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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. Cathy is little different than most of the other finance and even value bros marketing their funds and hoping to raise AUM. They all just get mad cuz she’s better at it. I’d gander the 3/5/10 year performance record of many of her detractors is also quite poor. Best thing a half intelligent individual can do for themselves is just learn how to do it on your own. All these folks are just marketers hoping to get rich of OPM.
  2. Bought a good chunk of $190 IWM puts exp January 24. Always done well following up a monster H1 by using a portion of the gains to hedge out giving them back in H2. Its a near certainty Ill spank the Almighty 5% treasury this year.
  3. Worked with a trainer for a number of years. Half hour sessions. Lunges with 2 kettle bells. Squats with kettle bells. Pull ups. Last 10 minutes using the ARX. 2-3 times a week.
  4. Lol even if you follow these threads, it’s very easy to see how these things become all consuming and even rational folks end up taking what started as a short term thesis and letting it live on for years.
  5. Yup, it’s insane. $1.3b a year if true just shows the depths of corruption and incompetence bc that’s enough money to buy quarter acre parcels and trailer parks for each of those bums and then you’re done with the problem. Same in NY, gather them up, send them upstate and give ‘em a voucher for a mobile home or something. Then get ridiculously tight enforcing loitering and those type of laws/regulations…problem solved. No one has a right to complain because if they’re still there it’s their own fault. The politicians are elected by the people and the people of those cities don’t want these problems solved. So they’re getting what they deserve. Which is trash bag lined streets, rats and cockroaches, drugs everywhere, and violent crime…I don’t think those things rule bruh!
  6. I just want accountability with stupid, simple stuff. Like if you're taking money to build a world class public transport system, aka like those evil tyrants in China and UAE, just put a friggin price tag on it, collect that cash, and then deliver it. At least then we d have something to show for it, even if overpaying or getting ripped off. Here and especially in places like NY and Ca….we ve been hearing about all this infrastructure improvement for decades….where is it? I don’t expect an answer for drug use issues, I dont expect homelessness to be solved easily. But buildings, bridges, roads, parks, etc….it’s not hard to fix that stuff. They’ve done more in China and the UAE in the last decade than the US government has done in 50 years. They can’t even fix potholes on route 80….
  7. No matter how much money these scummy liberals take via taxes in the name of solving problems…those problems never actually seem to get solved. Weird eh?
  8. Partly yes, and partly no, IMO. You want to be clearly and cleanly long the 1% which is one area in what I own I look to thematically express. Not “anything NYC” which is a huge losing proposition due to basically an all the above list of perils ranging from government overreach to greedbags who screw minority shareholders, to criminals on the streets, even down to the Brookfields who engineer vehicles designed to leave risks with others. As you and I agree, along with pretty much 110% of my “NY Rulz bruh” friends, MSG is pretty much the apex of NYC high end entertainment and hospitality for the 1% and mega corporations. Biggest sponsor at the Garden…JPM Chase lol. Playoff tickets? 4-5 figures a game. Harry Styles or Taylor Swift tickets? 2 months salary for the average American lol. Further, the Penn Station development, which is crucial to revitalizing and improving the city…all roads go through MSG. Dolan has to get paid for that to work. And besides, Dolan is your classic NY mogul….what’s not to like about rolling wit Dolan? But outside of MSG, the investment options are pretty shitty and the real world options are all tucked into risk filled land mines because of general deterioration of the city. I mean you wanna buy a property and ABNB it knowing you’ll get sued if you discriminate against a felon or a pedo? Or likely rent to some heathen who has no respect for your property who you then charge damages to but their bank account is empty? Fuck all that.
  9. I mean you cant really operate fluidly as a business when hot dogs and ice cream displays need locks on them. Corporations still value having an NYC office, but not to the same degree they once did, especially in terms of size and grandeur. I mean its been startling, even with something is fundamentally iconic and part of what makes NYC great as MSG....just how much nonsense these politicians are putting the company through for ZERO reason! Harassment for facial identity security software. Refusing an operating permit. Refusing to pay them for land they own. Demanding the company itself pay for public things. If thats how you treat your top talent so to speak, imagine being an aspiring entrepreneur? Like why would you start a business there knowing you're getting robbed on taxes. Gonna have to go through a horrendous business permitting and approval process due to the system. Safety isnt even something they care about anymore. At the end of the day the politicians and authority figures seem to have the exact same attitude as the NY Rulz Bruh! folks...like they matter of factly state "NY is awesome" like its a mic drop and expect everyone to just agree, and bow, and jump through hoops because "NY is so great"...and more and more, from corporations, to small businesses, to just normal(non homeless) people...we are seeing them just say "nah" because the mix in other places is way more favorable when all else is factored in. When I invest, I like long and hard to disrupt tailwinds. Here you have the opposite. It probably changes again one day, thats how cycles work, and I'll be there to jump in when it does, but I gotta put food on the table and the investment case here is poor.
  10. I get that aspect. I loved it too. Missed my first job interview out of college cuz we got toasted at Webster Hall, missed the train, stumbled probably 3 dozen drinks in around the city for a few hours and had pizza for breakfast at 6 am before getting to Hoboken. But what drives wealthy young 20-30 year olds? Office jobs.
  11. My biggest concerns there are pro crime, pro tax the wealthy(their lifeblood), and just generally continuing to be horrifically anti business. All those things are getting worse, not better.
