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Everything posted by Cardboard

  1. Same polls that have predicted his massive defeat during the election. ::) Cardboard
  2. Well, if the left leaning people out here were paying attention to other things vs just what MSNBC talks about, they would find a great deal of things around Trump that are highly related to investing. For example, he met with pharmaceutical leaders today. The conclusion? - Expect pressure on drug prices. - Expect plants and HQ to be relocated in the U.S. with lower corporate taxes and less plant related regulations. - Expect faster drug approval with a revamp of the FDA. If you hold a pharma stock or looking at one, don't you believe that this information is worth consideration in your valuation? Cardboard
  3. "Remember tho, it's obama who was "taking away our freedoms". But I guess taking away freedoms from brown people is ok doe." If that was the goal, then a lot of countries and 100's of millions are missing from the list. But as Onyx1 said keep going. You will have to endure for 8 years and you are only 12 days in!!! Cardboard
  4. "George Bush, Obama and Hillary's State Department bomb and kill thousands of Muslims with unprecedented drone strikes, destroy entire countries, slaughter people in Iraq, create starvation in Yemen, and create this entire refugee crisis to begin with, and yet I don't recall any mass protests about that . . . But now your main worry is about how a travel ban was implemented. Do you not see that perhaps your moral compass is a little askew?" +125! And this is over a 90 day ban from 7 countries that are nowhere near major trading partners! And one of these loves to kidnap lawful Americans to exchange them for some ransoms, keeps firing ballistic missiles or against U.N. resolutions, threathening U.S. ships, neighbors, etc. While undoubtedly very good people from these countries will eventually be great immigrants, I think it is perfectly rational to look at the mechanism to vet them considering where they are coming from. Sure, some people will experience some inconvenience and will see delays in their personal plans but, they shouldn't die because of it. When Obama was implementing similar restrictions no one said a word against it or raised racism concerns. This is hypocrisy on a grand scale. However, the majority of Americans are seeing through this BS. They are happy that they finally have a leader who works on promises made during an election. You may not like his plans and hiccups but, that is the reality and it is happening at a lightning speed. He does not care about the media or what they say against him. He could have taken the easy road, played 100 golf games a year like Obama and made only moves that would be popular and carefully weighted to help him win the next election. He is having none of it. My hat's off to him! Cardboard
  5. That Ccplz is able to formulate complete sentences and even paragraphs... That is a remarkable departure from most of his previous posts where he simply insulted people with a few words :o Cardboard
  6. "I find what the Us has done in electing this racist, misogynistic, classist, creepy buffoon so disgusting that I am withdrawing from all further conversation on this topic." "The very dummies that voted for Trump are the ones who are goimg to take it up the ass." Yeah you probably should go for a cold shower and halt any conversation on this topic because to use such language for about half of our Southern neighboors and many that are frequenting this website is highly inappropriate. Cardboard
  7. "For those that are unfamiliar with Canada and see it as heavily left leaning..." Your post highlights that even Alberta is heading towards heavily left leaning... Cardboard
  8. So if he enjoyed hunting he would be someone to be careful of (maybe unaware and not intelligent?) but, since he is doing amateur photography... You should read on how he made his initial fortune. Not sure that the buyer was pleased. Cardboard
  9. "Mexico wil do fine. US citizens will be the ones who cant cope with the Job losses, higher prices, and higher taxes this will cause. Mexicans know how to deal with hardship. " Seriously? This is not ancient history: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/09/mexico-gasoline-price-protest-gasolinazo Cardboard
  10. With all due respect...... Perfectly healthy! But guys like you? I would do weird experiments on them to find out what is wrong. :o Cardboard
  11. Same could or was said of Trump in the U.S. just saying... Cardboard
  12. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/01/24/oleary-leads-as-tories-gain-ground-on-liberals-new-poll-shows.html This has been flying under the radar from what I can tell on this site. Change is badly needed up here too but, the populace seems well fed so they don't care. Once housing collapses... Heck! I will run too and merge Canada with the U.S.! Cardboard
  13. From a die hard right-winger to a die hard left-winger. ;D
  14. "I don't think we are discussing with reason and intelligence anymore." Sure we are. It is just that you are hell bent about defending that regime who killed its own people. Tiananmen Square remember? Then all the Mao's attrocities and now they are gearing again to do more. Cardboard
  15. "Ironically, the majority of the people in China and Taiwan resoundingly say that they belong to one China and they should reunite one day." Yet they recently elected a president looking to push forward the independence. So much for majority and resoundingly supporting One China. ::) I also guess that my country should claim 10,000 square km in both the Atlantic and the Pacific. I could always say that the Natives had some old tradition and that they are ours. Cardboard
  16. "I think that many agree that there needs to be stronger immigration enforcement. There aren't as many who believe a wall is an effective tool. The times are also different. Clinton presided over years where there was mass net migration from Mexico. Today, there is a net negative migration from Mexico." Put barb wires and a minefield, I don't care. Just cut it off! And yes times are different. Yesterday it might have been thousands truly looking for a better life. Today it could be one or two infiltrating trying to destroy part of the country. Cardboard
