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Everything posted by Cardboard

  1. Ok, I think that you are getting it. However, such argument is bogus: "I am afraid he will drag us into a nuclear war." What is it to say that Clinton is less dangerous? When she gets provoked on almost anything see her reaction. Check her face. And when Bengazi happened, she would not even answer the phone at night. What if the Russians launch a surprise attack? Then you have Johnson who is so much on pot that he does not even know what is Aleppo. And these are the top 3 candidates... What is a primary for? Cardboard
  2. "Just came out and trending. This is a major scandal exposing his connections with criminals and enemies. No wonder he doesn't release his tax returns that would clearly shows payouts." "Just came out and trending. This is a major scandal exposing her connections with criminals and enemies. No wonder she doesn't release her e-mails that would clearly shows payouts." Do you get it now? Don't you realize that both candidates are bad? What else is it going to take? Cardboard
  3. The left must be about to say that she has been poisoned by the Russians. ::) For all supporters of the left out there, you definitely don't know history and as such are doomed to repeat it. All states, all empires who have embraced the left have failed. None of them has made it throughout history. And the reason is very simple: Once a few control the distribution of wealth, corruption ensues, debt mounts, there is a people rebellion or war and from there the terminal decline. On the other hand, free market capitalism has always moved forward throughout history. It is built into human genes to fight for ones own benefit and it goes beyond states and empires. It was true when people were bartering items as it is today when they exchange securities. Cardboard
  4. "My posting philosophy is to contribute only when I have something meaningful to add to the discourse or challenge people when I think that the beliefs they are stating are incorrect or ill-formed." Really??? The crap that you are posting from NY Times and other places is equivalent to Republicans saying that Hillary Clinton is sick because she has been seen coughing a few times! Cardboard
  5. Vox is a newbie with 47 posts to date and I would bet near 100% on this post or related politics topics. Not the kind of guy that helps you make money on an investment forum. I wish that Sanjeev would kick out these parasites. Cardboard
  6. A President sets priorities and vision and others execute. This is not much different than a CEO. Of course there is a lot more variable at plays but, what comes from the top goes all the way to the bottom. Cardboard
  7. I find the numbers a little odd but, here it is: PDP NAV for Killam: $1.8 million 2P NAV: $6.2 million It would indicate that this asset requires some investment to put reserves into production. Here is what is stated in the AIF: "The Killam, Bellshill Lake and Taber South properties are expected to require numerous horizontal drainage wells to optimally exploit. The McDaniel Report has booked five undeveloped Killam Glauconite horizontal locations..." In any case, looks like another great sale relative to where securities are trading at or highly accretive. Cardboard
  8. The Clintons pay their private jets via their charitable organization and bribery meetings at $5,000 a pop organized by Bill while Trump from his business. And the extreme left on this board try to make us believe that she is more honest and admirable. LOL I will tell you liberalism turned extreme left is a mental disorder. Cardboard
  9. So you give to charitable organizations based on analyst recommendations without reading the financials? How is that translating to the investment world? So you have two ways to approach a similar issue or how to deploy your money? Cardboard
  10. When politicians or other public workers accept bribes it is done in the dark. For the Clintons, they do it in the open for everyone to see and then they claim that the Foundation is doing charitable work. Yes some ::) Cardboard
  11. The libertarian platform is attractive but, only to a minority of the population or those who take responsibility for their own future. Look at the answers from a lot of posters. They prefer a government that tells them what to do, what is right, what is wrong, that gives them a cheque once in a while. They like to be slaves, not free. Cardboard
  12. Zargon's bid or demand for their debentures has mysteriously disappeared since yesterday. If one can acquire them in the low $70's, you are looking at a relatively safe 50% return potential in less than a year. They have already in cash 39% required to buy out that last piece of debt and they are still looking to sell more assets. With maturity on June 30, 2017, they have no choice but, to do something about it. IMO, the return on this one looks more secure and enticing than FTP.DB.A due in 2019. Cardboard
