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Everything posted by Cardboard

  1. "Reminds me of this." Obviously, your brain doesn't make the difference between offense and defense (wall, shield). May I recommend a few institutes to try to help you? Cardboard
  2. Right and it is more than just threatening neighbors. By calling this theirs, they are basically taking ownership of mineral rights for that entire area. An enormous area considered into international waters. Cardboard
  3. "The rest of your post just reveals a deep ignorance on geopolitics." It is actually deep understanding. Just watch and learn as to what will happen. Cardboard
  4. "Please notice he cut off the first part of the quote making the comment about Taiwan when it was about what preceded it." Thanks Tim! It is about the Oceans that I was talking about.
  5. "...the Chinese leadership today are more pragmatic than ideological and they think long-term. They know that economic growth requires more reform and more opening but they also value social stability above all else which is why they want the changes to happen gradually." Sorry but, LOL. The only reason why they are doing this is to retain their power. It is not like someday they will say: "Oh, the economic growth and reform has reached a sufficient level. We can now have free elections."... Then their continued support of North Korea. Trying to acquire a vast chunk of Ocean with force. No other nation does that. Threathening with force Taiwan if they ever wanted to become independent. The latter is actually what we need to help happen. Then the whole One China thing will collapse along with Mongolia and a few other Provinces. It will put the final touch on Mao's legacy and his Red Army. Cardboard
  6. China vs the West on freedom is night and day. They may have embraced capitalism but, without democracy, it is not a free state. Regarding freedom, there is something however that is fundamentally wrong in Western democracies: 1) Paid demonstrators and trouble makers/riot organizers. 2) Media lies that can severely hurt to all the way destroy individuals. This should be looked at and stronger laws put in place to prevent such abuse. It is part of democracy to demonstrate and have a free press but, there should be limits when it infringes on individual rights and property. Cardboard
  7. "You could be right, but I still think that if you set the bar too low, people will just aim for that. Just ask them to reach some target and they will find a way to get there. Be flexible on the means, but more rigid on the target." Why is it the government's job and their protege's (read conflict of interest) to set targets? Why don't you let the collective minds of people ask and do what they need? Do you believe that the Chinese need a "target" to know that they need to stop using coal around Beijing? "And the more you invest in pipeline and oil extraction today, the less you have to invest elsewhere,..." This is also incorrect. Capital will flow to the highest return area and as CO2 free technology get cheaper, that is where it will go. It is undeniable that oil is getting more complex and more expensive to extract (watch the price over the last 40 years) while CO2 free sources are getting cheaper. And if the oil fundamentals get tighter and with it price as I think they will, these other sources of energy will see an enormous boost in capital flow. By the way, why do you worry about pipeline owners? They are the ones making the choice to ask for and to build pipelines. It is not your responsibility nor the government's responsibility to prevent them from losing money by making a bad investment. All the government should do is to force them to put into a trust fund required funds to dismantle the whole thing once they are done with it. Cardboard
  8. No you are wrong Jeffmori7. With a more friendly business climate, innovation will thrive, start-ups will emerge and new developments will be made in CO2 free sources of energy that you cannot even think of today. As they become increasingly cost competitive, they will take a greater place in our energy mix. So instead of bureaucrats and idiots like Trudeau dictating what people should do or picking winners, it is the free market that will decide which technology wins. So for you tree hugger, I will make this 3rd prediction: 3- In 4 years, the world will be generating a lot more of its electric capacity from non-CO2 emitting sources. Cardboard
  9. I think that many of you miss the forest for the trees. I also think that a lot of the leftist money managers on this website should be highly thankful to the American people for electing Trump since otherwise they would have had a lot of explaining to do with their clients for poor returns had it not been for this late stage rally. While Trump is unable to be politically correct and will keep on making inflammatory statements, here is what the tangible actions are since he is in on Friday: 1- Monday: meets with business and union leaders to discuss job creation, producing locally, taxes, regulations. 2- Today: meets with the big 3 auto CEO's again on the same topic. NBC reports that he will push ahead with Keystone XL and Dakota pipeline. 3- .... You get the picture? I find that a whole lot better than the communist well spoken orator that we have had for 8 years. All he could do was to tell bankers that he was the only protection between them and the furious public. Then he regulated and created this no hope, no dream, moribund atmosphere. Well, maybe that I am vastly exagerating but, he certainly did not live up to my expectations of Hope and Change. I will make the two following predictions and you can laugh at me in 4 years or before if I am wrong: 1- In 4 years, the world will do more trade than ever before and by a long shot. When America is at the top of its game, then everyone has to up its game. What people perceive as a trade war will turn into a massive push for every country to be more efficient and innovative which will drive up jobs, growth and innovation. Quite different than this zero sum game being played now. 2- China will no longer be communist. If we can get rid of this regime then the Taiwan, South China Sea, Hong Kong and North Korea issues go away. I do believe that it is the strategy of this administration or to liberate the Chinese people from this evil. If you are looking for a Hitler then look to this leadership instead and these comments are exactly what Hitler used to get to power following The Crash: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/23/china-we-can-lead-world-after-crisis-in-western-democracy-capitalism.html Cardboard
  10. It is an article that highlights the problems with a government that wants to control everything. Let the pipeline companies bear the risk of their decisions and their collective actions will find the most efficient ways to ship oil to markets. It is not the job of the government to assess oil production numbers and then required shipping capacity. We have companies that are much better suited at defining what is required. Cardboard