  17. "What I like about Trump is where he sees a problem, he gets on it right away and tries to fix it. What makes me nervous about Trump? His judgment, temper, and ultimately whether or not he is capable of solving all these problems. But at least now the problems are being dealt with." +1 The solutions may not turn out to be optimal but, at least a genuine effort is made to solve the problems. Regarding racism, this is the dumbest and most hypocritical argument that I have ever heard. If it was a Democrat president enforcing border control, no one would utter the word racism. Now because it is a Republican, then it must be racism, ::) I am glad that he is not stopping at these arguments and keeps moving ahead. It is also funny that you read the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac thread and some of the same people who are totally opposed to changes that may be non-politically correct and that needs to be looked at, are on the other hand, totally in favour of making changes to the GSE's since it can't go on like that forever... So when it comes to your pocket book it is ok to push for change but, otherwise let's not dare go there? Cardboard
  18. The Wall is one piece, the most visible on securing America's borders. However, expect less visible further steps by Homeland Security regarding the other entrance points or the joke that many of you were passing around: sea, air, Northern border. While many of you do not seem to understand the threat of letting borders open, I should remind you that 911 happened 15 and 1/2 years ago. Undoubtedly, a lot of people have put their guard down after such amount of time. However, the ennemy hasn't and countries that certainly do not like the U.S. have acquired a large amount of fissile material in the meantime. It only takes one small canister to enter the country to kill millions and create damage that would last 100's of years. While your peace loving and empathy for poor suffering people entering the country illegally could be understandable, never lose track that there are a lot of people out there wanting to kill you, your familly and your way of living. So if Mexico is not willing to cooperate, I am 100% in favour that they bear the consequences. Cardboard
  19. Listening to many of you, kicking the can down the road and status quo is the preference. There is a discussion about immigration law ENFORCEMENT and what we hear is let's do gun control instead. So we keep endlessly talking about one thing then another then never solving anything. Then we have a country starting to invade a large piece of ocean, let's and support a dangerous maniac acquiring nukes and ICBM's and, keeps threatening Taiwan and we should not do anything about it? Then let me ask you this on the latter. If it was ok to impose sanctions on a country that invaded territory where its citizens wanted the invaders, then how is it ok not to impose sanctions on a country/regime that takes over oceans, significantly threatens world piece/survival and basically want to take back by force if necessary territory where its citizens don't want them? Cardboard
  20. Now once again 20ppy, someone has put words in my mouth since it was about the South China Sea. I will still answer your previous question: "Cardboard, I appreciate your views on investments, however, please explain to us how it is ok for a potential war between US and China?" I am not saying that it is ok but, I am a student of history and I can listen and see the actions of governments. I thought that Trump would focus mainly on trade issues with China but, that call from the Taiwanese president to Trump before his innauguration is a game changer IMO. Then the really harsh language used by Tillerson on the South China Sea. While Reagan is among other things famously remembered for telling Gorbatchev to: "Tear down that wall." I do believe that some of Trump's foreign policies will be directed at making fall the communist regime in China. Especially, if he does get in good terms with Putin and with on-going issues in North Korea, the South China Sea, Taiwan, there is enough here to put significant pressure on the regime from an international point of view. The Soviet Union and the U.S. came very close to nuclear war at a few occasions and this re-ignited arms race and pressure from Reagan still went forward. It is very likely IMO that Trump and his team will push for something somewhat similar. Cardboard
  21. Following the law or presenting a proper ID to vote is now against human rights if you are listening to the left. You would think that it is common sense in a democracy that one individual with proper citizenship gets the right to one vote. And the way to control that is through voter ID. However, these guys won't hesitate to call for recounts when the vote does not go their way. Cardboard
  22. Keep listening to artists Alekbaylee. Snoop Dog may have done it, who else??? Americans love their country and will stay right where they are. There is a division of power in the U.S. that is quite unique or that makes our parlimentary system looking like a dictatorship right now: majority rules. Trump will do a few things via executive orders but, his own party will keep a tight leash on him regarding spending, taxes and any other thing he may do. Cardboard
  23. "I call things like I see it, Cardboard. What you were advocating for would lead to very tenuous ground. For China, deliberate action to break up One China and other actions to divide the country is tantamount to war." Right and in your infinite wisdom (when you call someone deeply ignorant then I guess that makes you deeply knowledgeable) you didn't think that I had foreseen that possibility? Cardboard
  24. " Complexity and nuance exists and we should all strive to seek the other point of view just as vigorously as we sought our own." LOL. Well I don't think that you achieved that by telling me that I was deeply ignorant. Cardboard
  25. When people are coming in ILLEGALLY to hurt people, infringing on their rights, sometime killing them, how is that interpreted by Libertarian Greats? By the way, if they want to fly North and walk accross, I wish them luck. People may not know this but, the Northern border is quite secure with patrols, sophisticated detection equipment and both countries are taking this seriously. I don't get what is so hard to understand. We want people to follow the law. It is not like a new is being introduced, it is already a law. "You completely missed the guy's point." Sure I did. I did not see the Maginot Line on my cell screen. So I apologize to LC for my comment. However, I am sick and tired of this description of Trump of being some Hitler or probably explaining why I went straight for the Nazi comparison. Cardboard
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