  13. Just like when you slammed your way through the Fairfax meeting in Toronto? How do they call these people?
  14. Oh wow! Like I had not figured myself this is ain't what she wanted to mention. Still does not explain the crowd not getting it??? Maybe that we will need sound analysts to determine exactly what she said... And when she said: "We will put a lot of coal miner out of work!" Was that misspoken as well or else? Now Elig since you are so smart can you try to rebuff the other points that I made on Buffett? Cardboard
  15. Well, I think that Eric just had enough of arguing with people who don't want to hear a thing or use logic for a second. And then he used the same words that leftists are using so commonly here. I had a girlfriend like that too with whom you could argue for an hour to explain a very simple point and after an hour you realized that you had gone nowhere. The Nazis which were socialists by the way, used the exact same methods in their ascension to power: silence the critics with whatever mean, control the media, ridicule any opposition, etc. This is exactly what the left is doing today. Even supporting the killing of law officers. Cardboard
  16. Have you seen Hillary Clinton in Omaha with Buffett sitting right behind her and yelling? "We are going to raise taxes on the middle class!" And then you see poor Buffett applauding and cheering like a fool! He is the most hypocrite tax evader alive. "Tax more the rich!" Yeah right, I am sure that he has already every tool at his disposal to avoid paying these new taxes. Have you also watched the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting this year? Have you heard directly from him that Berkshire Energy could not possibly be in the solar and wind business if it wasn't for all the subsidies? Then he turns around and refuse to pay high prices from the owners of solar panels in Nevada for their excess power. What is it? Subsidize me but, not others? Then there is the XL pipeline which has been blocked for 8 years and many more pipelines by FERC and others. I am assuming that this didn't provide any benefit to BNSF to carry more oil via railcars? There you have it Mr. Buffett. Not only are you an hypocrite on taxes and why you support these corrupt individuals but, you also have blood on your hands from 47 people who died in Lac Megantic and elsewhere from a crazy practice that you supported. Cardboard
  17. Very good article Alwaysinvert and we see it here on this forum on a daily basis: 1- One basically told Ericopoly to shut up yesterday while posting about property taxes or any tax for that matter. Should I remind people that he is one of the most intelligent and successful investor ever on this site? There is even a post in the Strategy section called: "Ask Eric!" 2- Packer was discussing calmly about Trump and Clinton and basically some folks started to say that they would put him on ignore and that he was all of a sudden an irrational man. Once again, there is a post in the Strategy section called: "Ask Packer!" 3- While I don't consider myself at all in the same category as these two, I was told to go masturbate thinking about Ayn Rand??? Now these are just some of the comments that we read here on a daily basis by the NEO Socialist NAZIS. Imagine what is out there from people who don't read and are poorly informed about our world. Cardboard
  18. ""Billionaire hedge fund manager Seth Klarman said on Wednesday he would work to get Hillary Clinton elected president of the United States because he finds recent comments by Donald Trump "shockingly unacceptable." Such a smart man and a strong defender of Israel and of Jewish people... He will do everything he can to elect Hillary Clinton so that she can continue the Obama/Clinton secretary of State policies of leading Israel to its inhalation: preventing them from bombing Iranian nuclear sites in 2014 and giving legally the bomb to Iran in a few years and that is they don't cheat. Smart, real smart... Cardboard
  19. You know what? I would have much rather have had Hillary Clinton win in 2008 than Obama. However, once he was elected, I had great hope that he would unite the country since he had charisma and was popular. I have been greatly disappointed. One of the lows, was when he had to make a point to Boehner or in the summer of 2011 and made the U.S. lose its AAA credit rating. I don't think that anyone would consider Boehner to be some extreme right guy. There were some elements in his party that had to be dealt with but, I still think that a deal should have been reached. From that point on, I knew that Obama would be all about my way or the highway and it has been true so far. He has demonstrated zero ability to negotiate or comprise. I do believe that Clinton would have been much better on that standpoint and much less divisive. However, Clinton's involvement as Secretary of State was less than stellar. I have just mentioned some of the horrible things that have happened under her watch. So if we give her a bigger job, what gives us confidence that she will succeed? Were all these mistakes entirely due to her boss or she had a fair share of responsibility? While you are mentioning that Trump is only going after this for ego, I am not sure that I agree. I do sense a genuine desire to help America but, he is talking a terrible route to get there. I would have thought that by now that he would have stopped the comedy or horror show, surrounded himself with a great team and acted more like a statesman. He is Wharton educated after all so what is it that he doesn't get? Still amazing that these are the two from a population of over 300 million! Cardboard
