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Everything posted by Cardboard

  1. That is not good. Although, if they did fulfill their obligations as he mentioned, I think that he would honor the NATO agreement. At the same time, have you noticed that Barrack Obama did not honor America's pledge to defend Ukraine if it was attacked or a condition for them to give up their nuclear arsenal? They are not part of NATO but, the U.S. still signed on the dotted line. Have you also noticed that he did not honor his threat regarding the red line with Assad on the use of chemical weapons? Scary stuff. Actually, because of Obama's lack of backbone, we are already experiencing the "dangerous stuff" with Russia invading and threatening, China taking over a good chunk of ocean and terrorists attacking everywhere. Maybe that Hillary will be better and turn things around but, I have serious doubts. So far she has demonstrated no allegiance to anyone other than to herself. Cardboard
  2. Is she hot? Because with that kind of interest that would be a heck of a good partner! ;D Cardboard
  3. Continued oil data manipulation to keep gasoline prices down does not seem to have stopped. The EIA reported today inventories down only 2.2 million barrels last week while API reported 6.7 million barrels last night. At the same time and in the same report, they show U.S. Lower 48 States production down 38,000 barrels/day in the last week and Alaska down 156,000 barrels/day. What prevented the larger inventory drop was 808,000 barrels/day increase from last week from imports. And we see such reports: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/venezuelan-crude-exports-u-fall-151940275.html And where is the drop in inventory in the last month due to a large portion of the oil sands shutdown due to the Fort McMurray fire? Something smells here. There will be a price to pay down the road and it will be ugly. Cardboard
  4. "It is fun, though, to watch people desperately try to make an issue out of something that isn't." The left has to move the discussion away from their corrupt candidate being made clean by the FBI and "their" attorney general. Extreme carelessness vs gross negligence? You gotta to love how the rule of law is being applied here. Absolutely disgusting. Cardboard
  5. Long term U.S. treasuries appear to be a good short here. They have moved really fast to the upside now paying a very low and historically low yield. I bought a small TLT put position today. It is hard to make a convincing bet as this may go on further and maybe much further. Cardboard
  6. "I still don't understand the real impact of Brexit. Some banks say they may withdraw business from Britain, but why? If you look at Switzerland and Norwei, they are not in EU but they seem to be doing well. They have negotiated trade treaties with EU. Singapore is out of no where but still thrive as an offshore financial center. However I don't understand the economics of these countries either." Totally agree. This whole thing is an excuse to sell and blown out of proportion. People still need to eat, to have a shelter and will continue making babies! I actually believe it will be a good thing in the long run because it will force EU bureaucrats to adapt their current laws to make things work better. This should produce more jobs and make the EU more competitive. Regarding the UK, they will want to continue trading with the EU and the other side also. It is just a bunch of laws and treaties. As you mentioned, it is working for Switzerland and the EU which geographically is right into the middle of Europe. I see no real change in the supply and demand of goods within the economy of Europe. Financial market panic and guys like Soros is the problem since it creates issues for the banks when risk aversion goes up: capital reserves, loan loss ratio, etc. Regarding Soros, I can guarantee you that I won't cry when this guy is gone. Cardboard
  7. Get your dad out of there. What is next from the leftists? His life? Cardboard
  8. Great post TwoCitiesCapital. It is funny, I have heard no one saying that Trump is great, perfect and all that on this thread but, we have some individuals praising Hillary Clinton as some kind of god. In terms of ego and arrogance they are neck and neck. I don't think that I would have any fun with either of them discussing over a beer or going for a game of golf or some other activity. Both are total a-holes. However, a choice has to be made and it is right or left. And since Hillary keeps deviating to the extreme left to garner Democrat votes, we have no clue as to what she truly stands for. In other words, rest assured that she won't be a center-left president if Democrats retake the House and Senate in two years. Cardboard
  9. Very insightful post. "Hillary is one of the best candidates America has ever had." For curiosity, did you vote for Obama during the 2008 primaries? And this year, Bernie or Hillary? Cardboard
  10. "When you're looking for a manager you're looking at three qualities integrity, intelligence, and energy. The first one is the most important because if they don't have integrity you really want them to be stupid and lazy." Now, can you apply this to Hillary? Cardboard
  11. I wonder how many people have died, are refugees, are hungry or are still being mistreated because of Hillary's actions? Even the potential destruction of the EU via Brexit is likely a consequence of her actions in Libya, Syria and Iraq. And we are fixated on a business failure in Atlantic City??? But go ahead, vote for Hillary and feel like you are doing the right thing. Cardboard
  12. Or for the center-South and Southern part of the U.S. to separate. The old Mason-Dixon line is not that far off. Very different reasons this time around. Like I mentioned before, it is a pendulum between the right and the left.
