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Everything posted by Cardboard

  1. "Cardboard I have always valued your opinions and was surprised at your support of Trump. Glad to see you were not fixed in your views." I remain highly fixed in my views that we need someone center-right and will always. As I mentioned before, Trump has good ideas and has the leadership to implement. Unfortunately, what he says and the way he expresses himself makes him an unwinnable candidate. Cardboard
  2. Some of the past comments about Rosy or that Ms. Venezuela did not bother me much, but now this level of arrogance and lack of respect is too much. He needs to resign. There is no way that he can win the election going forward. Cardboard
  3. What I find amazing about met coal is that we have all heard for a few years now as to how much glut there was mainly due to a very large number of mines that had been enlarged or started up in Australia. The price kept on dropping all the way to the $70's/ton in November until it rallied recently above $200/ton due to China production cuts. It is a crazy move when you look at that based on a small change in supply and mines that will still start in Australia. Now, imagine what would happen to the price of oil if Venezuela production slowed down dramatically due to civil war, strike or their continued inability to pay their bills? Cardboard
  4. "Additionally, I'm OK with the democratic platform. Life's been pretty good over the last 8 years. I don't foresee a change to the republican platform being that large of a shift." With the kind of growth rate that I am envisioning under current policies, you will start to find life (stock market, I assume and wealth accumulation) turning to pretty poor over the next 4 to 8 years. Trump has many issues, but someone needs to allow Americans to perform at their fullest. Regulation, excessive taxation of corporation, acceptance of mediocrity won't do the trick. Cardboard
  5. "Not like Hillary is much better. A nice Times piece today linked the Clintons to Putin's grab of uranium assets. Real great for national security." This is a 1 year old news! It was brought forward by the author of the book "Clinton Cash". Cardboard
  6. "I believe Cuban when he says he is close to bankruptcy and is desperate." Instead of believing one of the biggest a-h... in the U.S. who is proud to operate a sweat shop in Texas where people field calls for a pittance, why don't you look at the actions of banks who would be pulling the plug? Regarding the landscape, it is truly bad: A corrupt individual, a buffoon with huge ego/big mouth, a pot addict who doesn't know squat and a Green Peace lover! If you get over the representative, then you have to look at policies presented by each one to make your selection. Cardboard
  7. Seriously, how many people are there posting in these threads just following blindly whatever the Mainstream media is feeding to them? On taxes, Trump has obviously had major business trouble in the early 90's as many real estate developers. Don't you guys remember the S&L crisis and the real estate bust? He mentioned somewhere that on the way to a meeting with the banks in the early 90's that he walked past a homeless man and thought that this guy was $2 billion richer than he was. He was $2 billion in the hole! Then it is also not hard to imagine that Atlantic City and its casinos has lost a lot of its luster since the days of Boardwalk Empire with every State and County giving permits for casinos to build them everywhere. Vegas and Atlantic City used to have a "monopoly". So here I am supposed to believe that the guy is a crook because he deducted a massive loss in 1995 due to obvious business losses. Then I am supposed to believe that he never paid taxes after that while the data has never been disclosed. Then I am supposed to believe that his business is just a house of cards while it has been standing for many years (decades) with some obviously high end buildings with high occupancy. Look guys, you may want to listen to whatever leftist outlet there is but, if you are a bank and are lending money to Trump, you see the financial statements. So he has to be money good, if not the plug would have been pulled a long time ago especially when a guy lives a lavish lifestyle which attracts doubt and attention. On contractors being stiffed, you don't stay in business very long if you keep screwing people around you. You also don't stay in business very long if you don't keep a close eye on all these contractors. Maybe that he is demanding and maybe that he does not allow for delays but, there is no way that someone stays in business for years (decades) not paying due bills to anyone. No way! So you may argue that being in the casino business in Atlantic City post 90's was dumb or a lack of foresight. You may say that he took a lot of debt and risk developing real estate. You may also argue that Trump is very tough with his contractors to the point of being an ... That would be fair criticism. Beyond that, please stick with facts as you would with investments being discussed on this site. Some of you may also want to get out there and see what is really happening in the real business world and you will find out that business is a lot tougher and rougher than you think. Reading statements of public companies and seeing how business is truly done is night and day. Cardboard
  8. "He's a great divider and that's terribly dangerous." Obama is the greatest divider of all and had the opportunity to really bridge the gap in America. Why did you re-elect him in 2012? He is doing nothing but, highlighting differences due to color and race instead of helping people get over this. Trump on the other hand is a uniter. He is going to go after a very tiny percentage (terrorists, criminals) of the population to make the lives of all other better. Cardboard