  20. Song: "Don't worry... Be happy." Everything is fine. We have Obama and Clinton. $400 million ransom paid to Iran as reported yesterday by WSJ. DOJ objected but, not Barrack... Knife attack in London yesterday. How many killed in Chicago last night? Cardboard
  21. Creation of ISIS following a rapid pull out of Iraq, over 300,000 people dead in Syria, invasion of Crimea and part of Ukraine by Russia following a supported uprising by the administration, civil war in Libya following the ousting of Khadafi, ambassador and Americans dead in Benghazi. Regarding her own: essentially called a liar by the FBI and also grossly negligent, lied multiple times to the American people, she was for TPP, now against, has received large sums of money from various groups and countries. Now guys like you and RB will surely state that I am insane, stupid, whatever and that Hillary and Obama have nothing to do with the above and are great. All of our actions have consequences and while I have no problem blaming Bush for a lot of the problems that we had or are seeing now, I would appreciate the left to also take their share of responsibility after 8 years of managing the business. Cardboard
  22. "+1. Some people tie themselves into pretzel trying to rationalize their vote. It would be so much easier just to admit: "I am a GOP voter. I *always* vote GOP. It doesn't matter to me who the nominee is." And leave it at that." It is interesting because I believe that many of the posters here do the exact same thing as Democrats. There is zero observation on the current situation, the last 4 or even 8 years. Everything is rosy. Buffett also fits that pattern as he was much more critical of what was going on in the past even during the Clinton years: options not being accounted for properly, pension looming disaster due to unfunded liabilities, stock market bubble in 1999 and ballooning trade deficits during Bush. There was also the same kind of artillery barrage from the left on CoBF when Romney was going against Obama. So I do believe that there are a lot of never GOP candidates on this board. Electing Romney in 2012 would have solved a lot of the current divide. America didn't. So now the choice is between two very poor candidates. Cardboard
  23. I believe there is a decent likelihood that these will be called or redeemed fairly soon. The credit line will likely be renewed at around $45 million post this sale or at the next review on September 22 from $70 million today with PDP NAV dropping from $146.5 to $93.7 million with this sale. So they could eliminate the debentures now, save on annual interest cost and still have $10 million free on the credit line. On the sale of North Dakota assets, PDP NAV would drop to $74.5 million so, the credit line should be revised to around $36 million. Depending on how much they get for these assets with $15 million being bare minimum, they would have even less to use in percentage term on their credit line to redeem them. Bottom line is that they now have flexibility on redeeming these debentures today or at maturity on June 30, 2017. I can't see them trading in the current range for very long. Cardboard
  24. "Such a development ought to alarm all Americans, even Republicans. The idea of a hostile foreign power interfering in a U.S. election is a threat to our democracy, one that Republican leaders would be condemning if they hadn’t checked their principles at the gate in exchange for tickets on the Trump Train." Lol! There was stronger interference than that by the Obama administration during the latest Israel election. And what about Hillary being in the back pocket of Saudi Arabia or the largest exporter of Islamist extremist ideology? Hostile foreign power anyone??? The U.S. interferes all around the world so don't you expect other countries to try the same? The truth of the matter is that Hillary and her servant Debbie Wasserman got caught with their pants down and that is pretty much all there is to it. Bernie's supporters should have actually been much more outraged by this super delegate system than a few e-mails talking him down. Cardboard
  25. "And calling Obama a pacifist is hard for me to understand. Maybe he hasn't been as "active" as Bush (whose invasion of Iraq may have been the largest foreign policy failure in my lifetime), but he's pushed for military intervention in Syra and Lybia and continues drone-bombing all throughout the middle East (including a wedding and a hospital operated by Doctors Without Borders)." You are correct, Obama stayed in the business of dictators removal but, was more hypocrite about it. Encouraging, supporting these Arab springs with only behind the scene involvement created a huge mess and I also believe like yourself that they were not far behind in the uprising in Kiev. Cardboard
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