  13. "If any 1st world country goes there I'll probably call it my home at some point." Looking at so many of the replies here it will never happen. So many who have had their brainwashed by the media is unreal. They even repeat the same lies without any due diligence. And the same people read thousand of pages, go on Zero Hedge, look at arguments from the shorts to decide if they should invest or not? Then the left is forcing uncontrolled immigration calling everyone wanting to look at it, a racist. This is in order to gain permanent votes and establish total control with their policies. They are almost there in the U.S. It is everywhere around the world, in all democratic countries. However, this will likely blow up in their face, literally, and they won't be able to create their 1,000 year Reich. I have asked an Arab Muslim woman not that long ago why Saudi Arabia was not accepting refugees from Syria? She mentioned that they did not want to alter their culture. Then I asked, why is the West accepting them with such large difference in culture? The answer: "We don't care about our culture." Doesn't says it all? Cardboard
  14. I would think it may help a company like Cheniere reduce its shipping time/cost to Asia vs new LNG projects on the West Coast. Any idea about time and/or cost reduction to bring a container directly to a East Coast port vs mostly using Long Beach California? This may have big implications for trucking and railroads. Cardboard
  15. Good words of wisdom Writser. I too have no intention to change any of my business and won't sell any of my holdings based on Brexit. However, I am tight for cash and margin right now, so it is not like I can easily take advantage of opportunities if they arise. That is a weapon that I don't have right now to "defend" myself against volatility. I am also away on Friday and would hate to have my day ruined because of that vote. So layering some low cost hedges, in small quantities, with the VIX still at 18 or right around the 200 day moving average does not seem such a bad idea. Market is still expensive and just saw a huge 4 month rally. I have a feeling that it is Yellen and U.S. GDP growth around 0% that could cause some issues going forward Brexit or not. And regarding this: "Jo Cox was murdered by an anti-EU extremist", it almost seems too coincidental. Leave was gaining momentum and this was certain to reverse it. One of the most likable person in parliament, brutally assassinated, in the opposition, young woman with two young kids. Could have been just a crazy guy but, not hard also to come up with a conspiracy theory. Did someone influence him? Cardboard
  16. I am thinking of buying a relatively long term (Jan 2017) put spread to protect my portfolio ahead of this event and to avoid paying too much for volatility. The SPY seems to be best based on this: Seems to me that we will get a relief rally if Brexit does not pass and a sharp selloff if it does or common thinking. However, Yellen's discussion around tightening will come back right away if it does not pass with a July rate hike and related fear ahead of time should bail my position. What do you guys think?