  11. Amazing arm and precision in movement. Best QB in the NFL in my opinion. Also, has an amazing 2nd sense as to when to move out of the pocket. I still think that Dallas would have won if they had been more disciplined. Lot's of penalties. Watching Alex Smith afterwards was just night and day vs Aaron Rodgers... Cardboard
  12. While I own both the stock and the debentures, I have no idea why they felt they had to bend over so badly to get the debentureholders to sign off on this? The conversion price of $1.25 which is my main disappointment is way too low in my opinion as I was expecting something closer to $2. If you take a look at what Entrec Corporation did offer to its debentureholders, and got approved, you see right away that the terms here are too generous. Zargon was in a much better financial shape than Entrec with no other debt, currently generating positive cash flow and could easily sell more assets. If you compare with Colabor Group's debentures deal it is even worst. So this deal takes away upside from my stock but, gives it to the debentures which I was not expecting. However, overall I think it means less potential so I am not thrilled at all by this offer. Cardboard
  13. " (when it's cheap) to pump water up into the reservoir, ie fill the battery." This should be avoided. You need huge pumps, large conduits and where do you get the water from? Do you build a second reservoir downstream? Lots of lost energy in pipe friction, pump inefficiency, etc. There is a cost to all of this and when you add extra power line distance to reach renewables then a battery on site might be overall cheaper and the Chinese are testing this out on a large scale. I still think that your best "battery" is once again hydrogen. When power is not needed in the network, use the power to do electrolysis. Regarding hydro power dam, you guys are also over-simplifying. None of them has been built with the idea of running them flat out at night and down during the day (combined with solar) or only up when need be (combined with wind). Maybe mixed with the two it could work but, there is a lot of sunk cost in a power dam and the ROIC was based on average upstream water flow. If you just bleed the water out or if you don't need their power, there is a loss. Can't let these things overfill. If you want more power, quicker from them, you may need to add turbines/generators to the power plant. Not cheap either as they were designed for a certain upstream flow as I mentioned. And these require a constant inlet water speed/pressure to operate at the right RPM so you can have the correct power frequency. It is adjustable but, to a limit, so you can't move the water level in the reservoir up and down as you please. If this works right now between Norway and Denmark, I suspect that is because there is excess energy producing capacity in both countries. Cardboard
  14. http://www.chpexpress.com/ An example of what you guys are talking about. Cardboard
  15. Yeah my bad. I read that too quickly on their website and was convinced that they were shipping on DC due to the long distances. Cardboard
  16. A global grid with more countries getting access to EMP's and an unavoidable coronal mass ejection makes zero sense to me. Unless they can address that issue it seems to be a waste. Then you have geopolitics, standards, security, sharing of cost.... yuk. The beauty of the Internet is that it does not rely on any one path to stay up. This is the exact opposite. And I don't know why that article does not talk about Hydro Quebec since most if not all long distance transmission lines are DC at 735 kV since the mid 60's. I think it would make them a world leader. Cardboard
  17. Have you guys factored in battery cost for both of these? The best solution of them all is solar panel producing directly hydrogen. And from what I understand, they are only 1 chemical compound away. You would fix everything in one shot since the entire infrastructure is ready for it: cars, furnaces. And no need for polluting batteries that last only 10 years since the energy is stored in the hydrogen and its burning creates water! Cardboard
  18. As an American friend once told me, spicy for Canadians is maple syrup. :o
  19. The only center-right party in B.C. is still the B.C. Conservative Party but, it is tiny or like in Quebec where the three main parties are left. Like for most provinces in Canada, they are so far to the left that they no longer have a clue what center is. So any party talking about a balanced budget or tax cuts is a center-right party! And regarding an example, you found a great one yourself. Cardboard
  20. "Which liberal party is center-right? At the federal and provincial level they are all center-left. I would say the conservative are center-right. " LOL! RichardGibbons must be a devout reader of Karl Marx...
  21. WEQ.TO This will turn around with improved business conditions out West. Potential for asset sales is definitely there and they have a guy from the Dark Horse L.P. who now sits on the board. Cardboard
  22. Yup... BAC at $13, uncertain future, regulation, breakup of large banks vs just over $23 today and things looking up. Same fear for other players. I see your logic. And you do manage OPM? :o Cardboard
  23. And ask a lot of these same people who own a ton of financial stocks how they would like for Trump to cancel Mnuchin and to appoint instead Elizabeth Warren as Treasury Secretary? LOL! Cardboard
  24. FERC has denied today re-hearing of Veresen's LNG project in Oregon: http://www.stockwatch.com/News/Item.aspx?bid=Z-C%3aVSN-2429695&symbol=VSN&region=C With some of the most cost effective natural gas wells in North America, the Montney is uniquely positioned. Then with a project such as the one from Petronas on the B.C. coast, we could ship LNG to Japan and South Korea at a very low overall cost vs strong competitors such as Australia and Papua New Guinea. Then this: http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/09/opec-output-cuts-make-us-exports-to-asia-possible.html Can't have these VLCC's travel through the Panama Canal, can't dock in U.S. ports, have to transfer from one ship to another at sea... This is nuts! With TransMountain, Canada should ship its clean light oil to Asia (the U.S. has a lot of light oil with shale), then ship its heavy oil to Houston where refineries are best suited to refine it. With the two pipeline projects approved by Trudeau and Keystone XL possibly re-surfacing, Canada should be able to figure this out. What we need to do is to put in place some of the very best and safest shipping facilities on the West coast to do that. Cardboard
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