  9. If you can't make the difference between 3 children (Trump's oldest obviously) who are motivated, managing billion dollar businesses, well spoken, want to do well for themselves and others, are having successful families and Buffett's 3 children who have divorced, don't seem to share at all the motivation of their father to be successful, seem lost in life, then I don't know what to say. I firmly believe that Buffett having seen how he failed as a father motivated him to preach for that give away of 50% of your wealth and be so opposed to generational transfer of wealth. Cardboard
  10. "Tim, You may have missed part of this conversation. The point I am trying to make is that there is a vast difference between someone who inadvertently finds themselves in a financial hole and simply do not have the funds to recover and a billionaire who would stiff people simply because he started a company that failed." I don't really understand your logic. Say you start a business with 4 business partners and after a few years, it goes belly up. Is it your responsibility to bail the other 4 and to back whatever liability the business has undertaken because you are wealthier than the other partners? The kind of bankruptcy that I find disgusting is where the business goes under because it paid too much dividends or contracted too much debt, then the original owner buys it under bankruptcy for pennies on the dollar since there are no other takers. Does not seem to be what Trump got involved with. Cardboard
  11. "That said, his statements on women and minorities alone should disqualify this man from even running for president." So Hillary should disqualify for calling deplorables a much larger share of the overall population? And regarding his comments, he made comments on minorities and women on specific elements of them. There are bad elements crossing the Southern border. Are they not Hispanic? He has never said that all Hispanic people are bad or tainted with the same brush. Whatever he called Rosy O'Donnell, is not applied to the entire women population. And how do you think Hillary called Monica Lewinski, Paula Jones and others? Does that apply to all women??? Like I said before he is far from being a great candidate. But, please stop generalizing every comment. Cardboard
  12. "I haven't seen a reputable poll that tracks this specifically among Hillary supporters. The NBC/Survey Monkey poll suggests that 5 - 10% of Democrats believe Barack Obama was not born in the United States. This of course is substantially lower than the percentage of Republicans that hold that belief." 5 to 10% of the superior minds believe that??? WOW! Cardboard
  13. "It's really a shame Romney or Bloomberg were not the candidates. They would have been FAR BETTER than either Clinton or Trump." If you read the political threads on this site, you will see that it doesn't matter who runs against Hillary. The Left is all about demonizing their opponents no matter what or who they are. Some here say that they would have voted for Kasich. I agree that some yes but, the majority of those who speak a lot to trash Trump would never have. They would have found dirt on him and made him the biggest evil. They did the same with Romney. You can't win with people who demonize their opponents by controlling the media a la NAZI Germany. Also another lie that NAZI's were from the right. They were socialists and racist. They love to say that Conservatives are racists which is a lie. The first President to invite a black man for dinner in the White House was Teddy Roosevelt... a Republican. The President who did the most to liberate America from slavery was Abraham Lincoln... a Republican. Cardboard
  14. If legacy is partly attributed to how your children have developed then Trump wins hands down. Cardboard
  15. Really? When something like that is going on and various metrics have always been better than at other banks, don't you believe that there are more skeletons in the closet? Cardboard
  16. Glad that we still have guys like Tim who are logical. He didn't fully say if he would vote for Trump or Clinton but, weighing both based on his judgement. I like that and respect him either way he will vote. "IMO one of the variables you forgot is that one candidate is pretty predictable, while the other isn't. I wouldn't mind it so much if I also thought he was honest, put the interests of others above his own, wasn't entangled in conflicts of interest, wasn't belligerent, etc. But unpredictable + these things gets pretty scary.." If someone is truly honest, the same applies to Hillary. I watched the debate as most. Worst that I have ever seen. Even Hillary looks like a fool and you could tell that she was steaming. She could smile at the beginning but, lost it in the end. You truly believe that she will hold her control if attacked? She has demonstrated nothing but, bad judgement in all her actions as Secretary of State. Why is she less dangerous than Trump with the nuke codes? Her husband for President? Sure. Her? No way! Cardboard
  17. LOL what a poll... I won't bother voting by the way as it is irrelevant. Don is absolutely right and make one for Johnson too! LOL Even Buffett wasn't smart enough to figure out that something truly wrong was going on at Wells Fargo: bought with both hands up to now and he is the largest shareholder. If that is not some humble pie I don't know what is? Some people of this group should also look at themselves in the mirror and decide if they are so perfect. Cardboard
  18. "...he does want to do some crazy shit that isn't very American IMO." Like enforcing laws, creating better trade agreements, protecting its citizens, developing better relations with Russia, enforcing the Constitution, striving to do better... I see :o Cardboard
