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Everything posted by Longnose

  1. LOL thanks for this
  2. ETH is cool. But thats about it.
  3. One that Im looking into a little right now is TOST. Dont know that id call it broken but probably just overvalued at IPO and its recovering.
  4. 100% i believe ETH (or other L1 Crypto) has a place in the future. But I wont trust it as a currency or security. It not decentralized and the big boys don't have me in mind. But it I do believe future businesses will build foundational infrastructure on blockchain/crypto tech that will give them an significant cost and speed advantage. This will likely be a slow evolution. but I expect it will happen.
  5. +1 for me. Held it. programmed on it. Made my own tokens. Made my own NFTs. All as an educational exercise. The end of the education left me saying this is really cool. I believe there is a reasonable chance companies leverage the tech in the future to find unique cost reducing and security increasing interactions. But with ETH i wont hold it as something I am hoping will go up. I still have money in the ecosystem but i just consider it locked tuition money. I continue to add to BTC.
  6. I believe there is a place for it. I dont consider it a currency. Its not decentralized. I hold a very small amount. I believe it will continue to be the forefront of smart contracts and other Web3/blockchain innovation. (first mover advantage and most developers creating things for it) IMO BTC will outperform ETH. BTC is the only one that I will hold long term and continue to accumulate.
  7. 25ish minute mark
  8. I do a similar thing with looking at 13F's. I have a list of people I look through their 13F's and say who go their bet wrong or more ideally they were just early and so on the delay i can follow it and the thesis works out for me because they were early and i got a better price. For IPO's every now and then ill use this site. https://stockanalysis.com/ipos/2024/ Then ill just filter to whats down and start throwing them in TIKR for financials and thumbing through them for ideas. I dont do this a lot but I have done it before. RBLX was one that a while after the IPO'd it crashed and I bought and made a nice little swing trade on. I still have a tracker position (super small) but haven't bought back in. They are about back to their IPO levels.
  9. IMO anyone who believes they have privacy anywhere on the internet is very naive.
  10. I have 3 and are expecting twins in July. While I would say I get utterly exhausted and there are times where I want to sell them. They are the best. The greatest investment you can make, is investing your time and attention into your children. No amount of money will make up for time and attention given to your kids. They wont remember much from the early years beyond how much are you there or not there and what is the feeling in your home. Its a shitshow figuratively and literally. But I wouldn't trade it for any amount of money.
  11. Also, his continued bet was that the world wont let the global economy fail. So the big guy will keep screwing the little guy harder and harder, expanding the wealth gap between the haves and the have nots and rates will continue to move towards 0 or lower over the long haul. Even though no one wants to believe it.
  12. Do you have a price target on them. They've been nothing but down for quite a while. But beer isnt going away. What caused todays swing do you know?
  13. I just read the trading game by gary stevenson. He made his money for his career trading currencies. The bet that he kept making after the GFC was that countries cant raise rates and that rates must remain low or the global economy will collapse. So any time a country would raise rates he would take the opposite side saying that the rates will have to come down because the global economy cant sustain it. Its been about a year since ive done any hard listening or reading in the BTC space but a lot of the bitcoin podcasts I used to listen to used to talk about this that the global economy cant sustain raised rates. So for many the BTC bet is that our current money system (global reserve currency and all other centralized currencies) is broken.
  14. Amazing! These are my kind of adventures. I want to do the kungsleden trail in sweden. How many miles/km did you go on this NZ trek?
  15. I have a personal bet with a good friend of mine. He says BTC 1M per coin by 2030. I say BTC 1M per coin by 2040. Regardless of when, I do think it will reach 1M per coin in the future.
  16. BABA
  17. Id argue exception not the rule on this one. *edit* And to circle back on the actual initial topic of the thread for small cap companies. I have held/traded a small position in an OTC stock NROM. Noble romans pizza. for several years now. That embodies a myriad of the things discussed in this thread. Management is a family. Most the money of the business goes to them or is used within the company probably to benefit the family. They've had all sorts of ups and downs in the past 3 years with variable costs of cheese. They franchise lots of locations and they have tried sit down pub styles. Employee challenges are brought up regularly if/when they hold an investor conference call. On a separate note personally I have debated many times about buying a Little Caesars Pizza franchise. Right location with a solid brand name could be very lucrative. Again having a quality manager makes or breaks the investment though.
  18. The book i mentioned "the shipping man" I read it several years ago after listening to Monish talk about an investment in some shipping company he claimed to have made a bunch of money on. I remember mohnish talking about how the shipping industry is pretty close to the commercial real estate business. Major boom and busts the product (ships and sky scraper sized commercial real estate) take year to deliver and projects only get entered into the pipe when the economics are booming. The people who are really good at the business are the ones who know how to buy and sell when the values are right. There are tons of people who get fleeced on thinking they are getting a deal and are really just the patsy in global game of poker. In the book the character makes a mentor friend who helps him navigate this and learn the rules of the shipping game early in his endeavor.
  19. BTC and MU
  20. Lots of work, lots of variable costs, crappy margins, high employee turnover. To name a few. It can work but to be hands off youll need an incredible manager. Or youre buying yourself a job.
  21. No experience buying ships. https://www.amazon.com/Shipping-Man-Matthew-McCleery/dp/0983716307 This is a fictional story but was a good inside look into how the shipping industry works. and if you chose to embark on the journey I would love to know how much it parallels this story.
  22. makes me think of this movie.
  23. +1 for this ^^ +1 for this too ^^ A lot of work and effort and some big ass maybes. But if your a masochist like me then sure keep diggin.
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