discussion. Sounds like a bunch of capitalist trashers while they want to enjoy every benefit that it brings. Just like Goldman Sachs and their secret talks with Hillary. Isn't the biggest insider trading scam ever about to happen? And what are the left wingers on this discussion? Sounds like the majority are Canadians. I guess they believe that they are better than their American counterparts so they are trying to export their socialist junk South. Any of them part of a union, government workers, profiting from the system in any way, shape or form? If that is the case, no wonder they are so loud about their socialist mantra since any opposition to that means a cut to their benefits. "More income equality and the rich pay more taxes!". All the while they get more than private workers and don't hesitate for a second to take advantage of all kinds of benefits such as reduced day care rate. Don't expect charity from these people! Biggest hypocrites alive. Cardboard
  19. I think she has terrible judgement in general which has led to tens of thousand of deaths in the Middle East, ISIS, a quasi war with Russia and the Iran nuclear deal. That is her accomplishment as Secretary of State. So I am really looking forward to what she can do as President... On Trump children, I am saying that we may both have been wrong (me and Hillary) regarding Donald Trump Jr. character based on what you are finding. But, I still think that we are both right on the other two. Now go pull some dirt on the other two kids to make us both wrong as you are perfect Mr. Left Wing. Cardboard
  20. "How exactly do you come to the conclusion that Trump represents fairly accurately what the Republican party wants? First, he is a protectionist, which is just about the most anti-free market position possible. Second, he has proposed fiscal policy (to the extent that one even exists) would result in massive deficits (i.e. cut taxes, increase military spending, 500B+ infrastructure spend, no cuts to entitlement spending, and ??B on the wall and other nonsense. Essentially, his budget plan is like Obama's stimulus plan on steroids. So, you are telling me that these two pretty major talking points of his campaign are in line with Republican thinking? Do you not remember the massive fights that have happened over the last 6 years over the debt ceiling? Does the Republican party all of sudden not care about the national debt? Does the Republican party all of sudden not care about entitlement reform?" I said fairly to mean generally and no, I understand that he does not fulfill the requirements of the tea party. I think that the alignment is still pretty strong to Republican policies: - Enforcing immigration laws - He says he is pro-life - Wants to grow the economy and relies on trickle down economics - Wants to review trade deals. Congress is not in favour of TPP. - Wants to cut taxes to corporation and individuals. - Wants to spend more on defense. - Wants to replace Obamacare to a private system with competition. Of course, someone can take whatever statement he made, "extremize" it and make what I am saying look like I am a fool... Cardboard
  21. "Oh, and who was it again who said Trump's kids were impressive and a credit to him? I think the Apple didn't fall too far from the tree:" I did, then Hillary at the end of the 2nd presidential debate. So you are implying that we both lack judgement? Cardboard
  22. "("Why do they stay silent?", ask Trump fans as they try to destroy the lives of the accusers)" Hillary needs only herself to destroy the lives of the accusers. I still can't believe that we have these two running. While both represent fairly accurately the policies wanted by both parties, you would have a hard time picking these two characters from 300+ millions of Americans. Cardboard
  23. I used to have a lot of respect for Buffett. A lot. I was admiring him when he talked about the low returns in the years ahead (1999), underfunded pension plans and the need to expense stock options. He also wrote a great piece when he talked against U.S. trade deficit (2004?). All of this was happening under Democrat and Republican administrations. His logic was top notch. Then a lot changed with the 2008 election and after. As an example, why is he not criticizing the U.S. trade deficit as he used to? Cardboard
  24. If Trump was smarter, he would have pointed out how Buffett and his holding company avoided a massive tax bill by allowing Gillette to merge into P&G, then to swap his P&G shares for Duracell in a tax free exchange. Try doing the latter as a regular investor. Cardboard
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