  17. "Right, and starting an economic war with our biggest trading partners and threatening to default on our debt will help GDP skyrocket." Repatriating trillions of dollars trapped overseas, a simpler tax code, fairer trade deals, de-regulation, applying existing laws (immigration and all others),.... it sounds like a recipe for massive GDP growth to me. There should be about 44% of Americans who will be independent voters come November. I hope that they will make the right choice to improve their own life and not be influenced by the media and useless arguments such as someone wanting to be the first women president. Cardboard
  18. "The very rich. Extremely rich! billionaire needs a 100k cash infusion by end of day." Right. And how much of her own money or around $150 million, that was earned mostly illegally by giving very high priced speeches in return for favours from various really fat cats and countries, did the Clintons spend on this campaign so far? By the way, all of this is about returning the pendulum to its center. However, since the milder solution of electing a center-right candidate in 2012 with Romney was not adopted, now the dose has to be stronger. And if it does not pass this time around either, which is a strong possibility, then the next right candidate will have a slogan that will look like: "Save America Now!" The country is barely showing positive GDP right now and debt is going up exponentially. This can't end well if it continues any longer. Something has to be done and it won't be from Hillary. So here is your morale obligation to act rationally and never let her back in the White House. Cardboard
  19. There is still no democracy in mainland China while many around them have it: Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Taiwan. While it has moved heavily towards capitalism, there are still a lot of decisions centrally managed and it is still a system where people do not chose their leaders. There is also a lot of people that move in and out and information from around the world does flow in despite restrictions. I can understand the power of force but, it is not like they have one strong "recognizable" dictator anymore. I find that odd. Cardboard
  20. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/06/16/putin-ally-backs-donald-trump-for-president.html "It was always Republicans when, in the old days, some of kind of bridges were constructed," Very intriguing and interesting statement: the Bush's, Reagan, Nixon. Cardboard
  21. Good to see that some people are still demonstrating intelligence and bravery to denounce this monster in this diversity at all costs world. Remember the guy who only wanted to learn how to fly but, not land at a flight school? 2 + 2? Hello??? Or was it another case where people were afraid to report because they could have been called racist? Cardboard
  22. "There is no denying the fact that the US has played a role in formenting Islamic extremism." It is true but, at the same time we can't get too carried away with this blame oneself attitude. It would be similar as saying that France and Germany are mostly responsible for the creation of the Nazis as a consequence of the Versailles treaty and are to be blamed for it. Everyone has a choice as to how they are going to behave today and tomorrow. The past is the past and vengeance normally solves nothing. Cardboard
  23. "(whom you refer to as an ally)" Not my ally by any means and not a real Western ally either. Like I mentioned before, they are the true largest state sponsor of terror. However, it is a great ally of your candidate Hillary Clinton who has received close to $25 million from them. How does that make her capable to make decisions that will be in the best interest of the United States? Corruption, lies, a traitor next? This is a lot worst than a guy who says controversial stuff but, at least brings to the conversation the real things that need to be addressed. Also interesting that he was discussing yesterday with the NRA about fixing issues related to the so called list. It would be refreshing to have a president who could break the back of stubborn ideologists in both parties which creates this gridlock. This means give and take. Obama has never been capable to do any. Cardboard
  24. If the Americans and the Fifth Fleet leaves the Persian Gulf tomorrow, how long before Iran tries to invade Saudi Arabia and other Gulf allies? How many deaths and refugees is that going to mean? Obama has tried appeasement with Iran, leaving town (Iraq) and not getting "too" involved in the region. Look at Syria as an example of where we did not get fully involved or Libya. Is that progress, success or the right direction long term for U.S. foreign policy? Then if you meet a Muslim originating from the Middle East, tell them the name Israel instead of Palestine and see the reaction. The problem is a lot more complex than people make it to be. You can stop all the bombing and involvement that you want from the U.S. or the West and death, war will still be raging. By the way, is the U.S. involvement responsible for terrorism in the Kashmir, Philippines, Nigeria? So yes, the West certainly has a share of responsibility for the hate that it is receiving but, that is not 100% of the story. Cardboard
  25. "Call me crazy, but you could stop lobbing bombs all over the world ... for a start." Well, I agree but, ask yourself also this question: How many people have died in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia under American bombs? How many regimes have been established, then removed in Latin America? How many Chinese and North Koreans have died during the Korean war? Now, how many from these nations are killing, detonating themselves in revenge? Finally to my knowledge, the guy who did the rampage in Orlando did not do it based on some foreign policy. He hated gays because of his beliefs and that was the motive. Cardboard
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