  19. A guy that has a wife, children, grandchildren, a daughter married with a Jewish man, a successful businessman, mostly self-made billionaire with no history of violence is compared to: a guy who fought WW I and mentioned that it was the greatest moment of his life, tried to get to power via a failed coup, had a girlfriend who committed suicide, did rise to power while his supporters killed journalists and others opposing him and expressed all along a clear hatred for many groups. I am sorry but, you are truly delusional or a liar if you keep presenting such comparison. While the guy can't help himself from expressing every thought that comes to his mind, comparing him to Hitler is simply out of touch with reality. So if someone comes out and say that they want to enforce immigration laws already in place, they are Hitler? Sounds totally logical to me... Cardboard
  20. Only National Socialist U.S. Workers Party members can come up with shit like this... Jeffrey Gundlach predicted that Trump will be President and I would not be too quick to dismiss his predictions. Enjoy leftists! Cardboard
  21. I am not sure that I fully understand the stock reaction (ZAR) over the past couple weeks but, the return here looks enticing. PDP NAV is $1.95 and proforma corporate decline rate is still 11% or certainly in top quartile and likely top 10% in Canada. Cheapest oil stock that I follow and again with 81% liquids. The Taber property and other or non-core properties in Alberta do produce some heavy oil and it was around 27% of the corporate product mix starting the year. I am assuming that it has gone up with the sale of the Saskatchewan asset but, it is certainly not a majority of production based on the corporate presentation. Of course, there was a very large jump in the stock in late July and mid-August on the announcement, then realization that the Saskatchewan sale was done at a very good price. Could be some profit taking. The convertible still offers a very good return too IMO currently trading at $81 and maturing in June 2017. That is a yield to maturity of close to 40% or very high considering that they have $26 million in cash on hand with the only debt being this convertible or $57.5 million. They could easily borrow from their credit line what is missing to redeem in full. The credit line will likely get reset at around $45 million at the review that was due yesterday. Uncertainty on the bank review, then lack of news so far could be a reason for the pull back. Cardboard
  22. "Investor20, I'll read your whole post later. But as for your first sentence, no matter how you spin it, inconvenience, or whatever. The simple fact is that they were not soldiers period. They were civilian employees and contractors. Your statement was verifiably false and instead of accepting it you keep going on. That means there is no reasoning with you." For readers of such posts, is it any wonder anymore why a mule is symbolism of the Democratic Party? Cardboard
  23. "Trump doesn't know how to de-escalate a conflict, no matter the urgency or the sensitivity of the matter. He gets into a rage and then nothing can stop him. Look how he had mocked a disabled reporter , family of a gold star soldier, McCain ,Ryan.He handles criticism by issuing threats,escalation and vendetta. Imagine the power he will have when he is the President. I don't think a 70 yr old can change." That is a lot of propaganda. The guy was close to complete ruin in the early 90's with the real estate collapse and made it through. He manages thousands of people and has been able to delegate power to his children. Not all family businesses turn that way. He has dealt with politicians, business people and people of all walks of life for decades and has managed to create a large real estate business involved in some of the most complex areas to deal with. And now I am supposed to believe that he is a total maniac ala Kim Jong Un? I do believe that Trump has a lot of good ideas and some that are not so good. I really like the fact that he wants America to aim for high growth and to be the best while Buffett, Obama and Clinton seem pleased with 1 or 2% growth. When you aim for poor results, you end up with poor to failed results. Dreaming and aiming high is important. His biggest problem IMO is delivery of the message but, maybe that this rhetoric was needed to get him there. On that one, I am also observing a very large change in attitude since Kellyanne Conway was hired as is campaign manager: he didn't trash Clinton when she got sick but, wished her prompt recovery, he is staying on message, using more prepared speeches and writing less on Twitter. So he did change. That tells me that he is able to listen to someone and she is a woman. Cardboard
  24. "the attack in benghazi occurred during the night in north africa. in the united states, it was the afternoon." Touche! So maybe she was into her very late afternoon nap or sick at the time or something else... Bottom line is that she did not do anything to help save these people. And there was lots of warnings about potential dangers over there, the ambassador himself had asked for help. With most companies, we promote people into incompetence or said differently, we give them an assignment beyond their capabilities based on previous successful results. Please name me one important thing that Hillary did successfully as Secretary of State? How would you rate her performance? If you can't or would only give her a passing note, then why should we even risk to promote her into incompetence while she has already performed so poorly at a lower level? Cardboard
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