  12. End of the day, office drives NYC. When office starts recovering, then we can look at it.
  13. I mean sans the 20-30 year old crowd, and maybe the immature Peter Pan 30+ craft beer Brooklyn crowd, and then the 1% ers who own multiple homes or can at least afford to, how is Vegas, South FL, parts of Texas, Reno, Raleigh, Charlotte, Virginia, heck even Massachusetts suburbs not more attractive? I don’t know any parents who like restaurants so much that they willingly choose to place dining out as a higher priory than their kids educations. Or athletics? Like oh hey Johnny, why don’t you run down to Washington Square Park and make friends with a gangbanger and a hypodermic needle lol.
  14. For who though? My understanding is that the migration and demographic shift is not occurring in the 20-30 or 30-40 never grow uppers, but everywhere else. Who either wants to, or properly can afford to raise a family there? Sending your kid to even “decent school in NYC requires private education and that’s $50k a year. Who’s retiring there? The strength is obviously the young folks. But WFH challenges that. And outside of that? There’s not much other than trophy homes for the top 1% and then shitboxes for 25 year olds looking to fuck.
  15. I’m born and raised from the area. I’ve lived in the city. Leased an office in the city. Lived and leased office space in the suburbs of NYC as well. And spent plenty of time in other parts of the country. Its funny when I get accused of being biased by die hard “I love NY” folks who know nothing but the city. Bottom line is that it’s a shell of its former self and as a market participant, speculator, and observer, the trends are undoubtedly negative and growing. Check AIV vs CLPR charts. These high tax, pro crime, pro whatever you wanna call it states and cities have real problems brewing. That doesn’t get negated or fixed because rents are high on an island which is apparently what a lot of people point to as evidence. Although I don’t disagree there’s few better places if you are a 20 something year old high earner who doesn’t care about paying taxes, or even a hedonistic 30 something year old who refuses to grow up, but for everyone else, the luster is waning.
  16. LOL yea. Its amazing how resilient the "NEW YORK RULZ BRUH" crowd remains in defending all this. But the city is a shell of its former self and the numbers dont lie. Its just incredible that they continue to support politicians that are actively trying to make things WORSE! You know, how bout fixing your broken and gross public transportation system instead of banning gas stoves and pizza ovens...nah. That would involve "enriching" the evil owners of those properties....so........lets just free some more criminals.....
  17. This is the death spiral. https://nypost.com/2023/06/30/new-york-tax-revenue-falls-nearly-20-while-florida-texas-gain/ Who they gonna tax next? Normal people and families ain’t hanging around and putting up with all this….restaurants and 20 something year old lifestyles be damned.
  18. Another thing I find so puzzling is how obsessed so many are with fake, made up terminology like “bear market” or “bull market” and can’t bring themselves to invest unless they "figure out" which one they think we are currently in…. CNBC today…”investors believe we are in a new bull market”….Same time…”bear market rally will be short lived in July”…. So stupid backing oneself into a fabricated corner investing wise based on lazy terminology. Anyway….how dem bears doing?
  19. Ok sure but who exactly has made out here? It was uncanny, really like nothing I’ve seen before; last year, maybe in March and April, like a blade cut through the existing status quo. Every one of my contacts all in upper class neighborhoods said EXACTLY the same thing….home improvement projects, new car purchases, everything..stopped. And everyone said the same thing. They’re about to tank the economy. The great reset is happening. You think the average blue collar worker was cutting their discretionary spend down to the bones, cashing in all their stocks, and refinancing the house? Nope. They just wondered why half the jobs they booked last month cancelled and why the phones ain’t ringing off the hook anymore. This was, outside of COVID, the most obvious wealth transfer attempt scheme I’ve ever witnessed. Even down to the coordinated lying about all the impending economic doom, the housing collapse, recession being right around the corner….this whole process has been a shameful sham and an attempted inside job.
  20. I will go out on a limb and say this guy aint ready to retire if his retirement was predicated on absolute peak PHX homes prices and a 7% pullback puts him in peril. For all we know he didnt budget in realtor fees in his home sale forecast and maybe he was never ready to retire to begin with!
  21. Yea totally. I used macro for nothing other than to potentially plan to seize opportunities. Never much else. Being prepared is 90% of the battle. Its probably the only reason I held APTS to deal close(outside of taxes) which is something I never do. Or was as aggressively using PSTH as a placeholder. Its how I established buy points and shopping lists for stuff I liked in some cases, 12-15 months before they reached those prices. Just gotta have a plan. And a backup. And a backup backup. If you need more than that, everyone is usually fucked and it doesnt matter LOL.
  22. There’s that recession they all predicted. Funny reading some of the excuses.
  23. Maybe you guys are being too literal. Inflation will be just like COVID. Technically sure, it’s still hangin around. The first big shock happened. Here and there you’ll get stupid little flare ups that certain people will shit their pants over but the market will largely just shrug at. Fade the inflation story. Been preaching that since H2 last year. In 2021 we laughed at the transitory folks who were convinced it was going away any day(this was the majority of people, even here)…then in ‘22 the script flipped and all those people rushed over into the “it’s here forever” camp much like contrarian indicators do. The threads don’t lie. Story follows the same arch as COVID did almost to a T. To his credit @changegonnacomewas always in the higher for longer camp. We parted ways being on the same side of that trade summer of last year.
  24. Essentially….housing rips for several years. Then slows down for a year. Proof inflation is sinister….like come the F on.
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